02/15/2016 02:15 PM 

Yojiro Tenkai VS Laura Matsuda (Victory. Paralyzed her and then sent her into cardiac arrest.)

Posted: 02/03/2016

Round 1

Yojiro Tenkai Vs Laura Matsuda


-No Re-Posts.�

���� -No God� Modding.

-No Meta� Gaming:� If you� state the feelings or motive of your character and give� no� explanation for them or for changing them it is considered�� meta-gaming. Any in character information found out about your� opponents� out side of the fight must be proven before the� fight starts.

-No Power Modding. Changing your� characters abilities

-No Clone� Abuse.

-4 Day Time limit.

-The� Idle Clause Will always be in effect. This means if you do� not� post in the given time limit you will be skipped and your� character� will be "idle"

-Prep System will� be in effect for all� bouts unless discussed otherwise between� competitors. Pre-prepping for a� fight your character doesn't� know about is banned. This does not mean� you cannot prep in� your first post.

-All abilities/items/character info� must be stated in the sign� up sheet. Anything not in the sign� up sheet CANNOT BE USED. Hints are� still needed in regards to� whatever item/abilities/character 's� performance is in use.� Just because it's in your sign-up doesn't mean� you can pull it� out of nowhere. It must be hinted.

-Ask�� Questions in regards to the fight. Ask them at the point of where� the� misunderstanding or gripe is happening, NOT when it has� already� happened. This means All OOC questions by the opponent� or judge or admin� MUST be answered truthfully and� FULLY.

-No hiding� writing in white text,� links, or other hidden means. Texts must be� visible and� readable to both opponent and� judges.

����� -Teleporting, Time Manipulation, Clones, Need 1 prep for usage each� time.

����� -Omnipresence, Omnicompetence, Omniscience, Omnifarious, Omnificence,� Omnilock are banned. [More can and will be� added]

������� -Interruptions are allowed given the proper timing &� or� info. Must state the continuation of a prep if interrupted� otherwise you� wouldn't be considered� charging.

����� -If info of your� opponents speed, or their whereabouts aren't� made in their post, you are� allowed to state them in your� own.

���� -No out� of character information gained is allowed to be used in your� roleplays.

����� -Your character is not allowed to avoid or hit an attack by� luck.

������ -No stifling of creativity. For example:� Just because� your� opponent is cryptic or choose to type their work� under� poetry clause ,� do not chastise them for it.

-16 Man Tournament.�

-1 v.� 1's

-No Time Extensions.�

If your� opponent never shows up, gets deleted, or does not wish to participate a� random fighter MAY post up.�

If no one� posts within the round's time limit, the winner will be that whom has� posted already.�

Posted: 02/03/2016
The stages will be set up by the first to post.Please follow the picture placed for the arena. Come Round 2 we will be giving each stage "effects" and ring out clauses. Also, for the winner of this match, you are required to be prepared to post a last post with a picture of your character. The round will end on March 1st. Should all the fights end before then, we will begin round 2 right away.
Posted: 02/03/2016
"So when does your tournament start?" Miyuki the Magic Star looked up at Yojiro who towered over her small frame.�

"It should be starting soon actually...maybe I should leave before I'm late." The Chief Star of Heaven's crimson spheres looked down at Miyuki. �"When I'm gone please make sure Zukio and Oni don't smoke in my house. I'll be going to meet up with Feon so he can transport me to the arena. " Once he finished his last sentence he turned his back to the Magic Star and walked towards the door. �Grabbing his katana he rushed out the door without giving Miyuki to respond.�

The Chief Star of Heaven ran down the street towards the Gate Rune. Feon the Star of Sin was the barer of the Rune and so far he did a great job in protecting it. It was the only kind of Gate Rune that they had come across so far in their journeys. Crimson optics roamed, feet began to move faster and it was only seconds before he met up with his Star of Sin. By the time he had gotten there Feon had the gate already prepared, if there was one thing that Yojiro could do, that was depend on Feon to get him where he needed to be in a timely fashion.

Yojiro looked at Feon the Star of Sin and nodded his head. There was a sudden burst of light that came from the physique of the Star of Sin. Gate Rune was now activated. In the middle of the ground blue portal appeared that was three feet in radius. Without time to waste Yojiro jumped into the portal. His frame merged with the portal, consuming him completely. �


A blue light would emerge from the skies as a man descended with great speed. As he fell the Chief Star of Heaven could feel the energy growing inside of him. It was only a second before the gate rune closed and Yojiro reached the ground. Upon reaching the ground due to the impact caused a crater twenty feet in radius. Dust and debris kicked up into the air, in the the center of the crater was a man that was surrounded in lighting. His figure still shadowed out by the dust, but as he walked from out of it his frame became evident. Now standing three meters in front of the crater Yojiro gripped �his sheath with his right hand. Yojiro stood at six feet and two inches towering over most in the village with a wingspan of seven feet . He had short spiky raven black hair and crimson eyes just like his father. Unlike most back at the village he was from he had light brown skin which made him stick out like a sore thumb. His attire consisted of an all black short and sleeveless jacket, underneath he wore a white shirt with a breastplate on top. He also wore long loose black pants with all black shoes to match. Yojiro had only a right glove on his hand because his left hand was still bandaged up. On his right hip was a black sheath with what looked like a standard size Katana that had a black handle.�

Yojiro stood their examining the brown arena around him, being cautious of his surroundings. Anything could happen at any given moment and the Chief would be ready for whatever came his way.

ooc: Sorry for the sh*t post >_>
Posted: 02/04/2016
The Matsuda Dojo located off in Brazil. Laura was making way to the tournament she'd entered, though this one was a tad more diverse than that of the Street Fighter set. Though as she made her exit, Her brother pestered her.�
The rambunctious teen shouted to his elder sister. Sean once again wining about entering a tournament that he knew nothing of. Laura simply continued to walk, sighing as he continued to pester her. She walked up to him, putting him in a headlock and giving him a noogie.�
"Because last time you went off chasing your man crush Ken, and lost your fight. So you're not going with me anywhere until you learn how to control yourself!" She said as she then let him go. She chuckled and turned away. "Now give your big sis a turn, I'll be sure to get his autograph for you if I see him.~"

She made way, exiting the area and took way to the arena.

-- Arena --

Making way to this place was an odd journey. To be sent to what seemed to be another reality, she stepped down the massive flight of steps. Though as she came down, the crashing light caused her to grin. She arrived just in time. As the male had crashed into the arena, creating the creator on impact. She glanced down and groaned. "Oh c'mon! You can't just break peoples arena's!" She shouted from the stairs as she made her way down. She jumped onto what looked to be floating Hexagons. She jumped until she landed on the arena. The massive crator and sighed heavily, pinching the flesh over the bridge of her nose.�

Laura stood at 5'11", a considerably tall woman. Her skin a mocha tone, her lengthy raven locks corn rowed on the left hand side. The other, voluminous and flowing free. Brown eyes locked onto his as a grin plastered itself upon full lips. She wore a green top which was tied beneath her bust. Golden lining upon it. She wore wrappings upon her feet. Green pants with golden lines down each side adorned her lower body. Though the back was cut out only to reveal black tights beneath the set of pants. A belt around her waist. She made way into the arena and took her stance. Sliding her left foot forward, her left hand raised to eye level. Her right lowered to waist level. She grinned. "Let's get it started!"

ooc; It's fine with me! ♥
Posted: 02/07/2016

A breeze blew past as black short spiky hair fought with the wind. His crimson hues danced with their vision leveling the area surrounding him as his opponent made her way into the arena. A still head kept focus of body and mind, a nostalgic wave engulfed him as he stood on the brown hexagon platform. Soon as his opponents foot began to slide forward his lightning became �stronger. Tearing away at the ground in a one meter radius each time the lightning touched it.

They were approximately ten yards apart as crimson spheres analyzed his opponent. As she was raising her left hand, Yojiro gripped his katana blade with his left hand. Parting his feet at shoulder width with a slight bend of his knees and hunched over slightly for balance. The Chief Star of Heaven was cool, calm and relaxed, a battle this close could only be anticipated to end in a matter of seconds if not less. The brown skin Star deity placed his left foot two inches in front of his right.

"Let's get it started!"

His opponent spoke right after she got into her fighting stance. It was a shame that a young beautiful female as herself would be on the opposite end. Regardless of her beauty Yojiro would not discriminate, she would either be split in two or he would allow her to surrender. The moment she came at him and finally announced herself as a hostile he would strike her down. Maybe, just maybe if she surrendered he would offer to take her out on a dinner date after he won the tournament.
Posted: 02/10/2016
Her eyes locked onto the blade for a split second before returning to the male. A nice sleek metal. Probably used to conduct all of the electricity in the air or in his body. She simply gave a smirk.�
"Don't disappoint me!"

She said before she took in a deep breath. She felt the electricity in the air. It was like being clasp in a warm blanket. Comforting. Building her confidence in the match. She slowly stepped forward, however she moved at an angle. Stepping out towards his right, one foot after the other. Closing in at an angle. She moved carefully, watching his every response. The rise of his chest as he inhaled, watching for muscle tension developing in anticipation of an attack. Though things were going�awfully�slow. She moved in, stepping in low and dashing toward him. She stepped toward him from the right, her left palm moving toward his chest though it was a fake-out.

Her hand continued on, spinning in a 180, her palm re-directed to the ground. Using it as leverage as she swept her �right leg towards the males ankle to try and knock him off his feet. There was no continuation. If connected, she'd jump back a foot to regain distance.
Posted: 02/13/2016

You want a battle ?

"Don't disappoint me!"

She sounded almost ecstatic about fighting against the Chief Star of Heaven. It could almost be considered preposterous that she would even think that Yojiro would disappoint her. The moment he had activated his lightning aura he had been letting it grow stronger by feeding his energy into it and all she did was watch. Right when she took a step forward Yojiro was ready, patiently waiting for the right time to strike. Each time her foot touched the ground he could feel her every movement. There was no tension within his body for he was relaxed.

Futile actions was the result of an inevitable defeat. She was closing the distance and Yojiro was well aware of what was happening. Distance was judged and motions that were set in motion could not be reversed. Anyone who was skilled in any art that dealt with close combat could tell you that the easiest way to read an opponent is to read their muscle movement. Usually those who knew what to look for in muscle movement were victorious. He was not sure if the woman was dense, but soon as she was in striking distance his lightning aura would lash out at a velocity of one hundred and thirty miles per hour . The moment he activated his lightning aura it had been getting stronger with each second.

She allowed her own death

His lightning aura contained only sixteen �thousand volts, but that wasn't the part that was going to hurt. The lightning aura also had seven �hundred milliamperes, at the start of the lightning aura it was only eight thousand volts with three hundred and fifty milliamperes. She allowed him to stand there and make his aura stronger and then ran right into it? Was this suicide by depression ? Or suicide by stupidity ? What she just did was look down the barrel of a loaded gun with her finger on the trigger and the safety was off. This game wasn't for everyone, maybe in another lifetime he would get to take her out.

In the midst of her palm going to his chest, before she even changed direction the lightning lashed out down at her forearm and chest simultaneously, �it would be damn near impossible to escape this defeat. Upon contact the lightning would cause third degree points upon the entry point. The lightning would act as a massive defibrillator, upsetting the heart's electrical rhythm and causing cardiac arrest. That's in addition to bursting blood vessels and damaging the cardiac muscles. It would also affect the neurological functions, the immediate effects would be resulting in short term memory loss or amnesia. Longer term effects �neurological maladies include personality changes, learning disabilities, sleep disorders, and seizures. On top of all that the first effect that would take place would be paralysis.

Locking up the muscles throughout the body within three milliseconds the moment the lightning entered the body. Paralysis would be in effect for approximately twelve seconds. If consciousness was not lost from the cardiac arrest within half of the time the paralysis lasted then Yojiro had something in store. Withdrawing the blade silently from the sheath and in one fluid motion aimed for the head of his opposition. Leaning in slighting, one clean horizontal cut would take the head of the enemy right off if connected. With a swing matched equally to Matisse VerDuyn's max swing of a baseball bat. The head would fall to the floor as it would take a second for the blood to squirt from the headless body. Once the paralysis was over the body would drop and began to have fits from the lighting. If one was to look at her body they could see what could have caused the death if the head was not taken off. Lichtenberg figures spread through out the entire body.

Posted: 02/14/2016
As she came in close, she could feel her heart racing. The electricity in the air, she could see it all. She could feel the hairs on her body start to rise from the static engulfing her, though it didn't stop her nor make her hesitate. Instead, Excitement continued boiling within. As the electricity lashed out to her, it hit but had no visible effect. He let her close distance, mistake number one. As her palm made contact with the ground, she swung her leg behind his to confirm the hit. Once he'd fallen back, she sprung back onto her palms. However she gave no time to breath for the other. She lunged forward once more. If he hadn't recovered from the fall in time, she'd take his arm into an arm bar. Her leg would hook around his neck and using her strength, she'd twist herself counter-clockwise, applying more pressure onto his throat with her leg. Her pelvis would push out as well, straining the elbow.�Threatening�to shatter both the olecranon and the greater tubercle of the males arm.�
Posted: 02/14/2016
Fallen Angel's Cataclysmic Hymn
Judge call must be made for the last two posts made. Therefor this fight is currently paused. To see what te call is, refer to the Judgment Hall.

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