02/23/2022 01:33 PM 


By: Healer // 550989
The day of Pepa's wedding had been a somewhat turbulent day. On a good day, Pepa had mild bouts of anxiety which caused her magic to flare, and normally she could more or less control this. But on the day of her wedding poor Pepa was a bundle of nerves and everyone knew this due to the hurricane that had taken place at the beginning of her ceremony. Thankfully the storm hadn't lasted but it left everything wet so after the initial ceremony, all the festivities needed to now take place in the Madrigal home which hadn't been prepared.

 It was a lot of rushing around, spur of the moment planning but once the reception began everyone was enjoying themselves, even Pepa had seemed to relax some as she took to the dance floor twirling around with her new husband Félix. Bruno who had felt rather guilty for all that happened sat off to the side alone just watching everything take place. He hadn't meant to spark Pepa's fears about the wedding but he had and he was sorry. 

 It all seemed forgotten now, at least by Pepa. Alma however was still somewhat upset about how the day began. "Married during a hurricane! Everything is soaking wet! What kind of wedding is that?!" She said to her eldest daughter Julieta. Looking to her mother Julieta frowned "hush Mamá.. Pepa will hear and you will make her feel bad. I'll admit it could have started better but look at Pepa now. She's happy. Just let her enjoy it Mamá." Julieta scolded softly and smiled watching her sister and brother in law.

 Alma frowned and looked to Julieta, she didn't like when her eldest spoke up to her. Looking at Pepa and Félix as well she spoke. "It is good to see Pepa happily married. About time this family had a wedding." Julieta seemed to tense at this subject, she had had these discussions before with her mother. Silently she prayed Alma wouldn't continue but her prayers went unanswered.

 "I always thought it might be you to marry first. You've known Agustín for how long now?" Julieta hesitated "many years Mamá.." she said and frowned as Alma continued. "Sí and still no proposal? Why hasn't he asked you for your hand yet?" Alma asked, Julieta began to fidget nervously, it was a question she often asked herself. She knew Agustín could be shy and soft spoken, she only hoped that was the only reason he hadn't asked her to marry him yet.

"Perhaps it is time to look elsewhere.. if he isn't ready to commit. If he loved you he'd have asked by now." Alma said simply and that was too much for Julieta. "Excuse me Mamá.." she said and quickly rushed away from the reception taking refuge in her kitchen. Leaning against the counter she held in her tears. Alma knew how much Julieta loved Agustín. Why would she say something so awful?

All these thoughts swirled around Julieta's mind until she was snapped from her thoughts by a voice, Agustín. "Mi amor? Are you alright? I saw you rush in here." He said as he approached her. Julieta didn't turn around but spoke. "It's just.. Mamá... sometimes.. she can be such a good madre. And make me feel so much better. And then other times she's like a predator... waiting and pouncing at the weakest moment."

Agustín frowned hearing all this, just by the sound of Julieta's voice he could tell she was upset. "Julieta.." he said and turned her. Instantly he wiped the tears that had begun to fall down her cheeks. "What did she say?" He asked calmly. Agustín was upset that Alma had caused Julieta to cry but he'd never confront her about all he could do was comfort Julieta. Anything more would cause problems for her.

Julieta hesitated to tell Agustín what Alma had said. She was quiet for a few moments before he tilted her head to make her look at him. "What did she say?" He repeated causing Julieta to almost begin crying again. "She said.. you didn't love me... because you haven't asked me to marry you. And because Pepa got married first." She said, her bottom lip trembled as she held back the urge to just let herself go.

Agustín stared at Julieta for a moment before rolling his eyes and cursing quietly. "Julieta.. that isn't true at all. I've wanted to ask you for some time but-" Agustín stopped and now he seemed to hesitate, this only further worried Julieta. "But what?" She asked urgently, Agustín shook his head. "You'll think it's estúpido.." he said, Julieta shaking her head. "I won't!"

Finally looking to her Agustín gave a small grin. "Félix and I.. we had a little bet and I lost it and whoever won.. got to ask their girl to marry them first. I was planning to ask you after all the wedding things were over." Juliet looked to Agustín before breaking out into laughter and hugging him tightly. "Ay Agustín! I love you so much.." she said and shook her head. "I'm sorry I got so upset.. just... Mamá got in my head-" Agustín shushed Julieta and gave her a gentle kiss. "We all know how she can be. But I promise.. very soon... you will get your proposal."

Shaking her head Julieta took his hand and smiled "come on. Let's get back to the fiesta.. you owe me a dance." She said. Smiling Agustín allowed Julieta to pull him along back to the wedding reception. Julieta didn't speak to Alma the rest of the evening. There wasn't any point to. She wasn't going to allow this day to be ruined any longer. She was going to celebrate with her sister and have fun.

"What did she say?"

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