03/14/2017 02:57 PM 

--drabble o1.
Category: Stories

"Diamonds are a girl's best friend..." The words were sung in a glamorous, sultry Hollywood tone. An amused chuckle followed immediately after, the woman finding her reaction a bit ridiculous. Still, it'd been a long time since she had a take as large as this one. Long and slender legs crossed, Selina sat upon the carpet of her single-bedroom apartment. She had long come out of her thieving attire and finally settled in the comfort of her home. A single lamp cast a yellowed glare in the room-far away enough where the light barely hit her. A velvet drawstring bag contained the jewels that she poured into the palms of her hands. The cat burglar knew that she'd be set financially for a long time. Providing that she wasn't caught. Her getaway was clean, but Selina knew that she often had a Bat-shaped shadow that tended to always try to force her on the side of good rather than evil.

Mow. A pair of yellow eyes shone in the shadows before revealing who was behind them.

"Mommy's home," Selina cooed, slipping the diamonds through her fingers so they dropped, she coaxed her cat closer. Oh, how she loved her cats. She was content with being a certified crazy cat lady and they were her most faithful companions. She based the entirety of her alternate identity on them. Selina picked the cat up, nuzzling her against her cheek. "I'm going to spoil you rotten," she continued, talking to her pet that could only purr in response. Several more of her cats come out of their hiding places for interaction, seemingly curious of their human's conquests this evening.

Maybe this would be the stash that put her into permanent retirement. Sure, it wasn't clean money, but she could make a solid escape from Gotham with her kittens in tow. Selina had a penchant for the finer things in life-luxurious fashion shows in Paris, the finest wines in Italy...she may have the schmooze a little bit with dumb but rich men to keep up appearances but she certainly didn't have to stay here. And she'd be far, far away from...

Thoughts were interrupted by a loud, startling bump. Her cats ran to their hiding places, and Selina's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. Was she found out? Were her dreams all for naught? Quickly she gathered her diamonds back into their bag, stuffing them in a hiding place beneath a sofa cushion. It wasn't the smartest hiding spot, but she didn't have too much of a choice at the moment. She raised from the floor, stilling her movements to see if she could hear anything else. It couldn't be the Bat-he had a tendency to pop up unannounced and very, very silently. It was almost creepy but she was accustomed to his stealth. Someone really wanted her to know that they were around.

Selina combed her claws through her short, shaggy hair. Inwardly she cursed staying in the apartment. "Should have left when you had the chance," Selina scolded herself. Now it was stay around and fight, or...try to gather what she could and make a run for it. Whatever she decided, there was no way she'd give up her take so easy. She had no overhead and had planned everything on her own. Selina felt that she deserved every drop of its shimmering worth.

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