
01/28/2020 02:52 PM 

Unfair Site that is Aniroleplay

Okay lemme get this straight,

Recently I have been browsing list of new member section, and there was moment it gave me inspiration to draw artwork of my character and that is not bad thing. I am a MD in real life and my life can be stressful sometime but whenever I have time to spare, I usually spend it for playing game, writing and drawing, those are my passion, and I admit, the theme of my artwork is mostly related to sexiness, I even have to censor some of my artwork on deviantart for sake of protecting children. More often than not I ask someone's who has years of experience criticizing artwork whether an artwok is considered as "safe" for public view.
It brought to my attention that one of my artwork that is considered as borderline "sexual content" and the admin/mod whoever the culprit is, has been deleting over and over, and honestly I can accept that... this is not my site and I am not making rules here.

BUT one thing that I CAN NOT tolerate is being treated unfairly especially regarding my artwork.
Because I always compare one of my artwork which I considered as masterpiece, has been deleted while there are lots of OTHER people out there who are using more 'revealing' picture, whether its stolen or plagiarize or used without permission, I don't f***ing care honestly.. still they get the pass, but NOT my artwork
whenever I upload this particular artwork, it got deleted almost instantaneously as if the admin is setting auto-delete feature for whatever f***ing reason, and not gonna like, it is really d*ck move.
Because they are like keeping those other picture which are in my point of view showing more NSFW element compared to my artwork.
I might sound paranoid but I am starting to get the feeling that the admin/mod is just giving my artwork a middle finger while for other NSFW they're probably like "yeah those look okay just let them using those.. its okay for children to see"(do children actually roleplay btw? I don't f***ing know, I don't care either)
Anyway, it's kinda hard to describe the artwork but I am just going to show my artwork which they keep deleting and the other artwork for comparison that they allow to set as default picture.
Maybe I am missing something but if that is the case feel free to let me know, as an artist I do know it well that criticism is part of tough love so I am used to it, just please keep it rational and civilized. Honestly I have no intention of sending email to this site customer service or whatever because I know that they are just going to reply with premade PR automatic message, there won't be any interaction, they won't care, unless its email from premium member I guess.

This is my artwork:

This is the other artwork with similar design:

Let me illiterate that as resort to exclude any possibility that there is someone on my friend who constantly report my artwork for whatever reason... I deleted most of my friend.. I felt bad doing that but I needed to test it out myself, if any of you out there reading my blog... I am sorry.

Keep in mind that the artwork of mine... its NOT something I searched on google and download it for my personal faceclaim or gain, it IS my artwork, I drew it from blank paper based on the OC I created on God Eater 3 game(just look it up on google, its age 10+ game), although I did take the inspiration of pose and costume on certain person artwork, but I drew that one myself. It's really depressing when someone just deleted it for no reason at all so perhaps there is someone out there who can fill my life with a bit more clarity of why the admin/mod is doing this, I'd appreciate it.

The funny thing is the admin/mods of this site would rather be deleting my picture instead of dealing with troll, hate profile, harassment, plagiarism, and racism, if I were someone who needs to decide what religion I should have for my life I would avoid christianity or catholic just because this site taught me about things they would allow or disallow reflected by their current behaviour.

In case some of you reading this thinking something like: "your artwork is self-made, fanfiction, it doesnt even have any relevance with the original game!"
Responding to that... I've got nothing... because obviously this site has clearly stated about site FOR CREATIVITY, if you want to justify it just because it is my creativity well guess what... the admin also deleted this gif I made based on my gameplay I record MYSELF... go figures..

Lastly, I dont wanna get accused for stealing or framing but here is the list of profile that uses the picture I displayed as comparison (some of those were deleted but at least I got the record)

left to right, top to bottom

-profile unavailable
-profile unavailable


If there is anyone interested in rping with me, Ill be leaving this site for... I dont know.. while... forever, depending how the things turn out later, personally I would give less of sh*t from site that deleted everything upload, Ill leave the link to my other social media if there is actually someone willing to write with me, I am para-novella rper. and I like rping for passion as much as I like to draw or playing game, and I am off on journey to find better site where I can do roleplay and show my creativity at same time..so that's that.

Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟ Pʀᴏғɪʟᴇ

Cʜᴀᴛᴀɴɢᴏ Pʀᴏғɪʟᴇ

Dᴇᴠɪᴀɴᴛ Aʀᴛ

Gʀᴏᴜᴘ Cʜᴀᴛ

Steam Profile

Youtube Channel
Shiolia Leo Channel

Shiolia Twitch - I have no video there because I only stream online, so feel free to ask if you are curious about certain game such as God Eater 3

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