07/16/2018 01:30 PM 

reply to athanasia | "meeting of demons"

" m e e t i n g   o f   d e m o n s "

It was advertised to be an evening to end all grand evenings. Selina Kyle found herself cordially invited, & although the relationship between she and Bruce Wayne was...complicated, to say the least, she still willfully accepted. After all, she considered the brood of boys to be her little birds. Each with their own unique, resounding spirits. She admired them all.

Dressed to the nines, the woman failed to don her usual nightwear. In fact, she was totally out of her usual element. Gotham City was where she lived and where she thrived. An alter ego cleverly spawned from her love of black cats that strut the alleyways under the moonlight, Catwoman was a feline fetale that did as she pleased once the sun set. Much like a wild kitten. No rules, no boundaries, and nowhere to really go. Wherever she roamed, her lithe frame clad in a skin-tight catsuit managed to squeeze into the smallest spaces, allowing her to snatch whatever goodies would catch her peering green eyes.

Tonight, of course, she promised to be good.

Metropolis was a city Selina was familiar with, but one she frequented far less often. The stomping grounds of the famous Superman--Clark Kent by day--Catwoman could hardly get anything past that X-ray vision, super speed, and un-human strength. Besides, she’d never go toe-to-toe with the superhero. There was an unspoken respect for him, & though he & Bruce squabbled at times...

“Good evening, darlings,” Selina purred at a couple of passers-by who managed to engage her in some light chatter.

She would be good tonight.

Even if the Cat wanted to keep the peace between she & the Man of Steel, there was another important reason why she wouldn’t soil this special evening.

Nodding along while haphazardly listening to small talk, her emeralds focused on the exquisite details that surrounded her. Bruce liked to have stylish and luxurious gatherings, and this would be no different. It was no surprise that the man would go all out for his Blood Son.

Damian Wayne, often the talk of the family and the current serving Robin, was a handful and sometimes a difficult person to engage with. Selina found this endearing--there was a lot of herself that she spotted in the young man. Growing before her eyes, the once small spitfire was blooming into a teenaged ball of snark. His comebacks and sarcasms often made her snicker, though she needed to don a serious face when Damian managed to wear on what little composure Bruce managed to have left.

It was his birthday, and the Cat wouldn’t miss it for the world. & while he may not have fully accepted her as a part of the self-proclaimed Batfamily quite yet--they were growing closer by the days. She could only hope they would continue to evolve and form a bond unlike one she’s ever had with anyone.

The son she’s never had. At least not yet.

“Excuse me, I must be going. It was lovely chatting with you, dears.” Selina excused herself, offering royal hugs and cheek kisses for the couple, shimmying her way through the gathering in an attempt to spot any familiar faces.

Her outfit turned heads as she pushed through the elegant crowd. Never one to conform to the unspoken rules of the wealthy, Selina was decidedly considered new money. Her lipstick was painted a bright red, a stark contrast to the golden hues of her entirety--a dress that stopped above the knees, and perhaps draped too far as ample cleavage was on prominent display. Her stilettos matched, 24k gold in appearance while so slinky and a heel so thin it seemed that the woman was walking on air. Her clutch was designer, also golden in tone, shimmering against the lights that gave the party its rich glow.

“Where is he?” Bruce was nowhere to be found, & Selina desired to hang off of his arm like a trophy for the rest of the night. Eyes intent on focusing on another found themselves instead upon a face she didn’t recognize--that still seemed oddly familiar.

Selina was far too overdressed to lurk for curiosity’s sake. & while she knew practically all that graced the confines of this event, something about this one seemed...off.

The kitten abandoned her trek to find her Bat, instead deciding to pretend to be social--to watch the whereabouts of this unfamiliar girl. If there was anything Selina knew...if you don’t go out looking for trouble?

Trouble will find you.

It was better to confirm there was no threat, rather than ignore a street cat’s gut instinct.

Taking up yet another casual, mundane conversation with a man who seemed far too interested in her breasts than what spewed from her mouth, Selina used the other to walk around with, to chat with, while keeping close tabs on this mystery woman. Beautiful, elegant in her own way--as if she were royalty all on her own. & her face...seemed so oddly familiar. Where had she seen it before?

What stunned Selina was the secretive scouting and further bold approach of this woman to hand over what seemed like a card. Of congratulations, of best wishes--perhaps. But coming from a world where one always expects the worse while hoping for the best, she took no chances.

The abrupt exit was all she needed to further confirm any proof that something was off. Selina properly excused herself from the dull company she had and hurriedly made it for the exit--heels clacking against the marble tile all the way, cutely coiffed mane bouncing with her stride. Once through the gallery doors a blast of cool night air encompassed the Cat’s frame, and she inhaled a deep breath of it. She was back in her element, in her zone.

Selina hadn’t had to chase anyone in an evening gown in years. But if she had to, she would.

reply to athanasia al ghul | "meeting of demons" | /315510

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