Dead Dove. on - Dead Dove.

34 years old

Last Login:
June 16 2024

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Hana is a gentle spirit, honest, loyal, yet demanding and confident. She knows her position in the shrine where she lives, and she knows her place in life. Despite her quirks she is protected and revered as a protector of the shrine. She lives there and continues to leave offerings to the shrine to appease the Goddess Amaterasu that she is descended from. She is a quiet and calm person unless angered by the people around her. She is easily irritated and peruses the power of her psychic awareness and other supernatural abilities because of the connection she has with her demonic side and other human side. Her mother was human and her father was a neko demon. He was an ancient evil demon but her mother saw the good in him and he changed before there was some kind of change coming over the demons in the villages. Usually they were more than neighbors; they were brothers, and half-demons like Hana lived in peace with other humans. However, when the demons became barbaric and killing humans the half-demons were cornered and targeted for being half-demons and had to go into hiding. Her mother with her last words asked for Hana to be protected from the hate from the humans so she was kept in the Amaterasu shrine in feudal Okinawa Japan.

Physical Appearance
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Powers & Abilities
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Full Name: Full Middle Last || D.O.B. | Age: UNKNOWN | 00 || Species: - || Eye Color: - || Profession: - || Hair Color: - || Powers: - || Status: - || Origin: -
Family Members:
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  • Background

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

         Dead Dove.'s Details
    Characters: Hanako Sakura,
    Verses: feudal era // inuyasha // sengoku judai
    Playbys: Tsubasa Hanagawa
    Length: Multi Para, Para
    Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Slice of Life, Supernatural,
    Member Since:June 07, 2024

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       Dead Dove.'s Blurbs
    About me:
    Who I'd like to meet:

    season four

    Name: Hanako Sakura.

    Date of Birth: January 12.

    Astrological Sign: Capricorn.

    Age: 23.

    Gender: Gender-fluid.

    Location: Feudal Era of Okinawa, Japan.

    Height: 5'8''

    Weight: 13o pounds.
    Ethnicity: Asian.

    Nationality: Asian.

    Relationship Status: Single.

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, female lean.

    Family: Descendant of Amaterasu, the great Sun Goddess (ancestry), Ayaka Hakkai (mother, deceased), Hibiki (father, deceased), Aiko Hakkai (younger sister, kidnapped/missing).

    Siblings: Aiko Hakkai.

    Children: No children.

    Hobbies: Sewing cooking, healing, archery, and killing other demons.

    Enjoys: Swimming, studying, causing trouble for the priestesses, sports, exercise, running, testing her limits as a half demon, getting stronger, collecting shinny things, sweets, kimono's, her surrogate family in the shrine in feudal Okinawa, cooking, shopping, cats, other creatures that are furry, etc.

    Loathes: bullies, hypocrites, backstabbers, liars, cheaters, arrogant dog lord's and other lord and ladies that have a significant amount of power but do not raise a finger to help those in most need of their help, humans, trusting others with or without being forced to, ghosts, scary movies, and being told what to do.

    Positive Traits: Confident, charming, cheerful, happy, well-mannered, respectful, resourceful, objective, flexible, forceful, friendly, funny, smart, generous, gentle, honest, loyal, && kind-hearted.

    Neutral Traits: Amusing, cute, determined, mellow, invisible, intense, predictable, progressive, outspoken, optimistic, && opinionated.

    Negative: Arrogant, conceited, cautious, childish, dependent, difficult, destructive, foolish, forgetful, hesitant, impatient, imprudent, impulsive, incurious, insecure, insulting, irritable, lazy.

    Attire: Hana likes to wear comfortable kimono's, knowing enough about sewing, and is up to date on the latest fashion and knowing a lot about the history about fashion and design, and peruses an occupation as a seamstress. She mostly wears pastel colors such as seafom colors, purple, neon green, and bubblegum pink.

    Appearance: Hana is a high ranked neko cat that lives in a Shinto shrine where she lives with other Miko shrine priestess's as her mother's dying wish as she was fighting off a demon and securing the safety of the villagers and the other people in the shrine such as Hana and her "protectors." She has a special ability to see the future death's of other people, and sometimes people avoid her of her childhood and she does not like talking about her past.

    Hana was born a half-demon as with her mother being human and her father being demon making her a half-demon. She has long white hair, ears, and bright golden yellow eyes to set her apart from other people and to note that she is indeed, a half-demon. Her mother's last dying wish was that Hana was protected after the demon's started changing their personalities into angry and hungry and destructive.

    Either way, Hana was taken to an orphanage in through a therapist and taken in by another family. Hana was taken to a mansion and it was revering a shrine to Amaterasu and honored for her being able to take care of her father when she found that something inside him changed and attacked her mother and her. Sometimes she wanted a different life, feeling indifferent most of the time. Hana herself was a calm and quiet young girl who did not like to be forced into confrontation.

    She does not like snakes, fish, needles, or blood, and when she is faced with these things there is an outburst. This kind of treatment with the villagers with Hana treating her with poor taste know that Miyuki's final words were to keep Hana safe, fell on deaf ears and Hana was taken into the dungeon and forced to learn the religious views of the Shinto religion. She was forced to do harsh labor work and somewhat in the kitchen where she would continue working with cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.

    When she could have been enjoying herself with the things she loved like painting, drawing, and music, she was never allowed to venture off and find the things she enjoyed doing. She was doing the things she was forced to do and not doing what she wante. However, after her life in the mansion and growing to be an 209 year old half-demon, she took to traveling the country-side and seeing the world through her own eyes. She had never been outside the palace walls and wanted to get away from it all so she was dressed in civilian clothing, and escaped the palace for a while.

    Somehow got into trouble and was kidnapped and held for ransom money from the shrine maidens at the shrine where she lived. After hearing about her running away she was kept under strict guard by some body guards that would be with her at all times. Her actions before got her into some trouble with the shrine maidens when she returned home, and she deserved it. She knew exiting the palace was forbidden to her, and yet she went anyway to see what the world was like outside the palace walls. However, it didn't go as planned, and she ended up right back where she was started.

    She was stuck, essentially. She had no where else to go and it was obvious that the shrine maiden's did not want her to leave, either. She was wanting more independence than this, though, and was feeling restless. One fateful night, she began killing the shrine maiden's. One by one she killed them with her demonic powers she killed them all. She remembered their screams deafening her ears, and the smell of blood that cloaked her when she was done.

    This made people scared of her more than before. After that it was hard to convince people that she was not evil at all and she had just gone crazy about being stuck in one place for much too long and it messed up her mind to the point she was hearing voices, and continued her training on the outskirts of the palace to keep the voices at bay, but that night, she couldn't control it anymore, and allowed the voices to take over and allowed her demonic side to take over, knowing without a warning they would be taken off guard and she would have the element of surprise on her side so they wouldn't see it coming.

    Althoguh Hana had her mother who raised her; her father was not around when she was younger. She was told he left before the change came over the demons around the land. She was confused about why this had all happened and was determined to find answers. She set out west to find the answers so she could figure out for herself what happened.

    She wanted to know what happened to her father and she knew what happened to her mother as she lay dying in her bed she had hugged Hana and told her "Be strong" before dying in her bed with Hana crying beside her. Since that day, Hana hasn't been the same, and has never laughs or smiles anymore at the loss of her family she annihilated the rest of the others in retaliation and continued her path of destruction in her wake. She did not leave any survivors. Women, men, children.

    She became a messiah in all intensive purposes. She left the shrine mansion and decided to go off on her own. She was looking for answers in all the wrong places. During her traveling she had noticed a white baboon appear and disappear out of her sights. She knew of a man named Naraku who had gotten close to a Miko and killed her and took the jewel fragments that the priestess had in her possession. So, she wondered if this was the same Naraku that had been causing so much trouble in the feudal era.

    There were tons of demons at his disposal and he was extremely powerful and Hana did not fancy the situation at all. He was a despicable demon and wanted world domination and continued to collect the jewel shards as Inuyasha and his group were collecting them. Hana herself had jewel shards of her own that she had collected. She refused to get caught in the web that he had ensnared Inuyasha and his friends in. She wanted to be on her own and it was every person for himself or herself out here and that was always how Hana had looked.

    She traveled the countryside searching for what was known as the shikon no tama to increase her own demonic powers. She did not want to be a half-demon anymore and was searching for the purpose of becoming a full fledged demon even if others told her that she was fine the way she was. She still was adamant about becoming a full demon. She wanted to be like her father was, powerful, and able to take care of herself without the need of having people coming to her aid when she was in trouble. She continued searching and was still searching when she had noticed Naraku following her trail.

    As she traveled she kept an eye on the people around her. She did not want to be followed, but she was being followed by a demon that was known as Naraku. She did not know what he was interested in but she should have known it was her jewel shards he was after and to absorb her into himself so that he could increase his own demonic and malicious powers. Sometimes she wished she lived in different times. Hana continued her search for the sacred jewel shards, however, she did so discreetly and continued her search outside of the village.

    She couldn't see the jewel, but she could smell a demon a mile a way and where demons were there were usually shards of the sacred jewel to be found. Hana continued her search all the way to the land of Kai, and she still hadn't found any. She wondered if the jewel was completed by now, but that would suck if she didn't get her hands on one of the shards. She wanted to at least take some of the power of the jewel. She wanted to try the sacred jewel out for herself to see if it really would take her and transform her into a full demon or not.

    She heard rumors that she could be full demon with even just one of the sacred jewel fragments. She was tired of being a half-demon and being discriminated against by other people and demons. She did not want to be locked in a war between himself and other people anymore. She wanted to be free of this life, it was tiring and frankly, she hated being a half-demon. Sometime ago her mother died, and her father left so she did not have parents and she had to care for herself and her younger sister at the shrine where maidens would take care of them until they grew old enough to take care of themselves.

    At some point in her search she came across a village of demon slayers that said that it had originated in their village. She had noticed the villagers had been slain except for a few demon slayers. They made a living slaying demons, but Hana held no grudge against them as she had never met them before so she had no reason to fear, hate, or dislike them. They were powerful, though, and continued to be feared by most demons and half-demons alike. She continued to find out more about the jewels origins and found that the priestess Midoriko had created the jewel out of her own body.

    Hana was interested in it's history and how it came to be, she wanted to learn everything about it. She wanted to know more so she was prepared to fight whoever got in the way of Midoriko's cave and keep them away from the cave so she could protect it. She took up refuge in Sango's village after hearing the story of the demon slayers at the castle and wanted to stay by Sango's side. Hana felt badly for Sango and losing her family and villagers.

    Compared to most half-demons who do not trust humans or demons, Hana is quite different in this respect. She trusts humans more since she was raised by them, but she does not hate demons. Her father was a great demon and she wondered what he was like a lot of the time and wanted to know more about him.

    Hana was curious about the origins of her family and went to Myoga for information and he knew a lot about both sides of the spectrum concerning of the demons and humans. Hana grew up hating demons because her father left her family on their own and did not give it a second chance until she was much older and she did not mean to abandon the shrine maidens where she grew up but she wanted to know where she was from and where her own origins came from.

    At some point she returned, but different, and armed with information about her past. She had questions she wanted answers to which they would give her to if they wanted to or not and be defeated by Hana's new form of power. Something changed in Hana; she was even more arrogant, sadistic, and ambitious than before. She was not like this before. Before, she was kind, sweet, and caring toward the other people in the Shinto shrine in the Okinawa compound where she grew up.

    How could she do this to the people who loved and cared for her. She was under the influence of the sacred jewel shards she had come across in her journey and had returned demanding respect and obedience from the shrine maidens. She knew her place now, and she was her mother's child and should have been respected instead of disrespected and tossed aside. The shrine maiden's did the best they could with what they had and they never asked anything in return from Hana.

    Hana had been selfish wanting more from them, but she did not seem to care about anyone other than herself and her own ambitions right now. She cared nothing for the others, and it meant nothing to her about the memories that she shared in her former childhood home. She was continuously pressuring them to give her answers. She wanted to know everything there was to know about her family no matter if it was demons, humans, or half-demons. She wanted to know more about her heritage and after all, they owed her that much for discriminating her after her mother's dying wish was to have her protected from evil within the shrine.


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    Dead Dove.'s Friends Comments
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    Shadow The Shinigami

    Jun 8th 2024 - 10:31 AM

    Morning Hana how are you?
    Dominic Salazar

    Jun 7th 2024 - 10:31 PM

    I have recently begun working on our starter
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