06/10/2018 04:22 PM 

â–ștrials of a street cat.◄

" a    p r o p o s i t i o n"

Current Location: Gotham City

Thread : open! any may join / encounter Selina at any time. will try to post once per week or more.

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Sitting in a cast of a deep amber glow, Selina Kyle felt as if she were living in a cliche mobster film. The room the pair occupied was decorated with gaudy Victorian furniture, the color scheme being gold of antiquity's sake with mahogany and crimson accents. A bit much, but who was she to judge a rich man’s taste (or lack thereof) regarding his interior design? She was only there for a single reason.

Give or take a little red wine to socialize over.

Selina was in costume, as she often was when she met with these types. Her name and notoriety was passed around the streets here and there--tales of her exploits overseas, snatching relics right under the noses of elite museum curators. There wasn’t a job Catwoman wouldn’t do, if the price were right. If it meant playing the fence and deciding what was most beneficial for her well-being...then...

“Five hundred and fifty thousand. Wired tonight. Internationally, obviously.” The Cat was direct in her business dealings. There was no need to beat around the bush. She was vouched for and her reputation preceded her.  A heist required intense pre-planning, not to mention nerves of steel to go where the intended target was.

“Half upfront,” the stocky figure countered, his body obscured in the shadows of the den, away from the dreadful light that illuminated the room only partially.

“Five hundred. Fifty thousand.” Curavaceous legs crossed, her body language confident. “Tonight.” Repeating her demand so he’d understand that she wasn’t one to be trifled with. Toying with superheroes would be a ballgame she wasn’t anxious to get into, but for that kind of money it’d be well worth the risk. The nanochip Selina was tasked with snatching may seem insignificant at first glance, but it contained several terabytes of useful data--data that could be sold on the Black Market in not just Gotham...but anywhere. Catwoman would potentially put in danger all sorts of classified information--from secret identities, to heroes' files which would spell out all sorts of vulnerabilities.

For half a million, Selina Kyle didn’t bat an eye.

The man grunted. Not new to the criminal underworld, he knew he wouldn’t be able to convince her otherwise. Catwoman’s lips smirked as she brought her glass of wine to the pair of plump tiers--her silent victory as the boss finally relented. “Send her the money,” he ordered a goon who happened to keep them company--the faithful idiot nodded, leaving the two alone as he’d go to consult whoever was in charge of wire transfers.

“Your forward way of doing business is appreciated,” Catwoman purred, settling the crystal glass to the side as she stood to make her exit.

“One week. One week or I’ll find you myself and skin you.” A threat not thinly veiled, Selina resisted the urge to roll her emerald eyes to the ceiling in annoyance.

“Have I ever let you down?” she replied, stepping into the direct glow of the lone lamp. It was a rather pretentious question, given the two had never worked together before. Her expression was sinister, accentuated by the highlighting of her furrowed brows and catty eyes. “Three days is all I need.” Without another word, Catwoman slipped out of the window she made her grand entrance in. Several stories from the ground, the Cat made a death-defying leap.

A familiar, loud crack echoed in the midst of the midnight air. Cats always land on their feet.

Selina wrapped the end of her bullwhip around a sturdy awning, using her momentum to swing to a neighboring building. She scaled the side skillfully, releasing her weapon and holstering it back around her waist once flat upon the top of the tower of cement and bricks. A soft vibrating at her bosom made her retrieve her phone, and the notification was one that she expected, but nonetheless made her grin.

Pending transfer. 550k. Funds available next day.

“Purrrrrr-fect,” Catwoman said, reveling in her own kitty puns. Everything was going as planned so far. Still, there was so much she didn’t know about this mysterious mobster. She’d need to prod a bit to find out what his solid plans would be with the said nanochip. Every villain had their intentions, their supposed purpose. And while the kitten liked to keep her grounds neutral and remind herself that she was the only important party that mattered, this little task did involve backstabbing someone she’d come to care about far too deeply.

Tucking her Wayne Enterprises-branded smartphone back into the pocket at the breasts, her grin faded into a grimace. No sign of the Bat, at least not yet. Selina figured she could make it back to her loft and graze over those Watchtower blueprints she obtained by illegitmate means.

Catwoman made a mad dash to the other end of the architecture and an artful backward flip over its edge. She’d worry about the hard stuff later.

group post | introduction to Catwoman | /315510

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