03/20/2022 10:24 PM 

Never one,without the other.
Category: Stories

The fresh morning mountain air couldn't have been better for one nicely tanned young lass who was busy resting her bountiful booty at the very top of the steepest cliff that anyone could find for miles. However the view from so high up was truly indescribable to her . If she screamed, her voice would echo for centuries through the plentiful rainbow tinted lands below.  That magical foresty maze didn't contain only lush gifts from gaia of course, but various otherworldly creatures with immense strength that she couldn't find elsewhere.

That also meant rare treasures hiding below that were just waiting to be found by an adventurer who was brave enough to tread through such dangerous lands. This maiden's plans were to do just that today!

Tenderly rubbing a palm along her stuffed tummy after devouring a breakfast fit for a king not too long ago,  Selphea rested her back against the earthy terrain with her limbs spread out. The air in of itself was addicting to the maiden, making a small smile curve along a pair of pouty black petals. She could practically fall asleep at any time up there, the tranquil vibe was stupendous. Golden orbs shut for a brief moment,  however Selphea found herself caught off guard by a rather familiar set of lips pressing against her own a few minutes later.

Heart beats quickened by the second as blood rushed up to those delicate caramel cheeks faster than the speed of light. Smiling behind it,  Selphea brought a hand up to softly touch the other's cheek, gently caressing it as their lips clashed together. Finally opening her orbs, they met with a certain adorable harpy girl's face.

"I didn't even summon you here Seralily,  but to be fair of course you can also find me anywhere in this vast universe due to the unique soul connection that we have. I thought you was at home?"

The fluffy peach feathered harpy couldn't hold back her laughter, Seralily always loved sneaking up on Selphea at the most random moments, however Selphea really had no complaints, she couldn't deny that she found it adorable. Aside from the one time when she discovered a large egg in her bed one morning, which was laid by none other than the beautiful creature before her. Pulling away from that heartfelt upside down kiss, Seralily wasted no time and dashed in front of  the bodacious vixen,  greeting her with a tight squeeze,  followed by nuzzling against her cheek ever so excitingly.

Even after finding this harpy girl, traveling with her and living with her for several months, Selphea still wasn't used to all this. Sure she had playful moments with her 4 legged creatures, yet this kind of bond felt much different. Right now though, Selphea only had one thing on her mind.

Coiling her arms around the other's waist, she held Seralily in a loving embrace, smiling more while doing so before whispering to her.

"I suppose that you really plan to keep me warm with those silky feathers as often as you can huh?"

Seralily chuckled at such a question, it brought a bright smile to those kissable pink lips of hers. Leaning up to grace Selphea's right cheek with a firm smooch, she whispered back.

"Of course, besides you're the one that found me when my entire village was burnt to a crisp and I had no one else. I had 12 sisters and I was the only one left."

Just hearing those words brought back the memories once more from the depths of her soul, Selphea never regretted being there at the right time. She then followed up with a question.

"Do you remember the promise that we made?"

Golden orbs met with vibrant emerald ones that contained a hint of blue before they both spoke in unison.

"Never one, without the other."

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