02/10/2019 03:17 PM 


Sakai clan|Ayato Sakai

Ire Release: Ire is an elemental substance that would resemble molten lava at its core, but is actually ink. A potent ink that blends shadow, and rotten flesh into one. It is easily manipulated and responds to commands by telepathy alone. Ayato calls upon it easily through the use of telepathy, but when called upon he himself is in danger of being consumed. For this is the power of a calamity that he has summoned. An all-consuming force that is hungry for power that reaches beyond the stars. It can be molded into any form, and unlike other substances, it is one with those that control it. Taking blood for itself. Replacing all flesh. The Ire can be harder than steel, or softer than snow. It all is dictated by will alone. A single touch can melt bones, and sear flesh. Beasts and men that consume it are corrupted by its influence. Forced into its thrall, and placed into a state beyond life&death. They become 'bound'. Beings similar to the familiar of a vampire, but stripped of free will. Thrown into a collective of minds while keeping a body that is no longer their own. 

Susano'o:  While Ayato Sakai can indeed access this ability he rarely has any control of it. Being an implanted ability he is only able to manifest one that appears decrepit or decayed to the point of resembling a rotting corpse.  Though he only hosts enough chakra to hold it for a few minutes at best.

Calamity Core: This is the core of being and existence within Ayato. It is melded by faith(chakra) and further changed by how others view his myth. Because of this, the traditional Japanese stories that depict the Tengu can easily be mutated into something more. That means that while Ayato can normally be seen as an ordinary Yokai to one person he may also be viewed as an utter monstrosity to others. As for his core, it takes the place of his heart and appears to be a small book pumping gossip, rumors, and legends formed by him throughout his entire being. This both empowers and binds him to the view of society as a whole. So while his form may appear human on the outside his true form is that of a monstrous beast that knows no true humanity.

Chakra|Chi Senses: One of the less dynamic abilities of Ayato it allows him to smell, see, and sense chakra around him. Its limits are truly unknown, but Ayato has shown to have a lack of skill when using it at any given time. So just assume it caps at around 10, or 15 feet around him. Of course, this is limited to the sensing ability as he is a fairly skilled tracker, and has been shown to trace the lingering scent of chakra from miles away alongside seeing it in order to hunt down his foes. When faced with other forms of mystical energy, the ability behaves similarly if it leaves traces behind.

Chakra Manifestation: As part of the course for a shinobi trained within the world of shinobi, Ayato can use chakra in various ways. However, the most profound methods in his arsenal have been the teachings of Ninjutsu the art of channeling chakra into elements. Taijutsu is the art of wielding one's physical body and enhancing it with chakra. Fuuinjutsu is the art of weaving seals onto paper using ink, and finally, Eijutsu[Medical]&Kugutsu[Puppetry] are the arts of healing alongside puppetry.

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