02/06/2018 05:32 PM 

(sexy) sunday morning pt. 1
Category: Stories

( s e x y ) s u n d a y | m o r n i n g; (song drabble)

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Sunday morning, rain is falling.

A gentle rumble of thunder startled Selina out of a slumber, announcing the arrival of what she already deemed a lazy day. Sundays were uneventful, with many making it a day of worship, or binging television. Some declared it a feasting day, dedicating the hours to making a home cooked meal. Selina's usual ritual involved curling up on a sofa with a cat and a good book.

This time...

Steal some covers; share some skin.

By now, she realized that she wasn't at home. Last night's events began to flood her mind while her senses were filled with the familiar. A musky cologne--hinting of spice and cedar--infiltrated her nostrils. "Babe?" she murmured, breaking the silence that was muffled only by the sound of rain hitting the paneled windows. Goosebumps prickled her porcelain skin, and by now Selina realized that she was barely under any of the sheets.

A rough sleeper, he'd managed to take hold of most of them in such a vast bed. "Seriously?" she mused, stirring from her position and deciding to invade his sweet personal space. Her poking and prodding of limbs trying to find a good position eventually awakened her partner, who grunted in fuzzy awareness of his surroundings.

Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable...you twist to fit the mold that I am in.

"Good morning," the Cat cooed, her lips so close to his ear that they brushed the skin with the vibration of her speech. Though morning it was, there wasn't a shimmer of sunshine to be found. The day was overcast, thunder rumbled in the distance, and the rain poured. He grumbled a response, instead deciding to change his own position--facing her with an intense, smoldering stare-down. It was simply how he was. The man struggled to tear down the walls that he built around himself, but every now and then he'd remove a brick or two...

"Morning," he replied, simply and concretely. His strong grasp drew Selina even closer, her lithe frame pressed to his so much so that they could almost feel each other's heartbeats. Her limbs, still lazy and desiring to put no effort other than laying about, wrapped around him. Selina hooked a thigh over his body, an arm around his neck. They fit together like a couple of jigsaw pieces.

But things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do...
& I would gladly hit the road--get up & go if I knew--
that someday it would lead me back to you...

The unofficial couple was giving it a go again. Though they both came from lives that couldn't be more opposite from one another, somehow they were able to mesh well. Selina liked to think of it as fate, though her partner was wary of events that couldn't be logically explained. She didn't have a word for what they were. Both were in their 30s, so the boyfriend / girlfriend thing didn't seem so mature. It was mostly unspoken, but the Cat knew that they were some semblance of a couple. No matter how much time passed between their last meeting. No matter how angry one may be at the other. No matter how much their respective occupations divided them by objective and morals.

That maybe all I need;
in darkness she is all I see...

The way he looked at her drove a kitten wild. It was as if she could feel every inch of her body electrify, anticipating his next kiss, or where his hand may graze next. 

Then...there were times when he stared with an expression Selina couldn't describe. It was soft--his normally grave and stoic features settling into something less serious. Contentment, perhaps. Whatever it was, she accepted it with open arms. How rare was it to have the man not even vaguely mention something having to do with work? It was practically a miracle. Selina thanked the heavens, convinced that the rainstorm helped her darling fall victim to the same lack of desire to rise out of bed as she had.

Come & rest your bones with me.

Suddenly, he sat up. The Cat groaned, annoyed that her interlocked position was uprooted. "Hey!" Her protest was cut short as he pulled her into his lap, reclining. His back against the numerous fluffed down pillows and headboard, her back resting against his muscular frame. Selina certainly didn't mind their mild spooning, especially when the arms she loved to squeeze held her close. The grating of wind and water against the glass panes didn't let up, but that didn't deter their moment. Her eyes fluttered to close, feeling the remnants of rest trying to capture her again. Selina didn't fight it. 

Driving slow on Sunday morning,
& I never want to leave.

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o1.29.18 | weekend writing challenge | drabble: "(sexy) sunday morning pt. 1" | /315510

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