09/11/2014 11:42 PM 


Ryan's move's
Category: Uncategorized

Doujutsu :

Level One (develops around ages 12-14) - In this stage the eye has entered the kekkai genkai. Though they can't really do much with it. In this stage the eyes see objects in slow motion. Usually the body is trained so they can counter-strike and make it look like they can see into the future. Along with that ability the Clan Member can transport their opponent to a special plain (or field). Because the eye is level one all they can do is transfer the opponent to the field without any other affects besides strenghting their doujutsu a bit. 

Level Two (develops around ages 15-19) - In this stage the Clan Member truly enters the Kekkai Genkai. With the same abilties as the 1st eye the 2nd Level transfers their opponent to a special field. Once inside the plain the user's strength and Kekkai Genkai taijutsu abilities become almost twice as strong and effective. 

Level Three (20-25) -In this stage the users abilties are futher heightened. The opponent and the user are tranfered to a special field. Once inside the Taijutsu abilities grow in power 2 times. Also in the field the user and the opponent feel a strong impulse on thier body that shocks them both. After the pulse the gravity feels like it increased making them both feel slower but this is just from the pulse that weakened their muscles. They also have the ability to slow down time in their head greatly making the fastest opponents seem slow enough to see. The eyes gain an ability to have a slight insight giving them the ability to notice things easier, they often use this with their slowing down ability making it easier to dodge attacks. 

Level Four (???No recorded users) - Though the eye doesnt look different the abilities are heightened to thier max. The opponent and the user are tranfered to a special field. Once inside the Taijutsu abilities grow in power 4 times. Also in the field the user and the opponent feel a strong impulse on thier body that shocks them both. After the pulse the gravity feels like it increased making them both feel slower and weaken both thier reaction times but this is just from the pulse that weakened thier muscles and shocked thier nervous system. In this stage the eyes also gain great insight helping them alot when used with the slow down time in thier head ability. With this active all clan techniques take half the normal chakra needed. 
Chakra control :

Level One : The clans 1st level of chakra control. Its extremely basic. It allows basic chakra control. (Genin)

Level Two : The clans ability to control chakra is greated to the point where they can tranfer thier chakra into items such as weapons. Along with the ability to utilize chakra into the hands and feet for quicker actions or movements. (Chuunin)

Level Three : The clans ability to control chakra is maxed out. With this they have the ability to focus chakra from every point on thier body along with the ability to place a great amount of chakra into weapons etc for powerful combos. (Jounin)
Ninjutsu :

Enter the Plain (Level One - Level Four)
Ninjutsu/ Doujutsu
Rank C-S
The user and his opponent his tranfered to a plain where the user and the opponent suffers the disadvantages (listed in the doujutsu). 

Level One : The user takes a special position where they move thier left foot up and their right foot down to the side and then they bend down one hand is near the thier face the other is paralel to there leg. They then activate thier doujutsu and for 20 meters around the body the sky turns tan and it would seem they are standing on water that reflects the sky everything within the 20 meters would be affected.

Level Two : The user takes a special position where they move thier left foot up and their right foot down to the side and then they bend down one hand is near the thier face the other is paralel to there leg. They then activate thier doujutsu and for 40 meters around the body the sky turns tan and it would seem they are standing on water that reflects the sky..everything within the 40 meters would be affected.

Level Three : The user takes a special position where they move thier left foot up and their right foot down to the side and then they bend down one hand is near the thier face the other is paralel to there leg. They then activate thier doujutsu and for 75 meters around the body the sky turns tan and it would seem they are standing on water that reflects the sky..everything within the 75 meters would be affected.

Level Four : The user takes a special position where they move thier left foot up and their right foot down to the side and then they bend down one hand is near the thier face the other is paralel to there leg. They then activate thier doujutsu and for 100 meters around the body the sky turns tan and it would seem they are standing on water that reflects the sky..everything within the 100 meters would be affected.
Dimensional Clone
Rank : A
The user creates a clone of the opponent that copies the jutsu the opponent used last (bloodline skills included). Used to counter the opponents jutsu. After that the clone is useless for other ninjutsu...just taijutsu. After countering the attack the clone image then turns to the user allowing them to use clan taijutsu.
Dimension Step
Rank : C
A move similar to flash step where the clan member uses thier chakra control to increase their speed briefly. For genin they have a temporary burst of speed equal to the 2nd Gate, Chuunin 3rd, Jounin 5th, ??? 7th.
Dimensional Portal
Rank : S
A portal opens used normally to absord any ninjutsu and the user gains the chakra of the technique
True Dimension Step
Rank : A
The user would seem digital like as they disappeared from reality. This is a extremely useful jutsu to use when dodging an attack.
Dimensional Rift
Rank : C
A space time ninjutsu that allows the user to punch, kick, stab etc into the air and that part of thier body would disappear and reappear near the target hitting them from a distance.
Genjutsu :Ryusui no Ugoki
(Flowing-Water Movement) This is moving technique where Ryan moves around silently, rapidly alternating between fast and slow movements and confusing the opponent due to the fluid motion & continuously changing speed. It can be beaten by watching for the moment the user attempts to strike.
Taijutsu :

Bushido Elemental Style : The user focuses thier chakra into thier blade and the blade takes certain properties of the element. When slashed by fire the opponent is burnt, wind the opponent is sliced deeply, lightning the opponent is paralzed temporaryly, earth the opponent body part is crushed, water the opponents body becomes frozen. The stronger the shinobi the stronger the effects are. Genin+

Bushido Taijutsu Style : The user fights skillfully with thier blade usually used with Repent the Beast. The user can also spin thier blade extremely quickly then throw it like a shuriken causing a tornado to occur. The stronger the shinobi the stronger the attack. Genin+

Repent the Beast - A taijutsu move where the user becomes extremely light on thier toes giving them the ability to move quicker to dodge techniques better or to attack quicker. Genin

Dimensional Fist - The user punches into the air and the attack is carried to the opponent with the full impact. For genin the opponent feels the full impact and as they rank up the punch/kick is strenghtened.

Dimension push
Dimension push- The user uses all his chakra,toward his or her opponent where he or she can not doge as this move frezzes you in time and space.Killing you from the inside..This move places you and your opponet in a nother Dimension rippen time and space apart.Can not block this move as this move already stop's his opponent in time,really to say paralyze state.

Rank B
Dimension Lighting
Dimension Lighting is a move that make's the user use the power of lighting in hand's and feet and if wanted can place all dimension in a five foot rang of his opponent.With in this five foot rang the user can make a wall of lighting around him and his or her opponent.

Elemental Fist - Jounin

Fire : The fist are covered with fire that are separated from the hands with their chakra control.

Wind : The punches and kicks are carried by the wind to thier opponent. Similar to Dimensional Fist

Earth : Same as fire except its earth. Can easily crush bones.

Lightning : Same as fire. Can paralyze

Water : Same as fire. Can freeze.

(Bunshin No Jutsu) - Clone Technique
Chakra Cost:5
Damage Points:N/A
Description:A clone made of the user that can move but(cannot use any jutsu)This clone is merely an illusionary projection of the user.
Note:The clone jutsu can be made with different elements and is a D-Rank jutsu under its own element(Mizu/Water Tsuchi/Earth Sumi/Ink)

(Bikoku Ninjutsu) - Shadow Stealth Technique
Chakra Cost:5
Damage Points:N/A
Description:This jutsu lets the user follow the target covert by concealing the users presence.

(Henge no Jutsu) - Transformation Technique
Damage Points:N/A
Description: Henge no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique, which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents.

(Gokan Sakusou) - 5 Senses Confusion Disorder
Chakra Cost:N/A
Damage Points:N/A
The user throws an explosive kunai at their target and the mist spreads threw the air.This jutsu causes the opponent to be hit by attacks even though they think they dodged it or countered it.This effect lasts for 2 turns.

(Kawarimi no Jutsu) - Change of Body Stance Technique
Chakra Cost:5
Damage Points:N/A
Description: Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themselves with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.

(Nawanuke No Jutsu) - Escape Skill
Chakra Cost:5
Damage Points:N/A
Description:Using chakra the user can escape from being tied down(only works with non-chakra ropes).

(Kakuremino No Jutsu) - Magic Cloak Of Invisibility Technique
Chakra Cost:5
Damage Points:N/A
Description:The user will pull out a cloak that is pre designed for their use.Then by using ninjutsu they make the cloth blend into the background(Konohamaru used this to follow Naruto in episode 2 and got caught because he was holding the cloak wrong).Skilled ninja can see through this jutsu(Rank c and above)

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