02/19/2016 05:52 PM 

Death of a Leader! Cervantes falls!!! - Victory

Drip, Drip

Drip, Drip

A thick crimson liquid dropped onto the pavement creating a small puddle. There was a revolting stench that was attached to this thick liquid as the puddle began to become bigger. The fragrance of the liquid smelled like death. One meter away from the puddle laid a rigid body. Faint motions of the chest slowly heaved up and down. Oxygen going into the being's nose, filling their lungs only half way because the other half was filled with blood. The guards closed in around the wall where the body resided, weapons leveled and breath steady.  Their white-knuckled hands clasped to the hilts and shafts, while their eyes remained focused at the source of the scratching. Only several guards remained from the previous onslaught, they were the elite guards who had proven themselves in wars time and time again.

"Move!" An elite guard in front yelled out as they charged the front gate.

Blood red hues illuminated in the night as the guards broke down the gate. A man that was six feet and four inches towered over the guards who only reached the average height of five feet and seven inches. The man had an athletic build to him, with raven black hair and a brown coloration to his skin. Four locations besides his eyes were illuminating. One spot on his body illuminated the most from the rest of his body and that was his left hand. Why did his left hand glow more than the other three locations on his body? Yojiro Tenkai the Chief Star of Heaven was now in his Forgiveness phase. What was radiating on his left hand? Only those around him knew what this was: The True Rune Of Punishment. Normally, the rune will consume its master's life every time he or she uses the power of the Rune. However, once the forgiveness phase has been activated, the rune will no longer ebb away at its bearer's life force, thus allowing them to use the True Rune to its full power and force without fear of instant death.

Upon the Chief Star of Heaven's right hand was the True Earth Rune. The father of all Earth runes allowing the Tenkai a diversified arsenal with the ground he walked on. In the middle of his forehead there was a bright yellow light that was being emitted. This was the True Lightning Rune, being the same in status as the True Earth Rune it bore a different element: The Lightning element. In the same hand as the True Earth Rune five brown digits grasped tightly around a black threaded handle of a Katana that was passed down to him through one of the Elders of Kotodama Village from his deceased father. The last location that had a red luminescence like presence was the black blade of his katana. This last Rune was the Black Sword Rune which had devastating power. The katana blade was made of alien metals that had similar properties as adamantium.

Only standing in black boxer briefs Yojiro stood there stagnantly. The ground beneath them all shot up into the air, detaching itself from the ground the earth formed a sphere around the several guards. Yojiro faced the sky as the twin moons shone down on his handsome features. One slight grasp of the handle of his katana the eight foot in diameter earth sphere condensed around the elite guards. Blood sprayed everywhere, eyelids clasped slowly over crimson optics. Warm crimson liquid droplets sprayed from the now two foot in diameter earth sphere. Forgiveness was what makes the world go around.  

There was a slight breeze that brushed against the brown face of the Tenaki. Feeling himself at a higher elevation he opened his eyelids revealing his devious ruby tint eyes. It was an entirely new day. Was he sleep? Or was he simply hallucinating? Neither of those things, it was a very recent memory that he grasped, remembering that he had entered his forgiveness phase.

Standing on top of Kotodama Tower with three other stars. Oni Tenkou - The Clever Star, Zukio Tenyu - The Star of Bravery, and Jeion Chima - The Devil Star. Three powerful allies that he could be proud to call his brethren and fight by their side. During this leave he knew that the rest of the Stars would take good care of Kotodama Village and protect it with their life. Yojiro wore his usual ensemble.  His attire consisted of an all black short and sleeveless jacket, underneath he wore a white shirt with a breastplate on top. He also wore long loose black pants with all black shoes to match. Yojiro this time wore black gloves on both of his hands instead of a bandage on his left.. On his right hip was a black sheath with what looked like a standard size Katana that had a black handle.

"Zukio, you're the first one up." A voice echoed from a new comer.

This was the Star of Sin who possessed the Gate Rune approached the four and patted Zukio on the back. Watching Zukio jump into the portal that was before them. Generated by the Star of Sin within a matter of seconds. Yojiro could also feel Akachi his Neteru began to stir inside of him, simultaneously all of his Runes radiated a great light. Without hesitation Yojiro jumped in right after the Star of Bravery. Feeling the warm magic energy engulf his physique it was only a few seconds until he appeared in an arena. Zukio was nowhere in sight. The Chief Star of Heaven was surrounded by four major sitting stands that were empty. There were two main entrances and a sub gate, The arena had steel walls shaped like a octagon, and came 5 ft in height. And 1ft thick. The ground beneath you is solid dirt. A grin plastered on the Chief's face as he could feel everything within these steel walls. Yojiro judged the distance and he was twenty meters from the center near a closed gate. Behind the gate was empty because he could feel what was behind it.

What was to come?
Posted:  02/18/2016
He traveled the infinite void between Where's, a dark and murky nothingness that he had grown accustomed to over his lifetime. Though on this day he felt slight unease, for these were not his doors he traveled through. The sensation of being stretched across the cosmos permeated throughout his entire being, stretching and warping until he finally met his destination. And what had been, in his words; the worst form of travel, had been over in less time than one took to blink.

He came through Oh so elegantly and could have been easily mistaken for a Swan basking in the light of the early morning. That is, if said Swan had been minus a head and accumulated the grace of any dancer who failed out of competitive television.

He hit the floor hard with his hands wrapped tightly around his stomach. A bright golden liquid spewed from his mouth as he violently began to vomit. A mixture of both his blood and the contents of his stomach quickly pooled around him and soaked into his jeans and leather jacket. A quite noticeable moan echoed out from his shark like maw before that thick golden substance came out flooding from his mouth again.

After a short moment, one which seemed to stretch far beyond its natural sense, he slowly began to stand. With gloved palms pressed tightly against his old jeans he forced himself onto the heels of his black boots, and even in his weak and hunched state he resonated an unusually absent energy. As if absence was his energy. He held this position for the time and then once again threw up more of his blood. It stained the dirt and reeked of some kind of sour sulphur like scent. 

At his side he carried an arsenal of swords. Or so he thought. Three hits struck out from the side of him, two nearly identical and one unique. The two identical ones had been brother sister, near mirror reflections of each other. Only the most minute differences could be seen by those familiar with them. One being slightly longer and the other having the slightest of curves. Both of their hilts bent on the opposite direction of the blade, which made them jintachi. Such swords had been difficult to wield even for the most seasoned warrior.

Cervantes had finally managed to get his footing, his six and a half foot stature towered high above most others. Though he had seemed far less intimidating with the drying blood plastered to the side of his face. None the less, he held a firm and flaming gaze within his golden eye. And even though the other had been hidden beneath a patch of leather it should be assumed it too stared fiercely ahead. His own natural aura, which remained a closely held dense layer, had been overpowered by his intense body temperature. It had been a natural defense mechanism when his body had come under intense stress, and the loss of so much of his blood had been an adequate reason.

He stood motionless only momentarily before reaching into his pocket. A thin black box had been removed, obviously a phone, and he began to quickly shuffle through it. He seemed oblivious of everything else for the moment until finally his face snapped into a weak grin. Music began to play obnoxiously loud from the phone, obviously it has been modified with new speakers, and played "Don't stop me now" by the band Queen.

"Now let's have some fun."

Posted:  02/18/2016

~He was kissing my ass, now he wanna talk sh*t so he'll get my d*ck in his throat.~

"Do I get to have fun this time?" Akachi spoke to Yojiro telepathically.

"Maybe, Akachi. I just know he's some p**sy from Kajuu Zaibatsu, at least I think that's how you say it. Sinta told me a little about the guy. He's not a fighter, nigga should've stuck to going on dates and fighting lesser demons. Hey...Akachi, do you this character would get mad if I hooked up with Sinta?" Yojiro spoke with his Neteru.

"Yojiro...that's how you almost got caught up with that married woman before." Akachi said exhaustedly.

"Yea I know, but have you seen Sinta? She does have a nice little petite body. You know what they say, once you go brown, all other colors get turned down." A smirk crept upon his face.

His neteru began to grow stronger within him. Runes were shimmering just a little bit brighter than before as they grew in strength. The Chief Star of Heaven could feel energy build up in the atmosphere as a dimensional gateway was beginning to open. With haste Yojiro reached over with his left hand and created a firm grasp around the ebony threaded handle. Preparing for the opposition and engage in battle.

Yojiro Tenkai the people's champion waited patiently for the right time to strike. Crimson iris peered at the portal opening up and now he was ready for anything. A single man came from out of the portal and the adversary's physique, attire and equipment was analyzed. His opponent landed hard on the floor. At this time Yojiro's blade is already drawn from its sheath. Seeing an opening before his adversary spewed out anything Yojiro's center line was aligned with his opponent's left shoulder. Closing the twenty meter gap They were one meter apart and his katana in his left hand, a swift and powerful strike in the shape of a crescent moon was performed. Aimed at the neck, with a swing matched equally to Matisse VerDuyn's max swing of a baseball bat. The head would fall to the floor as it would take a second for the blood to gush from the headless body.

Too easy.

"Maybe I'll go talk to Sinta." Yojiro said as he would walk away from a headless body.

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