10/15/2018 02:09 PM 


Innate Powers:

Immense Reiki Reserves: As a Yokai Kaito has an enormous reserve of spiritual energy within him with this he’s able to use his more esoteric abilities, however despite this, his supply of Reiki is not infinite and can be exhausted if he fights for a length of time against a sufficiently powerful opponent. When that happens Kaito’s endurance his diminished completely and he can no longer fight.

Immense Strength: Kaito’s strength far exceeds that of ordinary humans and even some lesser Yokai, he’s able to lift and bare an exorbitant amounts of weight and pressure, he also able to produced an immense amount of striking power. His strength also extends t his legs and it allows him to leap several distances and to great heights

Immense Speed: Kaito can move and accelerate his body at uncanny speeds while not recorded it has been show that he’s able to move so fast that he’s able to seem like a blur to the untrained eye. 

Immense Agility: His natural coordination, dexterity, and equilibrium are developed to the point that hes able to perform any feat of agility without any effort whatsoever.

Immense Endurance: Due to the effiency of his bodies cardio vascular system, he can push his body further then any mortal man, able to fight and endure physical strain for days without tiring.

Immense Durability: His flesh, muscle fibers, and skeletal structure is several times denser then an ordinary humans, granting him a high resistance to mundane injuries.

Regenerative Healing: Any mortal wound inflicted upon him can be regenerated

Extended Life Span: Kaito has lived for over a millinea and has only show minimal signs of aging as such his true life span or even if he’ll age further is unknown.

Pyrokinesis: He has the innate ability to generate, shape, enhanced and manipulate the element of fire in any capacity , his highest temperature is unrecorded.

Electrokinesis: He has the ability to generate electricity, with this he can manipulate and shape the energy from a variety of effects. He can charge electronics, create electromagnetic pulses, manipulate  charge particles.

Aerokinesis:Perhaps his least developed ability Kaito can manipulate and shape air particles to create powerful gusts of wind however he tends to only use this ability in conjunction with his flames or to use it to add distance to his leaps.

Acute five senses: 
Kaito’s sense of sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch are all heightened to an uncanny degree, he can hear from several miles away,  his eyes are refined enough to see even further than that and allows him to be able to see in the dark. his sense of taste can recognize each minute detail down to its base level makeup, his touch is so refined that he’s able to accurately asses a change in temperature elevation, air pressure, and can even sense disturbances through vibrations.

Learned Skills:

Expert Martial Artist: Despite relying primarily on his magic Kaito is very adept at hand to hand combat having studied and adapted many facet of different fighting styles, his particular style focused mainly on evasion and holds as well  as a quick succession of efficient  kicks, catches and punches in an attempt to end any fight as quickly as possible. 

Gifted Intellect: Kaito is a learned man and that is thanks to his long life, he has a quick mind able to discern in a situation in mere minutes. He can memorize pretty much anything within a moment of seeing even if it’s for only a second.  

Master Kotodama Practitioner: Having trained in this particular field of magic, Kaito is able to bring his words forth into power, by using the esoteric energies that surround him he can perform several spells and make crafts.

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