04/01/2022 12:13 PM 


Imma keep this simple

Para and Up for RP's

Random Starters are fine, but I do prefer discussion first

While I will RP with anyone, Mature content will ONLY be done with females.

Shouldn't have to say this, but you only control your character, not mine.

Do not rush me. I have a life away from this site that I will ALWAYS prioritize. Messaging me asking when I will reply will cause me to deleberately take longer to reply to you.

Yes, I do have discord, no I won't add you, my discord is connected to far too much of my personal IRL information.

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Apr 26th 2023 - 12:56 AM

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Got it.

Satoshi Hiwataro


Jun 9th 2022 - 1:05 AM

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Apr 15th 2022 - 2:28 PM

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Understood hun

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