10/16/2016 02:05 PM 

Novella Example (male version)

Here is another example, this time Novella. 

"However cozy things seemed, the facts of life were the same. You couldn't escape death: It would get us all in the end." 
- Rachel Ward, Numbers

There came a wavering moment of hesitation as the other stood before the castle entrance where the air seemed almost vibrant. Eyes unseeing resting upon the welcomed intruder with anticipation and darker prospect. It was rare for the lamb to saunter forward to the lion, even if it was upon a red carpet. With enthusiastic hope, perhaps it would even present itself upon a silver platter and shed it's wool and remove its hooves. Wishful thinking, just as much disheartening without the continuation of the chase. 

Walls breathed and groaned as Mikael stepped forward, the dull illumination shivering, ever threatening to go out with each exhale of breath; the light working as a whole organism. Carpets remained thick, like the aged tongue of a beast beneath his feet, silently hoping to guide him further within. One had to wonder, what it was like walking into a giant maw without restraint. Was the fear of being crushed and devoured a constant worry, or even more, did one realize the glamorous gullet before them?  In the end however, it would matter little, for the outcome would always be the same.

It was only once the ravenette reached the back of the throat towards the pharynx that he seemed to sense his folly. And yet tenacious curiosity clearly won out, urging him to delve deeper into the castle. While he had more merit than the cattle of the town or the denizens of the nearby Wood, there was something to be said of finding oneself before an ancient evil that could not be bought with reason nor conviction. To come face to face with the reality of mythology. Even to those that remained in the dark, the mind would always be the greatest perpetrator of fear.

Even here where beings of the night found solace, the halls were slowly but surely closing in, shadows becoming impossibly dark. The dim candlelight was now a welcome beacon, the mauve coloration of the room dying out as it began to blend with the looming obsidian background. Stunning reds and rich browns had lost their vigor, the senses tricking one into a slow yet steady sensory deprivation. The crackling of wax lighting had subtly gone silent, even the flames refused to speak the further in the other wandered. Perhaps a trick of the mind, where even the air felt weighted and thick, a metaphorical tar, like one that fought desperately to swallow the thickening lump in ones throat. 

It was one thing to claim lineage from something demonic, it made you inherently evil. Such was a way that was always known, always embraced and expected. When you did such acts, it was looked over, nothing more than the condition of nature. But every now and then came something unexpected, a wrench in the workings of things. Those individuals that started with nothing, were nothing more than a neutral mark upon life. And yet their corruption spread, committing atrocity after next, and truly reveling in it. To choose such a path willingly, and to switch to the side of depravity without a second thought.

The stories of the Lord Impaler were just as invoking as the ones after his death. To commit genocide,fratricide, cannibalism, and even patricide with the turn from the father above, all before his departure from a mortal coil; it made one question the limitations to a moral code, or lack thereof. They said the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and such was a truth that could be seen throughout the Romanian's rule. To purge corruption and fruitlessness from his lands, to spread Christianity of all things and to adhere to the old ways, such things were tainted by revenge, conquest, determination. In a life where only pain could be remembered, what more could one offer but to return the favor? For what could be worse than the human condition? It was usually those highest that fell the hardest.

So loud, the way a heart raced and stopped, how it hiccuped in alarm or strained itself over something as simple as mental stress. It was unreliable, mundane, fragile

Further within the other tread, unknowingly making way towards the heart of the home. Finally the other had managed to stumble towards the lower level. Another room taunting in its usage, further becoming the other to follow inquisitively. A remedial trick, its effects beginning to show upon the demeanor of the man. Downwards, the descent into the abyss. He handled it well all things considered, footsteps echoing ever lower, repetitive loop after next until reaching the end of the staircase. Almost there now, the mettle of his character would soon come into question.   

The castle pulsed now, excitement within the very stones. Hidden away was a final door, a Pandora box so to speak; and the other did well, still blindly pursuing. Finally the smell that had emanated through the house seemed to come to a focal point on the other sides of the doors. Whatever peculiarity had seeped into the very aesthetic of the structure was just beyond. And it revealed itself once Mikael chose to unlock and push past the final barrier.

Blood, it coated the walls, the ceilings, the very ground beneath. The origin of such confined carnage displayed upon the objects of inquisitorial background. Fresh, upon sight scent that had taunted the whole way down was unmistakable, searing itself in nasal cavity and mind alike. This was the result of curiosity, and it seemed proudly on display before him. A painstaking care must have been taken to garner such results, but the reaction of the other was well worth it. It was always the same, run, and pray to God the Devil doesn't catch you.

Back up the steps he stumbled, his eagerness for departure irrefutable. Around and into the halls, the color scheme seemed to mock the other with reminisce to the hues downstairs. Once rust toned embellishment and carpet, shades became dried blood, the tapestries in resemblance to peeled skin as it hung above. Perhaps nothing, but again the shadows seemed to be closing in as if chasing after the other. Tendrils of darkness reaching greedily to consume him, erase him. By the time he had retraced his steps however, it was too late. Hallways shifted, appeared unfamiliar, the warm and welcoming glow of candlelight now a menacing burn.

However childish whim would not be permitted, the air cold and stinging. Once open doors appeared barred, impassible; there would be no escape the way he came. And that was when it finally happened, the frigid and almost amused malice that laced itself through the air buried beneath pleasantries and allure, a honey coated poison. "Leaving so soon little fox? And here I was hoping to get an audience with the one audacious enough to break into my home, not something you see everyday." A pregnant pause before illumination washed over the center of the room behind the ravenette. 

Tresses mocking to graveyard ash and dying rays of sunlight came into view, tumbling in disheveled unkempt mannerism as clipped locks teased at the jawline of a rather peculiar male. Mink lashes fluttered and kissed high cheekbones in subtle display as skin as pale as cream contrasted against the blackened dress shirt donned upon lithe torso. Teasing at fingertips were ruffles, buttons partially done as contrastingly modern dress slacks put together the ensemble. Despite his features, even from a distance, was an almost behemoth mockery, the man reaching 199 cm. Pushing off of the wall with ease, it was with casual expectation that he turned to fully face the other as a particularly menacing smile graced pale bloodless lips. 

It was then he mentioned something that gave the insinuation he had been watching the other since his entrance. "You seemed so eager, but I fear you didn't like my chambers downstairs. You should have seen the hairs upon your neck rise like the waves at sea." Arching a slender brow, hues finally opened, a startling hue of azure crystal, electric like the strike of lightning as they mirrored his callous mannerism. Mocking came a gentle pout, theatrics in this tense display before finally tiers peeled back to reveal row after next of vicious fang. "And here I thought you wanted to see me."

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