11/29/2020 08:50 PM 

Zaine's Character Study/Prompts

In-Depth Character Study:

Full Name: Zaine Kitt Blake 
Nicknames: N/a. Little Prince — from mum. 
Some Given: Daddy Z, Z, Trash panda. 
Date of Birth: December 8th. 
Age: Twenty-four. Tho he looks younger due to his features.
Gender: Ani(male)
Species: Human. 
Place of birth: London. 
Has Lived: Big cities such as New York, Los Angeles.
Occupation: Artist. Owns an art gallery. Murderer. 
Parent’s Names/Background/Occupation: 
Mum: Eloine Dupain —  radiant beam of light, professional dancer. Deceased. 
Pops: Alistaire Blake — Deadbeat. Underground black market boss. Criminal activity oriented. Monster, pure evil.
Siblings: Older brother —Blaize Blake. Younger sister - Kimii Blake. 
Relationship with Family: Was very close to his mother. 
Rivalry with his older brother/Both struggling with where they are going in life.
Extremely close with his little sister — but his past limits his control with his siblings.
Father: Intense. Dark. Grim. 
Children: Oof. Kimii is the only one he tolerates. Children are his soft spot, but he doesn’t like to appear soft. 

Height: Tall. 
Weight/Build: He appears slim, but he’s very toned. Few abs from working out, lugging dead bodies is a bit hard work, no? Fit. 
Distinguishing Features: He has a small white scar underneath his right eye.
Behind his ears are criss-cross scars from an altercation. 
Hair Color: Black on the bottom, pale blue bangs/on top.  
Hair Style: More shaved/shorter on the bottom. Unruly, messy curls on the top. Always in his eyes or all over the place.
Eye Color: A blue so light they’d chill your soul. 

Gruff. Laid back. Messy(that just rolled out of bed style)
Although when he cleans up, he gets very professional and neat. 
Style/Outfits: ^^ Casual. Business casual. Rolled up sleeves. Sometimes paint stained. 
Typical shoes: Sneakers, steel-toed boots. Scuffed. 
Glasses/Contacts: Contacts at night. Glasses when he’s creating art/at home.
Tattoos/Piercings: Cherry blossom/exotic flowers on his arms. Pale trail of flowers on his neck. Others hidden under his clothes. Ears pierced. Tongue pierced tho he doesn’t wear that much. 
Voice/Tone: Soft. Very smooth and rich. 
Style of Speech: Sometimes of his age-group, other times very eloquent. 
Accent: British. 
Unique mannerisms/Physical habits: Taps his fingers on his thigh. Chews on a finger when irritated. 
Left/Right Handed: Ambidextrous. 
Writing Style: Very slanted, sometimes heading to a cursive approach. Neat. His mother taught him very carefully.
Work Out/Exercise: Yes. 

IQ: Believed to be very high. His mind is always calculating. 
Self Esteem: High. Tho he tries not to come off that way. Sometimes.
Known Languages: French. English. 
Zodiac: Sagittarius; 
Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor
Weaknesses: Promises more than can deliver, very impatient, will say anything no matter how undiplomatic
Sagittarius likes: Freedom, travel, philosophy, being outdoors
Sagittarius dislikes: Clingy people, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, details
^^ some aspects are so accurate. Lul. 
Gifts/Talents: Artistically inclined. Plays piano. Bakes. Can pack a heavy punch.
Pet Peeves: Entilted snobs/ People who treat others like garbage, or as tho they are beneath them/People who laugh like a hyena
How to deal with stress: Art/Music. He gets so enraptured in something he loses all thought. 
Optimist/Pessimist: Pretty pessimistic. 
Extrovert/Introvert: Both. Mainly introverted. 
Leader/Follower: Leads. 
Emotional Decision Making: Sometimes. 
Cautious/Daring: Both. Mostly daring. 
Thinker/Action Taker: Both. 
Organized/Messy: Depends on the situation. 
Worrier/Carefree: Carefree. 

Current Marital Status/Relationship/Sexual: Single. Not interested. 
Sexual Orientation: Bi. 
He leans more to men. 
He doesn’t jump into something, someone has to really get him to feel to be able to turn off his mind. 
Past Relationships/Sexual Partners: Varies. Often flings. 
“Type”: Can match his wit/repartee. Isn’t pushy/clingy. Can accept his lifestyle. 
Reasons for Breaking up/Being Broken up With: His job. His attitude/lean views.
One Night Stands: Yes. 
Sexual Experience: So so. 
Fetishes/Kinks: Wouldn’t you like to know? 
Love/Lust: Lust in the past. Love isn’t really something he’s stumbled upon. 
Ever Been in Love: No. 
Fall in Love Easily: No. 
Take Relationships Seriously: If he finds a person who can both challenge him and make him weak. 
Soul Mates: There’s someone out there for everyone. 
PDA: Depends. 

Social Habits: Avoids groups at all costs — except for his art galleries. Prefers to be alone. 
Trust Easily: Again, depends on the person. 
How Often Sees Family: Not enough to those he actual wants to see. 
Good at Keeping in Touch: Depends on the person. 
Most Comfortable Around: Himself. 
Worst Enemy: His father. 
Most Important: Was his mother. Now his sister. 
Argue/Avoid Conflict: Avoids if possible otherwise he uses his fists. 

Education: College degree.
Profession: Crime. Artsy. 
Jobs: Art Gallery Owner.
Artists/Sketcher. Good with paint/his hands. 
Used to do a lot of restaurant/office work (how he’s able to do background checks on clients)
Passions: People-Watching/ Sketching/Drawing / Late night escapades/ Hot coffee / Steamy showers / Things that require use of his hands / Baking / Punching / Creating
Salary: High. 

Fears: Losing every sliver of his humanity.
Losing his kid sister. 
Losing himself.
Biggest regrets: Not being able to save his mother. 

Hobbies: Art. Reading. Cooking/Baking. 
Indoors/Outdoors: Normally indoors. Better for his pieces. 
Favorite Colors: Blue/Blood red. 
Favorite/Least Favorite Foods: Chicken / Peas.
Coffee or Tea: Prefers coffee.
Cruncy/Smooth Peanut Butter: Smooth. 
Music: Yes. 
Favorite Weather: Autumn/Winter. 
Traveling: If he must. 

Thoughts: Everyone has their poison. 
Smokes: Yes — cigarettes/occasionally gets high to sleep.
First Started: Young.
Drinks: Occasionally. 
Type Preferred: Beer. 
Addictions: Ofc. 

Sleeping Habits: Stays up extremely late, Gets up extremely early.
Sleeps on his side. 
Typical Saturday Night: Depends on if there is an art showing. If not he holes up in his art studio. 
Most Used Phrase: F***. Idiot.
Home Appearance: Very neat/organized. Sparse except for all of his personal art pieces/collections. 
Type of Car: Pefers to walk/Has a motorcycle in his back garage. 
Pets: Bearded dragon. 
Word to Describe: Hot mess. 
Fridge/Medicine Cabinet/Nightstand: Sparse/Filled/Condoms.
Can Cook: Yes. Prefers to bake. 
Home Life: Lives alone. 

24 Hours to Live/3 Things They’d Do: 

  1. Find and eradicate his father.
  2. Travel back to London to visit his mother’s grave.
  3. Put his sister in his custody.
Choice of Death: Fast. 
Choice of Super Power: Something to ease worries. 
If Outnumbered in a Fight: Would stand ground. 
If Loft/Gallery Burned Down What Would Be Taken: Photographs of his mother&sister. 

These are just a few things.
To help better understand this messy fucc.
If you’d like to know more, sure that could be arranged. 

And since you may be glimpsing this and wanna write;
   --- Prompts ---
- Late Night Escapade
- Stars
- Blood Stained
- Catch Me if You Can
- Sketch Me
- Downpour 
** I'm always down to discuss**

Discord: Z̷a̷i̷n̷e̷#5398

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