01/24/2018 02:48 PM 

character development (hard mode)

hey guise! i'm supposed to write a drabble thing weekly but i didn't do that.
so instead--!
i'm gonna fill out this thing i found on tumblr.
hard mode.

basically, if you're RPing--whether a canon character or OC,
you need to give your muse some sort of development.
normally, this happens in the interactions that you'll have with your fellow peers. 
but you can always sorta fill in some blanks that don't come along naturally to give your amigos additional info & to have this info at your own disposal to refer back to.

feel free to copy / paste the questions & use them as needed ! erase my responses, of course. c; no need to publicly post them--keep them at hand as you build and grow your character. ♥

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o1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? If so, which one are they closest with?

-- Selina has a single sibling that she has knowledge of named Magdalene (Maggie). She & Maggie have a strained, estranged relationship. 

o2. What is/was your character's relationship like with their mother?

-- Selina's mother (Maria Kyle) is deceased. While still a child, Selina did not have a typical childhood. Her mother was distant and perhaps suffered from mental illness. It is known that her mother loved to spend time with her cats--perhaps this is where Selina gets her affinity for felines. Nonetheless, her mother commits suicide. This leaves Selina and her sister Maggie alone with their father.

o3. What is/was your character's relationship like with their father?

-- Brian Kyle's relationship with Selina becomes worse after her mother dies. Because she looks a lot like Maria, her father resents her and treats his children coldly. He becomes an alcoholic and dies because of it. This leaves Selina and Maggie orphans. There is slight evidence that Selina's biological father may actually be Carmine Falcone, and though it seems plausible nothing ever comes from it. 

o4. Has your character ever witnessed anything that has fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?

-- Selina has gone through many traumatizing events during her formative years that many young girls don't experience. Witnessing the deaths of both of her parents, which leaves her no choice but to live in an orphanage is one of the biggest. However, Catwoman would not exist if it weren't for Selina's experience in the orphanage and later on in the streets of Gotham. Selina is very mum about her past and hardly anyone knows about it. 

o5. On an average day, what's in your character's pockets?

-- In an average night, Catwoman can easily stuff her catsuit with monies, jewels, and other expensive trinkets. During the day, Selina could be found sleeping away most of it.

o6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?

-- The one aspect of life that Selina feels that lay unfilled is her family life. Dreams of happiness will often include those around her who she cares about dearly.

o7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?

-- Several subjects still silently haunt Selina. Her nightmares will include her mother and father, her sister, her past life in a carnival environment, and even some of Gotham's villains.

o8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what (or who) was their first target?

-- Catwoman normally doesn't use weapons other than her bullwhip. She's also (mostly) against lethal force, but will do so if necessary. However, in many of Selina's incarnations she's known to carry / use pistols and automatic rifles, & will aim them at any enemy.

o9. Is your character's current socioeconomic status different from what it was when they were growing up? 

-- Absolutely. Growing up, Selina was far from wealthy. Though her parents did care for her adequately while they were living, once she was orphaned she was at the mercy of Gotham's government care. Running away from the orphanage rendered Selina penniless. It wasn't until she assumed the role of Catwoman that she acquired her wealth. She can often be seen at high-class gatherings--most likely sizing up her next victim.

1o. Does your character feel comfortable with more clothing, or less clothing?

-- Selina is comfortable in her skin. She adjusts her style with her surroundings. In a casual environment, the less, the better. In a formal gala, Selina will wear appropriate clothing but is never one to compromise being sexy. Her catsuit while working is practical but attractive. 

11. In what situation was your character the most afraid than they've ever been?

-- Selina's been in numerous sticky situations that even she questioned whether she'd make it out alive. Even when facing a potential penalty of death for a crime she didn't commit, Catwoman remained calm. More often than not, she doesn't wear fear on her sleeve.

12. In what situation was your character the calmest they've ever been?

-- In nearly all situations, Catwoman doesn't show fear. Even when bewildered, Selina will not let the other know just how nervous or afraid she is. 

13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?

-- Selina does not have a fear of the sight of blood.

14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?

-- Catwoman can remember both very well.

15. Is your character preoccupied with money / material possessions? Why or why not?

-- Selina loves all things glamorous. She's obsessed with jewels, money, and fine art. While she initially started her life of crime as a way to support herself, Selina will often still swipe expensive goods for no good reason. 

16. What does your character idealize most: happiness or success?

-- I like to think that my muse enjoys a bit of both. What good is a ton of money when you aren't fulfilled emotionally?

17. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?

-- In her younger years, Selina was much like any normal child--she enjoyed playing with dolls and playing dress-up.

18. Is your character more likely to admire someone's ambition or wisdom?

-- Though wisdom trumps a lot of things, having the ambition to want to change and better yourself tops high on Selina's list.

19. What is your character's biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?

-- Selina's biggest flaw in romantic relationships is wearing her heart on her sleeve. She's quite honest about her feelings, almost to a fault. Though an admirable trait, it often comes back to bite her when her feelings aren't reciprocated.

In familial and friend connections, her flaw is caring too much--even if it comes at the cost of her own feelings. She has a big heart and wants the best for those closest to her. This isn't to say that Selina could be taken advantage of easily--she can and usually does discover if someone has an alternative motive.

2o. In what ways does your character compare to themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?

-- One of the only ways that my muse compares herself to others is thinking about the path she has taken in life. Although her sister is troubled and their relationship is strained, Selina often wonders where she would be now had she stayed in the orphanage. 

21. If something tragic / negative happens to your character, do they believe that they've caused it or deserved it, or are they too quick to blame others?

-- Catwoman has gone through so many tragic events that she doesn't quite blame anyone, including herself. She has a strong belief that sometimes life deals you a hand, & you have to make the best with what you have. 

22. What does your character like in other people?

-- Selina, despite her own shiftiness, adores honesty in others. 

23. What does your character dislike in other people?

-- An inability to trust them. Being shafted isn't fun when you're dedicated and willing to do what it takes to get the job done.

24. How quick is your character able to trust someone?

-- Not very. In Selina's line of business, trust is earned--either by interaction or reputation. 

25. How quick is your character to become suspicious of someone? Does this change if they become closer to a person?

-- Catwoman is always initially suspicious. However, even those she's known for a long time are known to switch sides--so there will always be a bit of suspicion, no matter what. Selina can count on one hand the people she can completely trust.

26. How does your character behave around children?

-- Selina is a kind spirit to children, especially those who are going through the same plight that she did growing up. She enjoys their company and taking care of them. 

27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?

-- Head on !! She doesn't shy away from claiming what's rightfully hers, and if Selina needs to fight her way out--she will!

28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?

-- Depending on the level of threat, almost immediately. If Selina feels that she's in imminent danger, she will use bodily harm to help her get out of a bad situation.

29. What did your character dream of being / doing when they were a child? Did that dream come true?

-- My muse has never wanted to be anything specifically. As a child, she always talked about being a princess "when she grows up." This is many a child's dream, and not out of the ordinary for a young girl. However unrealistic, Selina's dream may have spawned in a different way. Though she's not officially royalty, her relationship with the richest man in Gotham entitles her to many privileges. In addition, she enjoys dressing in an elegant, refined manner and enjoys many objects that princesses may covet--like jewels and art.

3o. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?

-- People who take advantage of the weak, poor, and sickly. 

31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels the most comfortable.

-- In bed with Batbae, talking about nothing in particular. Just being in his company. Honorable mention? Being with her girls. Her friends remind her of a normalcy she isn't presented with often. 

32. Describe a scenario in which your characters feels the most uncomfortable.

-- Any scenario where Selina is forced to choose between two worlds. She's still learning to balance the old with  the new, and sometimes feels overwhelmed when she wants what's best for her--but it's the same thing that makes others question her loyalty to them.

33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?

-- Selina always strives for some level of perfection, so she will do what it takes to improve herself. 

34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a method / solution that didn't work the first time, or immediately move on to a different one?

-- I would think that my muse would always think on her toes, especially since she's often in situations where she only has seconds to think about what she should do at any given moment. If something didn't work, surely Selina would be on to bigger and better things. Attempting the same thing over and over seems a bit redundant.

35. How does your character behave around people they like?

-- Selina's an overall very pleasant person to be around. She's not at all catty--but playful, enjoys interesting banter, and generally loves being around them.

36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?

-- In this case, she would be catty. Selina would be more cautious, like a cat with their fur and ears perked. Instead of playful banter, her words would most likely reek of sarcasm, if not some insults. 

37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?

-- It depends on the instance, but more often than not what Selina does isn't for herself. When she steals, she often gives much of her keep to those who are in need. When she teeters on the line between good vs. evil, she'll often cape for Bats--being a ready source of information for what's going on in the alleys. Though her motives seem selfish at times, Selina could be seen as selfless for those she cares about.

38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem / threat, or remove themselves from it?

-- She would definitely try to take care of any issue on her own, by any means necessary.

39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?

-- Does being bit by a Bat count? LOOOL

4o. How does your character treat people in service jobs?

-- Selina knows what it's like to be on the other end of that spectrum, so she treats people who work for those sorts of occupations with the ultimate respect. Most of all she adores Alfred.

41. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, or do they feel that they must earn it first?

-- Eh! If kitty wants it, kitty gets it--no questions or qualms about it.~

42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?

-- It doesn't seem like Selina has had too many admirable figures in her life. Aside from Alfred, who offers her sound advice and a listening ear when she needs it, she never met anyone who could truly be placed in the same shoes that her mother and father were supposed to fill.

43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?

-- Yes; Selina took in a young girl who reminded her much of herself (or a girl that she actually grew up with, depending on the lore) by the name of Holly Robinson.

44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?

-- It's a bit difficult to get to a point where the Cat would be openly willing to utter those words. It's rare, depending on who she's addressing, given the circumstances of her life and how she's never really found the love she needed from her family. 

45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?

-- Selina was never one to be religious, a stark contrast to her sister Maggie. In the case of my muse, she rarely thinks about what could be--preferring to stay in the moment, as she's always lived.

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