01/23/2016 12:46 PM 

Tonight we are victorious (Victory. Opponent cheated by deleting the topic and fixing his post)

Posted:  01/19/2016

Ebon soles walked along the roof of a nightclub as auric hues gazed upon a seas of skyscrapers. A beautiful view that many took for granted. The man currently admiring fell into that category. Exposed to many luxuries since rebirth. Beauty was a concept that he used selectively. He had committed many atrocities, all of which played a part in chipping away at his soul. Though he still had, to say  he emotions well that would be a stretch. Yet for the stereotype of a bad boy, he was still at club with people he pretended to like.

Sighing to himself, steps were taking back inside as he left the roof of the 7 storied nightclub. It took him several moments to traverse to the bottom of the club. Each floor was the size of a football stadium, the reason for which being was that bigger was always better. And when you were a Solarian prince, you deserved only the best. Prince Abel had recently been brought on the throne and so it was only fair to throw a party in celebration of Solaris's newest son. 

Finally reaching the bottom floor, Abel tried to ignore the many eyes that fell upon him. He wondered for a brief moment, what did they see? Did they see royalty? Did they see a man or a doll? Or was it power in the truest form? A commander of aer and blades? Or was it just his all black Gucci shoes and his Hugo Boss dress shoes? An answer he'd never have as a beauty in a blue cocktail dress came around and ruffled his already messy hair. That was his cue to go find a drink and enjoy the festivities. For only a fool would try ruin the Prince's night.

Posted:  01/19/2016

"Yojiro, are you sure you don't need us to accompany?"The Star of Bravery stood next to the Chief Star of Heaven with his arms folded. Two different colored eyes stared at the Tenkai awaiting an answer.

"Going alone is already a handicap guys. If you guys came then there would be no point of a fight because it would be a slaughter." The Chief Star of Heaven spoke with a grin on his face. Usually the Hero of the story was always humble and respectful, but not this one. If you want something like that then I'd advise you to watch a disney movie.

"Tell me when you want me to activate the Gate Rune so you can be transported Chief. Once you're finished there Cyrus will get in contact with you via telepathy.The Star of Sin who was the master of summonings and transportation spoke of specific directions.

Yojiro nodded his head and looked over at Cyrus who was leaning against the wall with a cigarette in his mouth. 

"You know those will kill you one day right?"

"You know better than I do that these won't kill us. Besides it's a habit, sort of like biting your nails. Shouldn't you be going?"
The Star of Conflagration spoke in a rather annoyed voice as he took another drag of his cigarette.

It was always fun to pick on Cyrus, but he was right. It was time for his departure. Yojiro looked at Feon the Star of Sin and nodded his head. There was a sudden burst of light that came from the physique of the Star of Sin. Gate Rune was now activated. In the middle of the floor a blue portal appeared that was three feet in radius. 

"Make sure you're aware of your surroundings, I don't feel like finding a new host."Yojiro's Neteru spoke to him telepathically. 

"Do you really have no trust in me Akachi?" The Chief Star of Heaven laughed slightly on the inside. There was a pause before his Neteru spoke. 

"...No...Not entirely."

"Good, I wouldn't trust myself either if I was you."

Yojiro stood at six feet and two inches towering over most in the village with a wingspan of seven feet . He had short spiky raven black hair and crimson eyes just like his father. Unlike most at the village he was from he had light brown skin which made him stick out like a sore thumb. His attire consisted of an all black short and sleeveless jacket, underneath he wore a white shirt with a breastplate on top. He also wore long loose black pants with all black shoes to match. Yojiro had only a right glove on his hand because his left hand was still bandaged up. On his right hip was a black sheath with what looked like a standard size Katana that had a black handle. 

Walking over to the Gate Rune's portal he stepped into it. 


Such a beautiful night it was. People walked the streets of the city shopping, carrying out business, and on their own personal agenda. What none of them knew was that the city was about to become a battleground. Yojiro was never one to kill innocents deliberately, but sometimes in war stray bullets don't always hit their target. 

In the sky clouds began to part as the Gate Rune's portal began to conjure into existence. Eyes averted to the blue portal in the sky and immediately people began to panic. Chaos throughout the city had commenced. Soon as it came into existence the Chief Star of Heaven came falling to the earth below. Yojiro landed on the street below airily. It was a good thing that he had the ability to fly or else the landing would have been a scabrous one. Seconds later the portal faded away.

Soon as he touched the earth beneath his feet everything was becoming a lot more vivid. Heart beats and even footsteps became clear. The Rune on his right hand gave him the ability over earth and he was able to judge how tall, heavy or even how fast something was going if it dealt with the earth. People had cleared out the surrounding area and their seemed to be a selected few still around. Depending on how they moved Yojiro knew where his opponent was. 

Standing in the middle of the street with no surrounding cars around him or power poles he wondered if he was in the right place. Everyone in the city seemed scared and the rest that was around was probably hiding. There was only way to draw out his opponent. Now standing thirty meters away from a building with the remaining people in it, Yojiro drew his Katana. A black blade with writing etched into the metal. This was not a normal Katana for it was made out of alien metals and on top of that possessed the Black Sword Rune.. Giving the katana supernatural strength that was able to cut through mountains meaning it's durability was far superior than that of a regular katana. 

When the katana broke the seal from the black sheath lightning surged around him. It was a given that his uniform for today was elemental resistant and the simple fact through intense training he himself was resistant to lightning base attacks. Crimson eyes narrowed as he placed his left foot in front with a slight bend in his knees. Grasping his katana with his free hand he went into the Waki-game stance. His right arm bent slightly, his left arm reached across his body, and his blade was pointed behind him at the ground. 

"Be on guard."

"Akachi relax, you're too tense.

Lightning Aura - 1 .

Posted:  01/19/2016
Festivities carried on in Abel's nightclub as the same saffron haired vixen took his hands within her own. Like the beginning of a battle, he sized her up. Caramel skin that glimmered despite the dim lighting. Perfect skin for a perfect hourglass figure that was complimented by that tight cerulean dress. He wasn't one to usually get nervous around a female but then again she was no ordinary woman. Her body was more like a fine piece of art. Was it Gogh, Picasso, Munch, or maybe Michelangelo and the rest of the Ninja Turtles who designed her?  Surveying her once more, auric eyes then noticed the sway of her hips before stopping at her ass. She had what Abel's cousin Asmund would've classified as a "phatty". If he could, he'd probably blush in response to the lewd thoughts. She had a strong grip yet soft hands. Indeed her hands were more tender compared to his own coarse palms. Musings of what type of lotion she probably used drifted in his thoughts until the two reached the table. What happened next was something that he would've never suspect.

Another female laid across the table with beauty that rivaled the woman from earlier. Although her choice of clothing was far less conservative, she was still a dame to die for. Nothing was left to the imagination, all what little clothing did was confirm that there was indeed something worth covering. However slut shaming was not Abel's cup of tea. Familiar soft palms massaged his shoulders; calming him for what was to come. With no warning, wrists were bound. Auric eyes widened as he cursed underneath his breath. He was ready to label himself a fool for dropping his guard before he noticed the vixen straddle the woman on the table. Like mermaids luring sailors cast at sea, twin temptresses beckoned him forward. Bearing glasses of Pagan spirits, Abel soon realized that this was nothing but a game. Vintage Louis Roederer Cristal was poured on the dame, cascading like rain in a valley as it traveled down her silicone breasts to her bellybutton. Caramel physique soon joined her as the vixen leaned forward chasing the alcohol with her tongue. Following the Cristal's path in reverse, this and what happened next seemed to occur in slow motion. A slice of lime on her neck was picked up and then returned with the most sultriest of kisses. Onlookers cheered as the two exchanged lip gloss in the most unconventional way. Mushing breasts followed by example, making what Abel's pal Takeshi would call a "chocolate vanilla titty swirl". No doubt a spectacle that one could see in a Trey Songz video on BET Uncut. 

Now the only better thing than witnessing a miracle, was to experience one. Abel would soon know that all too well. More liquid gold was placed on the dame as Abel was brought closer to the double D'd duo. Greeted by the vixen's glossy lips, the prince wasn't given a second to think. Lips met only to part and embark on a carnal quest. The faint smell of coconut followed him as he kissed down the vixen's neck before moving to the nested dame. Any chance of saying "I never done this before" was thrown out the window as he dipped his tongue into her porcelain navel.  Sliding along her bare skin, he made sure not to waste any of the Cristal. Not too quick, not too slow, he moved from the abdomen to her breasts. A brief graze of her neck before puckering up. A different set of lips but the same X-rated content as the last set of besos. Lime retrieved, the crowd broke its silence. A roar echoed throughout the first floor as like sports bar during the Super Bowel. Abel couldn't help but smile in this congeniality. It was different to be around that was applauding him not for status but for action. 

Unfortunately, this celebration was interrupted by an ache in Abel's forehead. Visions fluttered in his thoughts like torn papers from a notepad. Cosmic awareness; the growth of a skill from a past vocation. Possessing foresight that stretched even to the metaphysical, he felt a rip in the fabric of time and space. Something or better yet someone was coming this way. Giving daps and hugs to the ladies and  thugs, his aim was to maneuver through the crowd without a single drop of alcohol on his Gucci suit. The prince rushed through the sea of people with almost godlike speed. If one couldn't tell by the threat count his suit was almost as expensive as his Gucci toilet. The chilly wind jostled his black hair as Abel scanned the vicinity. He focused his Aer and retired abilities. The Hatzis was prepared for whatever came his way. The only  qualms on his mind  was how long this was gonna take and if he should've changed shoes before coming outside? Gucci suits were expensive yet replaceable. Although another pair of Hugo Boss loafers that matched an all black Gucci suit, well that would be a godsend. 

However, he was working on a substitute design just in case. Thoughts of butter creme interior soles with a crocodile skin outer layered became terminus within his mind. Auric eyes caught sight of a body's descent within the sky. No time was wasted as he moved to intercept the newcomer. By the time he arrived, Abel was atop a roof 12 meters North from the alien. Like the vixen, he sized the foe up. His attire, his cigarette, his weapon, his face, his demeanor, the lightning around his person, all duly noted as inhuman consciousness processed. Ten different schemes were already made within the first jiffy; ersatz cognitive aptitude was forever on point. Attentive eyes watched the drawing of the foe's sword. The lightning was acknowledged as expression remained blanked. If the foe wanted to impress someone with theatrics, then he had a better chance of auditioning for Broadway.  And as he took his stance, Abel would make his move without making a move. "Mind over matter" was a code he lived by and practiced. He had made many giants fall easier by the might of his brain rather than brute force. Once again bereavement would begin with a mere belief. Summoning his Lustblader, Abel merely waited for his foe to strike while digits wrapped around his chakram meets katana weapon. Composed of crystals and solidified Aer; its properties were deadly. Charging up his Abel, wondered how tonight was going to end.

LB - 1
Posted:  01/19/2016

This was only the beginning.

Yojiro knew that there was a foe on top of a roof that was near him. How did the Chief Star of heaven know where his target was? It was pretty simple actually. The Chief felt heart beats coming from inside building, but where the foe stood he wasn't feeling anything except weight and the simple fact that we was right outside on top of the building as if he was waiting for him.

Pay Attention Kid

Once the explosion engulfed his foe, the lightning around him grew slightly stronger as some energy surged through his own body. Yojiro could tell something in the air changed because his internal adaption factor kicked in, but nothing happened. Right when the occurrence happened Yojiro gripped his handle of his katana. Right when he gripped the black blade point three seconds later the building collapsed. An energy conversion of two hundred miles per hour through the earth. The very ground that the adversary stood on crumbled beneath him.

If the man did not move then he would fall through and Yojiro would increase the speed of the falling concrete and brick to ninety miles per hour. Hundreds of bricks traveling at that speed starting at three meters would hit his body leaving broken and . A simple attack, but because physics was GOD's greatest gift it would be very destructive. If he were to move then the bricks and concrete would be redirected at the same speed beginning at the same distance.

Lightning aura- 1.5
Neteru: Akachi- .5

Posted:  01/19/2016

Fulmination fired but for what? An explosion had occurred only to be swallowed by Abel within a mere moment. The summoning of his Lusterblade had acted as a defense as the blade was a weapon of reposition. No fire, no concussive force as the Hatzis stood in place. The only significant reply was a yawn as his sword had absorbed with enough speed for auric eyes to catch the sword strike. 

Anticipation for what was to come while also unafraid of some random cosplay nerd, Aer was collected at his feet keeping him in place as the building began to crack. However the tip of the long blade was pointed at downward. Absorbing the debris and the force for said rupture itself, another yawn was given off by Abel as he wondered if this was all the foe had to offer? There were few things that escaped a mind that processed far faster than the average being. Especially when equipped with the repositioning power of his Lusterblade, few held a chance against him. 

Digits ran through his hair as thoughts separated from the party to the battle at handle. Who was this guy and what was his aim? Question he asked himself because he never heard of the attacker. He was a nobody as far Abel was concerned. Usually the audacious types were the ones filled with strength and knew how to be entertaining. Then again there were exceptions to every rule. 1 in 3 men did have problems performing or were impotent. He must've been the one. If this was the best he could perform then that would be a problem. If he was supposed to be a bringer of death, then he was impotent. Abel rolled his eyes as his blade continued to charge and devour. He'd give the poor fellow once more chance to do better before he went back to the party. Hopefully by then he'd realize that this wasn't an anime convention.


Posted:  01/19/2016

"YOJIRO" A peevish guardian yelled out to him through the telepathy.

Equilibrium was something that was bestowed upon the Chief Star of Heaven during times of battle. Keeping a calm composure not letting the heat of battle get to him, but sometimes it could be a con. The pro of the situation was Akachi. Akachi was Yojiro's Neteru, Originally from the fourth dimension, the Akachi slept inside Kotodama's Tree of Dawn in preparation for a holy mission to save the human race in time of great peril.

This was his time

Effortlessly the Chief Star of Heaven bolted towards the Hatzis leaving a small trace of lighting behind him. During the travel the lighting aura peregrinated to the Star Deity's blade. Miniscule engravings from the tip of the blade to the guard began to illuminated a bright red. Appearing two meters in front of the Hatzis in point three seconds Yojiro was already in the motion of swinging.

Black Sword Rune

Energy from the True lightning rune had transferred and activated the black sword rune. Starting from the base of of the blade, black energy erupted like a volcano engulfing the entire black blade. The atmosphere around the two completely changed due to the devastating energy being unleashed from the black sword rune.

Flash Judgement

Yojiro swung the blade diagonally up and to his left which was his adversary's right. The wave of energy that surrounded the blade was released. Calamitous events events were about to be divulged. The black wave of energy was three feet in length with one foot in depth and ten feet in height. Traveling at one hundred miles per hour in less than one meter, his enemy did not stand a chance. Enveloping his opponent completely with his Flash Judgment the Chief Star of Heaven knew that the body that was there before would be no more. Destroying the building that the enemy was standing the wave kept going causing more havoc.

Looking down into the destroyed building Yojiro realized that he had knocked the kid out of his gucci shoes.

"Shouldn't let them go to waste." The Chief said as he descended down into the destroyed building.

"I can't believe you just took his shoes. I'm surprised that they even stayed in new condition with the attack you just unleashed."

"Sh*t happens Akachi, it was a sign from a greater being than I. His body was completely obliterated, but yet these shoes....these f***ing shoes....Feon open up the gate." Yojiro spoke telepathically to his Neteru and then to his Star of Sin.

Moments after asking Feon to open the portal Yojiro began to fly up towards the sky with a pair of all black gucci shoes. The clouds parted as the portal came into existence once more. First thing Yojiro was gonna do was clean the debris and dust off of the shoes. Even after all that happened the only thing that surprised Yojiro was that they just happened to have the same size foot. The only thing the Chief didn't like was the stomach churning smell that came from the shoes. His opponent must have not showered...EVER. Scratch that the first thing that Yojiro was gonna do was take them to a Shaman so he could bless the shoes to get the stench out.

Flying into the portal Yojiro Tenkai did not look back. The portal closed behind him as he returned home. A quick battle, but hey.... sh*t happens .

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