02/06/2018 05:30 PM 

worldbuilding !
Category: Resources

hey y'all--it's meeeeeeee again! -generic YouTube-esque intro.-

i'm supposed to be writing drabbles, but yet again i'm kind behind & still trying to catch up with replies,
so i thought i'd put up another pro writing tip for those seeking to get better in their skill--
whether for role playing or just regular-schmegular creative writing.

W O R L D B U I L D I N G.

what's that, you say?
you're probably already familiar with this, especially since most of you have been role playing for a long time.

worldbuilding is creating "worlds" or universes,
& all the things that are within that world.
for example,
you can create a planet, 
then assign that planet characters (specific races / animals),
flora, currencies, countries, then cities--
the possibilities are endless.

keeping up with your world(s) can be hard. it's usually expansive and never-ending, the more that you add on to it. & that's what makes your world great! you can do whatever you want. you are, in essence, its God.


if you'd like to have a cool place to organize your worldbuilding (or even organize existing worlds that you're role playing in), use this cool site called Notebook.ai!

it's a rad site you can use for free (there are upgrades for those who want more categories to work with, but the free version is great) that helps organize your world by universes, characters, locations, and items. there's a scratchpad where you can take notes, and you can download your info to keep on hand. it's really cool.

so there you go! the weekly writing challenge for this week! create a world or alternate one that you're already in. you'll be surprised just how much this simple activity gets the creative juices flowing--which in turn helps you write better responses for your peers.

happy worldbuilding ! ♥

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