06/29/2013 09:30 PM 

Takamitzu D. Hanzo : Arcane Inferno

OnrefnI EnacrA
[Arcane Inferno]

-OnrefnI EnacrA(Arcane Inferno): This power allows one to mimic the powers of a Naturist Sorcerer, but for only one element. One could create ,control and even become fire using Arcane Inferno, though the more fire used, the more mana is drained. For changing one's body to fire, they must let their Arcane Mana flow through the part of their body and change it;though the change is instantaneous. A draining technique in terms of mana usage, Hanzo rarely uses fire mimicry for real battle,but often takes advantage of the immunity it gives him to heat: Also allowing him to see through light,darkness and smoke. A fiery metabolism is what Hanzo calls the fire within that causes intoxication inpossible without massive amounts of alcohol, implying that poisons and foreign elements ingested, inhaled and contacted are burned to nothing. This ability has recreational uses to him, and was his main ability before becoming a Twilight Sorcerer. 

Hanzo can create, control and become Fire. Because of that, he can avoid physical blows(By instinctively turning his body to fire), and create anything he imagines out of fire with enough mana.

Named attacks:

--Hiken(Fire Fist): A 3,000 degree fahrenheit fist of fire(like a fireball) flies at the opponent(can be larger or smaller, depending on user's strength and the power they put into the attack)

--Flame (Animal): The user creates a creature made of fire to attack. Can vary in size as well.

--Higan(Flame Pistol): Hanzo points his fingers like a child points a gun, but from the extended index and middle fingers shoot out bullets of concentrated flames, that can pierce steel with the raw concussive force and temperature of almost two thousand degrees.

-Higan: Fireworks(Flame Pistol: Fireworks): Shooting a Higan, Hanzo charges it to explode after a certain range, resulting in a fiery explosion that looks to be a firework if seen in the sky.

--Ho-Ho(Flame Cannon): Hanzo shoots, from his palm, a blast of fire and heat, or can use it to spill out a flame continuously like a flamethrower.

-- Flame Pillar: Hanzo surrounds himself with fire, and sends a rocketing beam of fire above him in a fiery explosion to repel attacks.

--Entei(Flame Emperor): a miniature, 10,000 degree 200 ft in diameter miniature sun. The heat can be lowered or suppressed by Hanzo, and it does not affect it's environment as much as it should unless the user fails to suppress the heat intentionally or through improper use.

--Supernova: Making the Entei explode, Causing an implosion that creates an explosion of solar radiation and pure heat. Luckily, Hanzo's own move does not harm him with heat, and though his body could withstand a great deal of the raidation he would be severely weakened by the attack himself.

--Entei Buunshin (Flame Emperor Warrior)- Hanzos body becomes a living Entei, allowing him more control of heat and solar-based attacks, and his body becoming a small sun instead of fire if hit. The form can only last for a bit more than a minute, though, but within this time Hanzo has almost no limits concerning the heat he produces(volume-wise)

-- Dopple Entei(Twin Entei)- 2 Enteis are summoned, one from each palm. see Entei for more details. The exertion from using this technique can put a severe strain on the arms, spaaing Hanzo's great strength in order to properly weild these weapons

--Entei Ho(Flame Emperor Cannon)- The user spirals flames around them(In a similar fashion to constructing 'Entei') and shoots out an Entei.

Hanzo can also fly by using the power to turn his lower half into a small, spiraling inferno. In his fire form, he rapidly eats oxygen, and any attacks he uses saps said oxygen from the area it travels through. Hanzo has learned to use this power instinctively through training(i.e. If one were to simply try to touch him physically without some kind of way to stop the fire or his power, or bypass it, his body becomes fire and the move passes harmlessly through him.) This makes Hanzo a very threatening opponent, as some opponents can't even hurt him unless he willingly keeps himself solid or stops his power for a moment.  Even without using this technique, temperature has no effect whatsoever on Hanzo.

Entei Techniques require massive mana consumption and concentration, and therefore are rarely used. After the use of one or more of these techniques, Hanzo's ability to produce and control flames is nulled for four hours. While he retains his immunities and resistances, he cannot manipulate flame after the use of an Entei Technique.

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