33 years old


Last Login:
July 03 2024

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     BRAVERY's Details
Status: Single
Orientation: Straight
Body type:Athletic
Ethnicity:Black/African descent
Characters: Patience Fair
Verses: Original Characters
Length: Multi Para, Para, Semi
Genre: Action, Crossover, Open, Spar/Fighting,
Member Since:June 30, 2024

"Good morning. I will gladly support the newcomers. Thank you for appearing in open arms."

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About me:
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Patience is a patient and fair woman. With her fairness, Patience’s bravery and courage stands out well. Attentive with her tasks and goals to stay active and busy. Continuously learning to do the best she can in heroism against crime. Displaying her usage of creativity with the power that developed inside her. She creates and attracts what she can do in her power to make it useful and effective. The accuracy in her thinking to analyze matters from people down to situations for better understanding of what makes sense.

Admirable in her development of character she is ambitious and appreciative. She cares about others’ well being, thinking, opinions, safety and what good they can put out there. Patience cooperates well with others with friendliness. She is polite in manners, generous, thoughtful and serious. Thinking she has to have patience to handle situations and events. Each event she is concerned about she mentions and points out nicely. It is straight to the point and suggests possible reasons for anything similar or different. Suggestions to better the condition of the city she lives in. The more information she learns the better.

Patience keeps things at a neat and organized level. Her actions cut down the middle in a clean fashion. What does get on her bad side is getting her hands dirty. She wants peace and order; solving by being a crime fighter through this. As a thinker, she is determined to think and plan her uses in power. Patience often goes with the actions that are reasonable, honest and truthful to herself and the people she is dealing with. Conquering fear and becoming fearless in what she does. The areas out of her field have to be learned about and that is what she does to adapt. She believes there is something she doesn’t know about; look into it and have a better understanding of it.

She encourages and guides others in friendship. Positive in her views and does not want anything bad to happen. Aware of violence happening in the world–she wants to end conflict that can interrupt peace. She is patient with this goal to make it happen. Confident in her abilities to be better. She is helpful by staying committed to being on the good and best side of heroism.

There is a bigger picture to learning. Read, Learn and Dream those sweet hopes. Hope determines and sharpens goals with the lessons to learn from. Reading will give a better sense to positivity and heroism than imagined.
Personality Traits Accurate, Active, Adaptable, Admirable, Ambitious, Appreciative, Brilliant, Capable, Caring, Constructive, Cooperative, Courageous, Creative, Efficient, Encouraging, Energetic, Fair, Generous, Insightful, Neat, Organized, Perceptive, Polite, Rational, Reasonable, Analytical, Knowledgeable, Helpful, Determined, Logical, Flexible, Precise, Fearless, Kindness, Responsible, Serious, Thoughtful, Patient, Committed, Positive, Violent, Competitive, and Intelligent.
Likes Thinking, Analyzing, Fairness, Heroism, Flexibility, Cooperation, Intelligence, Patience, Knowledge, , Cleanliness, Positivity, Effectiveness, Good Manners, Generosity, Kindness, Responsibility, Courage, Bravery, Determination, Commitment, Seriousness, Adaptability, Violence, Making Sense, and Capability.
Connection Name

Integer a lacinia quam. Cras ut dolor ac neque pharetra lobortis. Morbi venenatis elit a ante bibendum placerat. Nunc sit amet libero condimentum, congue massa fermentum, feugiat neque. Proin ut nunc facilisis lacus bibendum congue sit amet at nunc. Maecenas pulvinar efficitur tellus aliquet volutpat. Etiam posuere diam a erat sollicitudin varius. Nulla eu leo vestibulum, convallis risus at, consectetur mauris. Sed nec mattis turpis. Phasellus scelerisque sed metus sed pretium. Etiam luctus in dolor id scelerisque. Nulla at metus metus.

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Patience Fair

A newborn is named Patience Fair. Born with dark skin she has brown eyes. Patience Fair has this name because the parents wanted to be fair and well with this child. They wanted the child to be fair and have a lot of patience with everyone she meets as she grows up. Having good ideals, standards, boundaries and expectations for them and herself. As a courageous youth, she is brave and knowledgeable about things going on in the world. She always wants to help and give advice. This leads to her kindness being likable. The information she speaks would reflect that she wants to guide people. It happens in school she goes to Manhatthan, New York in USA. The representation of the American Flag she likes to see. It tells quite a lot about how much the country is liked. And that what she finds interesting growing up in her teens. She would be growing up admiring the city she is raised in. Hearing about the country’s events as they go on. Patience is concerned about them;it makes her who she is. A person of calmness and patience. She tells herself from time to time to, ‘be patient’, ‘have courage’, and ‘be brave’. To give herself more willpower than she already has to continue on. She feels she must for herself and her family. The family is a tough one and do not tolerate crime and bad behaviors–just like she would do. Something she inherited from them.

She is raised by a family who believes in heroism. That inspires her to do good. Deep down inside she likes to count on people of law. Patience sees plenty of crime going on. Crime would be intentional, misguided, followed or worse. She never liked crime going on and thinks well for herself at her age. Intelligence, toughness, beauty, and powers that would grow along the way in her years. She has studied and memorized to keep her intelligence sharp, exercised, and under control. The memories from within would help keep her stable. Toughness is by her instincts to have a reasonable, resourceful way of getting by in life. Desiring and wanting to stay as an athletic kind of woman. She has a naturally beautiful face that must be kept up with. Hygiene and Care would get the job done. Other things she does to improve without her structure used by makeup. Patience Fair is as patient as she is fair to people in any situation. For her development in school, she continues to stay on top of events, schedules, and tasks. She is well-liked by the time she is out of school. Patience develops more than her paid-off awards after this is over. As an adult, she has this bravery about her that often stuns people. Surprises them with her nice behavior. She is about surprises with every action she does. The woman she sought to be comes true with the power that only an event would make it happen.

An event that would follow her because of powers she cannot take away. They are for her and she is responsible for them. Patience takes this seriously, honestly, and cares about the potential that she is capable of. It is more with what she discovers about herself. What she finds out makes her think she is not human. She would be able to use a huge range of energy sources, hand-to-hand combat and weapons. The energy from her own and attracting energy from three energy sources and from people, animals and organisms. Her energy is from light, fire and solar.

She decides to make something of herself to build more of a history. The following time leads up to years in offices. Patience has an active, energetic streak in these jobs to complete tasks her bosses have given her. She is often busy organizing and keeping paperwork neat in both physical paperwork and computer work. At computers, she likes the folders, files, information gathering, and on site pictures. Always on time like school. Not far from her home. She has a good eyesight with the screens and needs to squint to see faraway text. Especially on the strange fonts. Patience kept her job for a number of months. Then she is approached by her bosses. She is informed about their concerns about her. Her answer is honesty and telling them about her power. It leads to them wanting her to use it in better situations–not just to have a suitable job of her own–it would be best for business. She wanted a life like other people and her bosses tells her to put it to good use elsewhere. Where she would be needed. Patience is convinced thoroughly and is dismissed from her job.

With the money given from the job she decides to use it to see her life in a new direction. A person gives her an analysis about her power and she asks him to make a costume for herself. The person finds the power noticeable by the physical effects when outside. Their store shows sunlight from the door and has positive results on her more than usual. The following colors for one are: gold and black. That is her first costume that fits her and impresses her. It is a first to be a superhero. There are heroes she admires–and it is a first. She is thankful and says, ‘I am grateful’. Patience gets to know the person over time. In between learning about the crimes ahead and getting to know a friend.

By being generous, thoughtful, helpful and fearless, she becomes liked by more people. Having the kind of personality that is admirable. Even on the days and nights of seeing crime and having to choose her opportunities carefully, Patience has a change about her that is different. Her eyes turn red and her personality becomes her aggression and fury. Her eyes change color and she has to control her anger despite still being Patience. Her friend nicknamed her, ‘Fury’. It deserves another costume to wear. She finds him clever and generous enough to make costumes for her. One day they both knew an event would happen for her help to be needed. After all, she is not called Bravery for nothing.

Take the risk to become your own person. Insist on being the hero you need to be. Each hero can inspire anyone to better themselves The chance to be your own hero to shape your future can mean so much.

Integer a lacinia quam. Cras ut dolor ac neque pharetra lobortis. Morbi venenatis elit a ante bibendum placerat. Nunc sit amet libero condimentum, congue massa fermentum, feugiat neque. Proin ut nunc facilisis lacus bibendum congue sit amet at nunc. Maecenas pulvinar efficitur tellus aliquet volutpat. Etiam posuere diam a erat sollicitudin varius. Nulla eu leo vestibulum, convallis risus at, consectetur mauris. Sed nec mattis turpis. Phasellus scelerisque sed metus sed pretium. Etiam luctus in dolor id scelerisque. Nulla at metus metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras eu velit nec erat maximus fermentum. Mauris vitae vestibulum dolor. Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Maecenas sollicitudin justo est, a laoreet nisl ullamcorper id. Nullam vitae ligula non felis elementum efficitur. Morbi augue urna, porta ac posuere non, scelerisque non nisl. Nullam pretium diam vel nibh pellentesque gravida. Sed tincidunt mi id massa iaculis, et fermentum massa maximus. Suspendisse placerat blandit aliquam. Nulla porttitor metus metus, eu rutrum dui ullamcorper et. Nulla cursus nunc ut orci egestas, eget lacinia nisi lacinia. Pellentesque viverra risus et convallis blandit. Mauris eros erat, pellentesque et aliquet non, accumsan non sem. Nullam et nibh lacus. Donec in sodales erat, sit amet sagittis lectus. Curabitur elementum lacus eget nunc rutrum varius. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam convallis cursus nulla et maximus. Aliquam eget faucibus felis, eu fringilla magna.

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