03/01/2022 05:38 PM 


Cell is the ultimate creation of Dr. Gero, designed via cell recombination using the genetics of the greatest fighters that the remote tracking device could find on Earth. The result was a "perfect warrior", possessing numerous favorable genetic traits and special abilities from Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza and King Cold.

He was one of the few Red Ribbon Androids not directly completed by Dr. Gero, instead being completed by Dr. Gero's Supercomputer in an alternate timeline. He is the main antagonist of the Imperfect Cell, Perfect Cell, and Cell Games Sagas.

As a being with several transformations, Cell's appearance varies depending on the form he is in.


In his larval form, Cell resembles a large four-legged cicada with long, V-shaped horns on its head and a face similar to that of the remote tracking device.

In his Imperfect form, Cell has transitioned to walking upright and has a humanoid shape, but retains many insectoid features from his previous form, including his horns, beak-like mouth, three-toed feet, five-fingered hands (three-fingered in the manga) and segmented armor. His eyes feature slitted pupils with no visible irises and pale pink sclera (pale blue in the manga). In this form, he has sprouted wings similar to those of a beetle, along with a long tail affixed to the middle of his back that ends with a "stinger" used to absorb other life forms.

In Semi-Perfect form, obtained after absorbing Android 17, Cell's wings disappear, and he becomes more humanoid and muscular in appearance. His horns now point upward and form a crown shape, and his face, though possessing a comically large-lipped mouth and lacking a nose, has taken the general shape of a human face. His pupils become round with pale blue irises (red in the manga) and white sclera. Cell's feet lose their toes and instead resemble shoes, though his tail remains much the same as it was in his Imperfect form.

Cell becomes fully humanoid in his Perfect form gained from absorbing Android 18, complete with a normal nose and mouth. His irises become pink (they stay red in the manga). His tail has been completely retracted, only the stinger remaining. This form is somewhat shorter and lighter than the previous one, being 7 feet in height. His wings have grown back, but he retains the shoe-like feet and upward-pointing horns from Semi-Perfect form. Purple stripes now run down each side of his face, similar to those of Frieza in his first three forms.

While Perfect, Cell can take on a Super Saiyan Third Grade and Power Stressed form, each similar to his base Perfect form but with grossly enlarged muscles and, in the Power Stressed state, greater size.

Cell also possesses a Super Perfect State, identical in appearance to his Perfect form, but with the added electrified aura of a Super Saiyan 2.

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