01/21/2017 01:58 PM 


For either Denying, Deleting, Blocking you or any combination of the three.

♛ 1. DENIED--

        ⊶ I don't allow crossovers. If you are not in the RWBY verse PRIMARILY this is why you were denied.
        ⊶ You're a Ruby, and I don't accept Mirrors.
        ⊶ I know you're a friend collector
        ⊶ You're an MCRP character, I just can't wrap my head around it sorry.
        ⊶ I do accept OC RWBY characters on my friendslist but ONLY if you actually followed Monty Oum's Color Naming Rule and the single trait faunus rule (stated in WOR) I don't care if you came up with a reason your character's name doesn't follow the rule. Monty Oum made these rules specifically so people could make OCs in the RWBY universe and you not following seems to me like an insult to his memory and his wishes. If you don't follow the rule you will be denied.

♛ 2. BLOCKED--

        ⊶ You've stirred up drama with me
        ⊶ You've added me more than three times.

♛ 3. DELETED--

        ⊶ You broke one of my important rules

        ⊶ You've been inactive for more than two months.
        ⊶ You've been active for a month and have yet to reply to me in.

♛ 4. DENIED OR DELETED& BLOCKED-- You've stirred up drama with my friends that dragged me into it.

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