02/10/2019 03:51 PM 

Personal Traits

Personal Traits
Sakai clan|Ayato Sakai


[As a disclaimer this is different from the abilities section. In this, I will give an overview of what makes Ayato Sakai special outside of combat. So that includes things such as cooking or education with a few added bonuses. Enjoy.]

Flesh&Blood: While he may seem to be forged from steel, and granite the creature known as Tengu amongst the masses is actually a still a mortal at heart. Be it sword, spear, or bullet he can fall just as the next person can. He'll bleed when cut. Scream when shot, or simply wade into an eternal slumber if suffocated. However that doesn't mean it is easy, so the rest is up to you.

Meat Dependency: While humans can eat grains, and vegetables they don't exactly need meat to survive. It is different for Ayato as he has required a self-created dependency upon raw meat, bones, and the flesh of humans. Without it, his body will regress, and send him into shock by slowly causing him to age until he appears to be little more than an old man. This transformation is temporary and will revert if he has meat once more. However, it should be duly noted that his hunger is beyond that of any man, or beast in this state.

Feral Nature: By instinct alone you consider Ayato to be more beast than man. Of course, he didn't always start out this way, but his more demented half has long since taken over causing him to often behave like an animal. At these times he will know no reason and assault those around him without any care for a friend or foe. Opposed to people he'll flee to areas that have been less populated by humans, simply hunt those that approach him until a blood bath is left in his wake.

Shapeshifting: While rare Ayato has been known to take on the form of a woman ever so briefly. While in other times he has used this ability a bit more horrifically. Usually, he does so by ripping the faces off of still-living victims and absorbing them into his own. Thus he can shift faces at any given time without the need to change his entire body. It is his most well-known, and well-hidden ace.

Ninja&Yokai Slaying Skills: This rather self-explained as it is just the accumulated knowledge from both fields he is proficient in. This covers various topics such as knowledge of Yokai, and the methods most effective when hunting them. Or basic, and advanced jutsu formula that can be used to do a wide variety of traps set up across open battlefields or in stealth operations.

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