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Jonah is a blank slate of a character, that I can make fit into any verse that speaks to me. So if you need a role-filled for some plot you've been itching to try out. Let's talk.

28 years old

Last Login:
July 03 2024

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Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Open, Psychological, Romance,
Member Since:June 29, 2024

Hey, I found 14 almonds. Counts as food right?

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Eclipsed Affections♥


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Displaying 10 of 19 comments (View All | Add Comment)

6 hours ago

Oh!! Oh my god, that's awful. I'm really sorry to hear that. I can change her illness to something else if you'd like -- I don't want to bring back old memories or anything so just let me know and I can do so!!! I know the feeling so it's not a problem at all

Ahah, killing Ibrahim is definitely a choice that can be made. It won't be easy though -- he's also an MMA fighter in his past and I've always considered him like the final boss of a video game. Definitely doable but you gotta build up to that level. If anyone can do it, though, I'm sure it's Jonah.

Also, as far as i know I think it is French. At least, the site I got it from five years ago (realizing i've had Juno for five years and am currently having a crisis) said it was. Okay, I just looked it up and apparently it's of hebrew or arabic origin whoops. But it means 'father of many' and Juno definitely has some more brothers and sisters out there that he just doesn't know about. So minor plot hole there, but his last name is French! LeFebvre. Except Juno uses his mothers name instead.

Heheh, so they've inadvertantly created each other's dating standards. That's hilarious. The gayest, non-gay thing I've heard lmao

10 hours ago

Okay, so that turned out a little more dramatic than I had intended. Sorry~~ But also like, Juno is a lil messed up in the head sooo... yeah. He's going through it lmao

I like that! Juno is hiding the reality of his homelife from Jonah and wants to push him away so he doesn't see how wrecked he really is, and as a result says things he doesn't mean and drives the wedge between them. I hinted at a few things in the reply, things he will probably finally confess to later, but as of right now he's just stuck in his head and doesn't know how to talk about it or get his words out. In his head he thinks it'll be a burden to Jonah and make him feel bad so he doesn't want to tell him. Also he doesn't want him trying to go and beat Ibrahim's ass because, well, Ibrahim is massive and in Juno's head that's a fight no one can win.

Oh, so he's Sapiosexual. Honestly, fair. I wish I had a descripition for what Juno is attracted to but it's honestly just anyone who talks to him and doesn't beat him up lmao. I like their dynamic alot -- it's like polar opposites and completely different sides of the totally different coins hahah.

I forget exactly what the name of the condition is, I'll have to track it down from an old roleplay of mine but essentially she has a rare illness eating at her brain that deteriorates her motor functions and makes it very dificult to live. As for Ibrahim -- well, he and Mari fell out of love a long time ago but he didn't want to divorce her since she was so well loved. When she got sick he saw it as an opportunity for an out and basically neglected her to die, running around with his mistress and Juno's now-step-mother instead. He's a POS and doesn't care about anyone :)
Eclipsed Affections♥

19 hours ago

Exactly, a great mix of some wholesome and some better times. Then BAM out of nowhere a bowling ball. 

No, the jumping around got us through the wedding, which was needed. I think it went together just fine. Landing them in a good spot to explore some of their nature. I loved the scenery of the honeymoon spot. Gives a great area for all kinds of things to happen. :-)  

23 hours ago

ᵂʳⁱᵗᵉʳ'ˢ ⁿᵒᵗᵉ:

Hello and thank you for accepting my request.
I try to stay ooc after greetings.

For roleplay length I hope 1 — 2 paragraph is suitable. If I feel compelled it can turn into 4.
I will match my writing partner if needed, as long as I have something to work with.

Feel free to look on my profile for information on my muse, I do have prompts there if you want to wing it. 

I would love to get a story going, whenever you are available.


23 hours ago

Also, Jonah being the one who always sees him and gets offended at him saying he disappears is equally sweet and heart wrenching Aw. Poor Juno has accepted his fate so much he forgets that people care about him and see him. What a gem Jonah is

23 hours ago

Oh hell you're so right. I messed that up ahahah sorry I went a little caveman brain there for a bit and forgot our own narrative, sorry bout that! I forgot Juno wasn't supposed run yet. I just saw drama moment and grabbed it whoops. Okay, we could balance it, maybe the meanness came in phases and that's part of the reason for Juno's reaction. Like they still joked and all that, but Jonah pushed the limits and was a little more brash. Or we can just cut out the running away part and have that be the moment it all starts. Either way is good, shoulda thought about that aha oops. Either way is good, just let me know and I can morph!

Oh god just read the beginning, Juno's heart will skip twelve damn beats at stuff like that omfg. Once things get personal and not detached he's a mess lmao Glad you liked it though because those moments are small and few and far between. Don't expect anything cool in a group fight! Jonah is still the main driver for those -- Juno just knows some weak points and can get out of places in a pinch now. Just wanted to show he's grown up and isn't a 100% pushover anymore )
(he's still 97% of one)

Ooohhhh, I see! I see what you mean now that makes total sense. And that's so sweet, aw. I like it! But I'd like to tweak a little bit, if that's okay. Juno still needs to need money, but let's say he's expecting to have to pay this his entire life, only to find out (much too late) that he only has a handful of payments left and it just doesn't add up. Then, of course, he'd realize. So Jonah pays the majority of it (or all of what was due at the time) but just sue to the fees that come from continued hospitalization there's a much smaller payment to pay. and Juno pays for the new costs afterwards unknowingly so damn close to the end. That could 100% work. Such drama, I love it!~ 

I also like the cigarette one a lot, I will be sure to capture their perfection there and in so many others~

And yes! He did! Juno has had glasses as long as he remembers, his vision is super bad and he can hardly see anything without them. He's like a bat, practically blind and becomes very reliant on others when they're gone. 

Eclipsed Affections♥

23 hours ago

Right!! I did do some on the reception, I feel it's important to let them enjoy some good emotions mixed in the dramatic ones. Having those gentle times.. will really make a bang. Hope the reply is good :-3

Eclipsed Affections♥

Jul 2nd 2024 - 12:42 PM

OH if he was completely oblivious to it happening, I had the ultimate plan on how it would be revealed. Who would reveal it. Cause it won't be Novalie who tells, though I wanted to had a dramatic flair to the situation so I think I'll add the twist I have in mind. OH it's absolutely going to be huge. I'm so friggin excited. 

No, for me it's the emotional roller coasters and the dramatic scenes that I live for. I do enjoy sentimental moments as well, but those are best served following a dramatic revaluation. The flashy wedding scenes area always the same, bride walks down the isle they say I do, kiss  and it's over. If we need anything for the wedding we can always flashback or think back to it.

Jul 2nd 2024 - 11:30 AM

Okay, done and done! Hope it works. Juno often copes with weird -- ah -- kink room type things by stuttering and blushing madly, or by trying to make a joke about it. If Jonah acknowledges it in any way, the former will come out like a flood. He doesn't know sh*t about anything and it shows.

Okay, back to a question you asked earlier, I was thinking it might be interesting to have a temporary boss, maybe? Like they get caught and are basically told 'do this job or else.' They bond, fall in bromance, get out and figure out how tf to fix their lives. Of course, there's no fully escaping this type of stuff so drama and action and intrigue to follow. Let me know if that fits in your narrative, I'm open

Also, in regards to that ending idea, I trust you. Overstep the canon, it's chill. I'd love to hear it, or if you'd rather keep it a surprise that's cool too! Use your judgement, I'll play along. ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙

Also, also, I really like to make edits so I can totally alter those photos to suit them more! If you ever have any that you like, just send em my way and I can make them a little more Juno-Jonah oriented. I'll probably work on them tomorrow~
Eclipsed Affections♥

Jul 2nd 2024 - 11:28 AM

She absolutely felt that, I'm gonna have it as well as it's a nickname that only he can call her too, so it hits much-much harder.  Yes, she can be a bit savage, defensive as well. So fights/arguments will legitimately blow up in the best dramatic explosion. However just be prepared, for just as savage as she can be, there will be moments where the sentiment will hit hard too. Especially if she ever decides to give any clue as to the choices she has made. I have a lot of fun ideas upcoming for them, maybe even a HUGE twist with the abortion that I'm debating on. We shall see, it'll be a complete surprise if so. 

The wedding isn't too important, it's well implied that neither wanted to do this, however I like how you played out the reply. Using the wedding to show that in his eyes Nova is someone completely different than Novalie (at least that's what I am gathering.)  We can leave the wedding as a quick pass through to get to the turmoil of them having to interact and get to the stuff after. Most definitely that's where the drama will be :-D. 
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