04/21/2018 09:13 PM 

starter for lex | a proposition.

" a    p r o p o s i t i o n"

“Tut, tut. Don’t rip Mama’s blueprint, kitten.” The cat in question moseyed over to the woman’s makeshift work space upon the carpet, stretching its paws and claws while standing upon vital paper. Selina Kyle scratched the curious creature’s head, then pat an alternative place for the feline to settle while she studied.

In the thick of Gotham City, when the moon was high and the streets were pretty quiet, Selina was known as the infamous Catwoman. A skilled thief with many an arrest warrant, Catwoman made her living pilfering the rich and sometimes stealing just for the heck of it. It was a way to survive for as long as she could remember, and now her thieving was more of a hobby than anything else. Occasionally a lucrative offer would come her way--how could she resist an easy payday?

Here, though, in her small loft surrounded by a few of her trusted kitty cats...she was simply Selina Kyle. A woman casually dressed in matching cat-print pajamas. A woman who enjoyed sipping from her glass of red wine. A woman who planned every single move she executed on the outside.

With a sole lamp focused on the papers scattered about her floor, Selina eyed various forms of information. The largest was the blueprint--a diagram that mapped out a potential building she had her eye on for looting. She needed to memorize it inside and out, to learn every single possible point of entry and exit. Other papers detailed notable people who frequented the building, information on important items contained inside. Notable files, deeds, and contracts.

The Cat was always very, very prepared.

She held a Sharpie in her hand, twirling it about as the wheels of her mind turned with the processes of her planning. “If I go here...maybe I can crawl through...here...” As she spoke, she marked the blueprint, her words meant for the cat who seemed somewhat interested in her musings. All the while her smartphone buzzed, insisting on breaking her concentration at hand. After the fiftieth buzz, Selina relented with a groan and grabbed the device.

Selina expected the notifications to yield from none other than the Gotham City Sirens group chat. She, Harley, and Ivy had their own text chat where they kept each other up-to-date on important and relevant information. Most of the time, though, the chat would be filled with memes from the jokestress herself.

Her fingertips swiped at the reinforced glass, tapping apps and checking random messages. The phone she held was a Wayne Enterprises prototype, meant for complete privacy and obscurity. There was no tracking, no hacking, no unauthorized access to worry about. Selina was testing the device for the Bat and his company--sometimes, being entangled with a billionaire Bat had its perks. She had the ability to communicate with many of those who were rather difficult to reach by normal standards. One of those people?

“Lex...” The name was said with a bit of trepidation. The latest notification was from Luthor, someone she hadn’t had much history with but knew almost everything she needed to. He was never one to contact you unless he desired something from you. Selina wondered what scheme this man was cooking up. If there was anything she knew, Luthor had just as much money--if not more--than Wayne himself. If it paid handsomely, well...she was never one to limit her services. First, she needed to see what he wanted. Her fingers tapped away at a response, prompting the other to invite her elsewhere to discuss the details discreetly.

writing challenge (starter) | a proposition | /315510

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