05/26/2021 05:14 PM 

Journey Into the Unknown


An Unexpected Request
For roughly the entire day, a steady downpour drowned out all other ambience throughout the countryside. Creaking wooden wheels and clopping of horse hooves were the only other source of ambience except for the irregular crackle of thunder. A sturdy fabric overhead sheltered the passenger and driver of the carriage, as it continued onward. It was rare for the Adventurer's Guild to supply such transportation. Normally most accepted tasks were to be carried out by an adventurer's own means of travel — usually by foot.

"It's not everyday the guild seeks me out personally and provides the transportation. So forgive my intrusion, I must ask, what is so special about this village we are headed to? Besides, well you know, the whole people going missing part or scattered body parts being found situation." Both arms were kept crossed against her bossom to prevent any wandering eyes, as the carriage continued to traverse on the bumpy stretch of terrain they were currently on. This man worked for the guild, however, she personally did not know him; it was best to keep things as formal as possible. The last thing she needed was a perverse comment from her only means of transportation; she'd smack the stupid out of him if need be, and walk the rest of the way.

Keeping focus on the road and his control of the horses, the man nodded his head. "Fine observation lass. You are correct this is no ordinary village. It is one of the premier suppliers of jewlery for the Principality and most of Hendon Myre. We're currently a little short-handed, so Karakas suggested you were the right dragon lady for the job. Kinda curious though, what kind of Shaman travels without her staff or beads? Not that I'm an expert of exorcisms, just seems like you have your work cut out for you. Don't wanna make it any harder for yerself, ya know?"

With one eye twitching so repeatedly, it almost gave the impression the Blazing Flower was performing morse code. "Dragon lady...? I, I...." That boiling temper of hers wanted to burst out. Did Karakas really just send her to go get rid of some spirits because he was short-handed and thought her fit because she could conjure a dragon?! Did these mainland Aradians even know the difference between the Nen she commanded and a Shaman's spiritual energy?! Both palms of her hands repeatedily rubbed her face out of frustration. Jin was off doing whatever it was a male Nen Master needed to do after becoming a Radiant Lion. And here she was, riding off into a f***ing nightmare with only herself and her Nen to dispel angered spirits. If only she went with her gut, declined this offer, and awaited his return. There were other means of recouping their finances after weeks of unpaid travel in Mirror Arad.

Deciding to change the topic, the driver glanced at her for a second. "Fine lass such as you has to have a prince charming. Does he work in the guild as well? Wonder if I've seen 'em before."

Glancing back at the man, Lunmei thought for a second. Question seemed innocent enough. Maybe. So many conversations started similarly innocent only to go south very quickly. Already feeling her mood sour, she decided to lighten things up a bit while also letting this man know he wouldn't want to piss off her or the man she loved.

"Indeed he does," she started with a peppy smirk. "Do you recall when the Moonlight Tavern needed to renovate for a week after Suju New Year?" Pausing she awaited to see if he recalled said incident. Upon seeing him nod, she continued. "He was the one that left the Back Alley king riddled in stitches and multiple concusions." Not one to brag about her own accolades, Lunmei left out the part where she joined in when Law's girlfriend, a female Brawler, was left with almost similar injuries.

Eyes temporary widened before he let out an impressed whistle. "That was the two of you? It looked like a Berserker went on a damn rampage in there. S'ppose what you'd except when people from Suju get in a bar fight." A split second later he realized this might come off offensive. "What I mean, your lot are tough as f***in' nails. Can't believe your man was resilient enough to shrug off Law's dirty barrel special."

Chuckling a bit, Lunmei waved a hand of dismal. "No offense taken, though I appreciate the effort. Most Aradians who speak actual obscenities never have the mind to correct themselves." Holding index and middle fingers to her lips, the Blazing Flower fought the urge to burst into laughter. Instead, she nodded with a snarky countenace. "Jin was far too pissed and full of adrenaline, hurling a barrel that smelled like sh*t and rotten eggs only pissed him off more. He payed for it afterward though. Couldn't see straight for a week and smelled like death and an outhouse had a lovechild."


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