11/16/2018 04:21 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished


Am just gonna hurry this up here and get this over with
Now then
My first rule
Don't rush me for messages please
If am late or am taking to long then, move on along to whom ever you wanna do stuff with next.
Am not here to entertain you or for that matter be your slave

There will be a few of you who I might rp with and some not.
You might be lucky
You might not
Good luck on this rule part two
By the way, the name stuff
If your name isn't your display, and it says stuff such as "loads of random stuff"
I won't remember your name that well.
I'll just call you something random but that will be it.
Pick one that you wanna have rp with me or move on
I will not go through your damn list and try to figure out which one to pick from.
Am tired of this and annoyed by it now.
Either choose the character yourself or don't bother with me.
If I added you however and I don't know about you being a MRPC
Then am sorry, I'll remove myself from you instead if you don't wanna go by this rule here.
I know it'll be my problem for adding you and am sorry, but I ain't doing this game anymore.
Am done with it

Typing length
Ever once in awhile I tend to type a lot, depending on my mood that is.
If I don't type the amount that you like
Move on
Am certain you'll find someone to please you


If you add me, send a greeting card.
Its not that hard, I mean come on really
Some people I'll give a break but most of you
I WON'T!!!
Now then

If I add you however, I'll send a greeting card myself
But if I don't

I could be dead
Or something just happen
If you wish to leave me
I won't hold it against you
Pretty sure I'd possible do the same myself I guess....
Actually not really
Its hard to say honestly....
Last side note
If you add me then delete me when we are rping
And then you try to add me again
I'll be sure to block you quickly and fast without a single remorse
So please don't bother in trying to add me the second time
You'll only make me laugh and pissed at the same time


Am picky with the guys
Some I like to play with nicely
And others
I just might wanna rip you apart playfully
Don't be offended by this tearing apart
It just means I like you more
In a rather terrible and cruel way.
You my not live pass this point
Feel free to apply for this position
Its currently open right now to anybody and everyone
I mean the ripping apart.
But really though, am not gonna be a bitch to all you guys
Take a chance and just roll the dice
Don't take a chance
Besides it just matters how you approach me is all okay
Some of you might be alright and some not
It kinda depends on my mood
So please hope that your among the lucky list

I do them ever once in awhile so, bare with me if I suck at them.
Its just very rare is all
So please don't blow a fuse if I screw the whole match up
Or do something really stupid

I suck at it and I know a few of you to as well
If you can try to make it understandable and clear almost
Am pretty sure I will bare it
And just deal with the stuff
If its way to horrible
And you just keep messing up
To the point where I can't even understand you at all
And you continue to repeat this manner
Am just....gonna
Tell you that am not feeling it
And that were gonna end our rp
I just might rp with you but
Not like the usually rate that I do with others
Am not wishing to just type for your amusement and to torture myself for you
By replying to it and just burning all of my energy up to the point of death
I don't like doing that
I will do my best to at less rp with you though
If you do have a hard time doing stuff and being creative as well so

Randomly starting

Now then
I know that some of you have a hard time trying to think up stuff to say at times
I get that
Its hard
But if you can't figure out a good way to be creative or put just a little effort in it
Am gonna burn out quick and possible lose interest
Just not reply as much...hard to say really
I had to try and rp with someone once
And they typed
There name twenty damn times within a para
That's over kill
I mean I can understand it if were having sex but it better be my name your saying
Not your name
Or someone else
You'll kill the mood fast
Now then
I will murder you if I hear another name
I love them
I don't care if you send it
Or me
I just love them alright
If your starter puts me in a area where am strap to a bed and about to be raped
I will murder you
Clone you
and repeat
Unless we have a agreement on that, don't even try it
Had somebody tired that awhile ago and since that time he hasn't popped up
Am hoping he got raped
Pretty sure he did got raped
He did
I'll try, that's all am gonna say right there
I suck at them and that's it
So yea
Lets have fun doing that sort of thing
If for any reason the ideal of a plot starts to sour
You say that the ideal doesn't sound good at all
Am just not gonna bother with it then and not do the rp at all
Sure I'll try my best to come up with a ideal with some people
But if it starts to get to complicated or you say that the plot seems dull or stupid
Whatever it is
Am not gonna wanna do anything with you
I'll ask for a random RP from you of course
Or ask if I can send one
But that's it
I am not good at it at all
And I honestly hate it, never really actually loved them
I'll only try to a point and that is it.
Its simple really
Its like me sending a message to you for the first time
And just right off the bat
Rping right away
No plotting
No starters
Just starting right there or just starting for the heck of it
For no real reason at all
But just ask though
If I wanna do that or not

When you add me for the first time and you say stuff like
Any small stuff for chatting
Am not gonna be that kind of lady who you'd think I would be
I won't rip you apart right away just yet
I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself and start over
If you get a sh!t fit with me and just pouting or something else
Its not gonna bother me but I'll be sure to block you
If you keep bugging me
Plan and simple
Be creative with your greeting
And say something more
Say your name while at it, that way the greeting card will be more better
Actually please say your name if your greeting sucks
It'll at less show me that your trying to say hi at less or say thanks for accepting me
Or am just gonna take it as a claim as rudeness and just ignore you
This depends on my mood as well to of course
I just might not pay any mind to it and say hi back
And not care one bit about it
It just depends if am either pissed off or something
If I am pissed and you sent me your crappy greeting card
Am just gonna smile and try not to get angry
And point you towards my huge rule book to read
Cause if you don't read it
Am not gonna bother with you then
Actually I might not just bother with you at all, if you really didn't bothered to read this
In others
You'd be among my collection of dust
Never to be rp with or be bothered at all
So if I mention the word "DUST" on you
You've already begun to join the whole crew
Sure I might chat with you a tiny bit here or there but that will be it
Nothing more.

Am gonna assume that's a yes
But am not gonna give you any water however
You'll have to work for it
If am not interest in you
I'll say it
Or mean
I do lean both ways
Girls tend to be more on the good side
If some of them can follow the rules that is
Guys however are
Some pissed me off
Some felt the urge to rape
And some felt the urge to send there junk
What type of junk
Any type really
And I don't go for that sh*t
Anyhow if you don't like it
Go find another girl
Pretty sure there is a lot of us around to fool with

These rules my apply to some
or not
Who knows really


When you meet me for the first time
Ask if I'd like a starter
Send a greeting message that's actually good
Say your name while at it if you want
That's it
And sure, ask me if there is anything I'd like to do
Pretty sure my rules are gonna cover it though however
But that's it
Hopefully you understood this

This should be an easy one to follow
If in any way I feel as though your being disrespectful to me
You act that way to me while am trying to be kind
I won't think for a second to block you
Sure I might not pay any mind to you being rude or harsh at times
But that's it
Some exceptions
If its during and rp
I might not pay any mind to it at all
It really just depends on the person truthfully
But if am really trying to be respectful to you.
And you still act like the way you are
Then am not gonna wanna have anything to do with you.
I don't need it or want it at all.
In return though I'll try to be as kind as possible as well. ALSO
Am just gonna say this right now
Am possible gonna start deleting people if they don't say hi to me
When I accept you of course.
But that will take some time
Till I actually do end up doing it
A few months or whatever so
Please say hi
When you do add me

Rp's in general
Its starting to get to a point were am having a hard time rping now.
Sure I'll reply quick, at times
But there will be days that I might not be around, or months even
If this is something that might bother you
Then fine, I won't hold it against you if you wish to deny my request or remove me.
I only do this for my own enjoyment now and nobody else.
So please don't get offended.

Characters details
Let me make this clear
If there isn't any detail at all about your character
Like any hints into what your character might be
Just letting you know
I might not bother with rping with you at all
I do find something a bit interesting about you
Then I'll make the effort myself to try and figure out who you are.
But if I don't feel some sort of a connection between us or any type of interest towards you.
Then I won't bother.
So be sure to have a character detail of who you are, if you really wish to rp with me.
Or I just might possible ignore you

I think that's it
If I come up with more, I'll be sure to update this and as well make a statement about my rules being updated.
Thanks for taking interest in this lovely rule of mine

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