05/22/2018 05:06 PM 


Here are some heads ups for those who wanna write with me:

β–ͺ Call me old-school but I go by the classic rule of you add you greet. If you added me I'm assuming it's because you were interested in starting a story, so speak up! The whole if you add you start thing is negotiable seeing as it doesn't always make sense once a story has been proposed. I would prefer the person adding to start, but as previously stated it's not a required action.
β–ͺ Please, no drama ooc. I love drama in a story but really? We're all adults let's act like it please.
β–ͺ Most of my characters will be in monogamous relationships others, eh, that's not in their character. However all of my characters will grow throughout stories. Just because one starts out a wild card, sleeping with whomever they please doesn't mean it will always be thay way. Likewise, someone who is normally loyal may change if they are hurt enough. People change through experience and I like that to translate to my characters as well.
β–ͺ I love, love finding ways to cross over stories between friends. Sure it requires a bit of coordination but I feel like it has a way of further enriching the overall experience. So if you want to do this, just give me a shout! (If I haven't already poked you. Huhuhu~)
β–ͺ Please use correct grammar and spelling. I understand in this amazing time of mobile devices sometimes we get auto-corrected into looking like an ass, but please at least give it a little proof read. I also realize that excitement and fast typing gets us all into trouble however if you are obviously and repeatedly messing up/using completely incorrect phrases and words, well... delete! I just don't have time to read, translate and reply.
β–ͺ I am a Multi-Para to Novella writer, sometimes I deliver three paragraphs other times it's three pages. It all depends on what is happening in the story and how inspired I am. If our characters are sitting around bullsh*ting I'm not going to force myself to reply with a novel. After the valid writing it would all be drivel and I don't like giving people sh*t replies. Sometimes less is more.
β–ͺ Please don't hassle me for replies. I have a husband and two little ones that come first and foremost. Even when I really want to reply sometimes I can't get on because of my responsibilities.
β–ͺ I am less active Saturday night through Tuesday. Family time and all that. Plus Sunday's are almost entirely dedicated to Dungeons and Dragons. My house not only hosts, but we also craft a lot of stuff for it. So~ I get busy.
β–ͺ Do NOT ask me to choose a character for you. I don't mind helping you narrow it down once you have a few in mind but I feel I have provided more than enough information for you to make your own decision. If you ask befoe at least suggesting a few characters I'll delete you. Again, busy, busy, I don't need to add everyone else's decision making issues to my load.
β–ͺ Last but certainly not least, please, PLEASE communicate with me. If you dislike a reply I gave or are just not feeling a story but still would like to write with me then just say so. I can edit a reply easily. We can axe an undesired story and get something else going. I'm not going to get angry or snarky. We can just move on.

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