01/30/2022 09:59 PM 

~The RULES!~

1. YOU ADD YOU TALK. It's a simple thing. It's just in here so I know I'm not another number in your list. You know who you are.

2. I get busy and might duck out for a day or two. However, I will get responses out in the order they were received, and post updates If I won't be able to respond for a while. That said, please don't leave me hanging. Tell me if you'll be gone for a while. Otherwise if it's been a couple of weeks since your last reply, I'll just assume the RP was abandoned, and remove you.

3. DON'T SEND ME RANDOM STARTERS, that's an instant unfriend/block. Simple as that.
Don't control my character either. Or else you're going to Brazil.

4. LITERACY IS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. No one liners either, thank you. 3rd person and literacy is a must, although I can understand if English isn't your first language.

5. In case we have some... Other, less PG types of role-play, you need to be over the age of 18. That's not up for debate. We would also need a basic plot, and buildup/chemistry at that. If there's none of that? Then it ain't happening.

6. To roleplay, there must be plot discussion. Seriously, DON'T MAKE ME DO EVERYTHING. My back hurts from carrying so many roleplays. I'm tired, boss.

7. I ONLY PLAY AS THE CHARACTER IN MY PROFILE. It's amazing I even have to make this a rule, seriously. I only have one character, it's not that hard to figure this out. Geez.

More will be added as time goes on. Ain't got many rules in my mind.

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