
11/16/2019 05:44 PM 

Roleplay Regulation

Before I get to the boring stuff, allow me to point out that I am NOT an expert in rping.. I wish I could but only if I was given chance to experience lots of rp which is unlikely to happen considering how hard it is to find decent rp partner who is not oriented on merely sexual stuff...
Nevertheless, I am going to explain how I usually express myself through RP.
  1. Draw a bold line between ooc and ic talk
  2. Personally I have no objection  on how others indicate ooc talk; using symbols, word in bracket, double slashes, whatever really. HOWEVER, recently I have found people sending message with OOC indicator but talking as if they are the character itself... I'd say it is a dumb thing to do.
    Naturally if I am going to send greeting, I would talk in OOC and introduce my character from my irl perspective. It goes like this:

    ~OOC(this is my indicator)
    How do you do? Thanks for accepting my friend request, Shiolia is my character's name and she is an OC of newly released game, God Eater 3, looking forward to good rp with you!

    That's how I would expect people to write ooc, just to make things clear. Imagine if everyone is talking ooc as in they are talking in character, it would be like..

    Hey there, nice to meet you, my name is Shiolia, I am a member of elite team of anti-Aragami force known as God Eaters, looking forward to good rp!

    Is it just me or it sounded confusing as f***? You'll be the judge

  6. Action and Reaction
  7. When it comes to character behaviour, other should NOT decide the outcome without my character consent, especially when it comes to sparring rp. Just because one is rping as an OP character, that is not going make things predetermined, for example:

    Shiolia launched roundhouse kick aiming to his head, upon the impact it would potentially cause crack on the skull, and rendered him unconscious

    That means, my partner could possible dodge by crouching or swaying his head backward. Rper might freely write as many possible outcome without hampering other to make the next move.. like this:

    Shiolia launched roundhouse kick aiming to his head, it cracked his skull and he was sent flying then crashing on the wall

    This kind of thing is a really pet-peeved of mine so try not doing that, otherwise I might lose enthusiasm and stop replying.

  11. Description instead of Mind reading
  12. Let me get this straight.. my character is not capable of reading other's mind! I don't wish to read paragraphs containing about how other character think about certain things because it will not get delivered on the rp itself and I doubt it will contribute to the story progression. Just because it is literate rp that does not mean that there is not much to explain, instead of writing about their own idea or opinion, I would rather read description about their current environment. Here is one example:

    Shiolia stared at Hugo, her eyes were sparkling with hope, deep down she just wanted to make him happy, she would do anything to protect him in battle

    How am I supposed to imagine the situation again? Riddle me that.. compare it to this:

    Shiolia darted back at Hugo, her eyes hardly blinked, as if those were entirely focused on him. Her cheeks noticably flushed with deep rosy blush.

    So yeah.. which one looks more like proper rp reply? It's not me to answer.

  16. Mary Sue.. okay, Godmode.. GTFO!
  17. This topic might sound ironic because... well my character belongs to game with title God Eater 3. Regardless I am banning ALL character from MC or DC universe from RPing with my character because those verse are extremely bullsh*t, you can make any thousand digits of number for any theory about their strength and stuff but those characters are not definitely a roleplay material.
    Take superman for example.. what kind of rp are you gonna do with that character again? Riddle me that, are you gonna do sparring rp with it? The character that is OP like bullsh*t? you can only do slice of life rp with that character at best! Maybe I am being skeptical but I welcome them to try, if it ends up in boring situation that will only prove that my opinion is correct.

  21. Multicharacter roleplay vs. multiverse roleplay
  22. Okay Real talk here, I seriously dont know the difference between these two terms, obviously there should be a reason why those two words exist but I know certain person who harshly lumped those terms as one and the same... I gotta be honest, I consider my character as multiverse and yes she has different appearance and and graphic on certain verses for sake of immersiveness but she is still the same character, Shiolia, it's not like I am rping as different characters, I believe it's same method as crossover only I am using different graphic, and I believe my partner will appreciate it more if I am using the character that is closely related or graphical-wise to theirs. I really need someone to fill me with clarity on this subject because really.. I am confused.

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