04/08/2017 05:22 PM 

Magus' Spell Book

Below will detail the various spells that Cal has either learned or created personally, and will be updated periodically based on the campaign he is going through at current. Sometimes based on ideas that come into my head or even through role-plays with people I feel are wonderful connections worthy of impacting this Spellblade further.

Cantrips--Also known as Zero Level spells, these are minor spells that expend minor energy and can be used almost indefinitely throughout the day. Essentially the basics of basics of magical power and practice recorded into his Grimoire (spellbook).

  • Acid Splash: Creates an orb that deals minor acid damage. While low in offensive ability, it has great utility for surprises or breaking through material.
  • Arcane Mark: Creates a personal rune of words or a small glyph of the user's preference which can be tied to Instant Summoning spells, to identify property, brand and mark people (lasting a month if applied and not dispelled), and through spell combat for an extra guide on the blade. The basic practice of learning to spell strike.
  • Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lightning effects that permeate within a set radius. Most useful for illuminating an area or dazing easily distracted enemies.
  • Daze: Affects weaker minded humanoid creatures and imparts a mental stagger upon the mind, clouding perception and judgement so the target is left in a daze. Completely useless on stronger minded and more experienced creatures (but effective on the average person).
  • Disrupt Undead: A ray of arcane power that disturbs the flow of negative energy commonly found in creating and empowering the undead. It deals damage equivalent to an arrow or crossbow bolt to a target undead, and remains a useful last resort when major spells are burned out.
  • Detect Magic: A common spell that allows one to concentrate and find magical auras, discerning items, enchantment effects, and even locating magically hidden traps. 
  • Ghost Sounds: A highly underrated cantrip that creates audible sounds mimicking another type of sound. From a gaggle of whispers to the call of a dragon, depending on how it is used makes for great distractions, bluffs, and intimidation factors. To say nothing of making targets nervous.
  • Ray of Frost: A basic use of ice spell that deals about as much damage as Acid Orb, but in a 15-ft cone effect.
  • Read Magic: A useful spell made for reading scrolls, tomes, and understanding arcane glyphs. Albeit one's ability as a mage will determine how complex the level of magic one can decipher.
  • Prestidigitation: A nifty little performance spell that creates small accounts of appearance from smoke and glitter, cleaning and drying clothing, roses blooming from the hand, to creating small items or pulling a rabbit from a hat. Versatile but mainly used by performers and entertainers.

First Level Spells (Beginner): Spells of this level indicate a novice level of magic, but improve in usefulness, power, and utility as one perfects their own innate magical power. Mainly used by initiates and those with some boosted magical power but lacking knowledge to advance into other spells these are the stepping stones of a Magus. At Cal's current level of power he has gained a maximum efficiency and potency from those spells he has recorded in his Grimoire. 
  • Shocking Grasp: A melee touch spell that can be channeled through spell-strike as part of his Spell-Combat expertise, it creates a cackling force of electricity that discharges through touch to damage the opponent. If they are wielding or donning weapons or armor of metal it increases the potency of the damage making it a fairly effective spell against melee combatants at all levels.

  • Burning Hands: A ranged-touch spell that creates a burst of fire in a fifteen-foot cone directly from his palm. Concentrating the flames and dispersing them helps to damage a cluster of enemies and makes for a fairly effective tool in setting items or areas on fire for tactical use.

  • Corrosive Touch: A melee touch spell that causes the hand to burst with caustic acid. In terms of role-play this spell is most useful for eating through material and armor to damage an opponent's insides but is useless against those with armor resistance or glass armor. Can be used for offensive channeling or to escape and damage materials as a utility spell.

  • Chill Touch: A cold spell that allows for nine charges to be used per each casting, giving Calintz up to 9 attempts to touch the opponent to deal frost related damage upon impact. For every touch there is a possibility of the opponent's strength being sapped from them (think 10% per successful attack) making it most useful for wearing out strong opponents and monsters. Because of its charges it makes for an effective Spellstrike spell.

  • Shield: Creates a floating disk of force magic that acts as a shield. When he's the target of force effects it negates them, and dampens some of the blow of physical strikes. Usually lasts about 10 minutes per casting, but can be dispelled or circumvented in areas that cancel out magic.

  • Frostbite: A touch spell that spreads a bitter cold through the body of the opponent. It doesn't deal lethal damage, but instead begins to exhaust the body as if suffering from the effects of a deeply cold climate unprotected. It saps physical strength and dexterity making an opponent more sluggish as if fatigued. Most useful for capturing opponents or "injuring them to escape" without killing them.

  • Snowball: Creates a spherical piece of ice about the size of a basketball and shoots it forward as a projectile. Effective as a ranged weapon up to about 30-feet.

  • Enlarge Person: Temporarily increases the size category of a creature and their items by one step. Makes Cal or intended target bigger and stronger, but a little slower creating an opening for them to become hit. Most useful when engaging monstrous melee targets or groups to have extended reach in protecting himself or others. Lasts about 10 minutes.

  • Expeditious Retreat: Doubles a creatures movement for about 10 minutes, making them faster on the battlefield. Great for needing to traverse greater distances for scouting, escaping, or to reach an important part of the battlefield sooner rather than later.

  • Ray of Enfeeblement: A range spell that saps the physical might from an opponent (can be resisted to half the effect) dealing moderate damage to their physical strength, or small amounts of damage. In terms of role-play if resisted it deals 10% damage to one's physical might and damage dealing ability, but if not it will deal 20%.

Second Level Spells--- More advanced spells that can be used in combat.

  • Frigid Touch: A frost spell that seeps physical constitution as it deals ice-related damage through touch. A more advanced and lethal version of the Frostbite spell, but maintains a single use charge rather than multiple charges of magic from a single cast.

  • Frequency Burst: An original sonic based spell that creates a high frequency vibration around his hand or blade when channeling, that disrupts the physical consistency of an object similarly to a high-frequency blade and staggers its target or a round. If over charged with mana it can create a burst upon a critical that threatens to paralyze the target.

  • Intensified Shocking Grasp: A spell enhanced by knowledge of metamagic secrets, this is a more powerful version of shocking grasp dealing significantly lethal amounts of damage that scales with his own increase in experience/power.

  • Scorching Ray: A mid-ranged fire spell that shoots concentrated bolts of energy at targets dealing moderate damage. At his current level of power Cal can shoot four of these from a single casting at a single or separate opponents.

  • Cat's Grace: A spell that increase's one's agility and makes their reflexes much more refined and instinctive. Lasts approximately ten minutes at his current level of power. Ex. Shifting from Agility like Captain America's to Spiderman for a role-play comparison.

  • Invisibility: A spell that completely conceals the user's physical presence, making them and their equipment invisible. Scent and keen hearing can still locate their general positioning. A casting of this spell lasts about 10-minutes each when used at his current level of power.

  • Glitterdust: A spell that fills a thirty-foot radius with bright, shimmering dust of a prismatic coloration. Useful for blinding opponents and revealing the presence of invisible enemies.

  • Mirror Image: A spell that replicates the appearance of the caster into four other copies, all of which that mimic the actions of the original. If the opponent is critically affected by the illusion they could believe the illusionary images are physically damaging them, but in most cases makes a shield of possible misdirection when the caster is being attacked. 

  • Web: Creates a magical web similar to that of a spider's but with the thickness of hemp rope that fills a twenty-foot area, making movement difficult, and in other cases catching opponents and immobilizing them.

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