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No Sm*t

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Lazera Wicked

Ghoul Hybrid โ€ข Twenty-Six โ€ข Insane โ€ข Flesh Eater โ€ข Manipulative

And the story begins..
One summer's day, a baby was born with hair as dark as night and eyes as blue as the ocean. This baby would never lead a normal life, for she was never supposed to exist. Her mother, a very successful scientist named Jane, and her father, Doctor [REDACTED] had worked hard to maintain a healthy pregnancy, doing everything in their power to make sure their little bundle of joy would be born a boy. However, life had other plans. When Lazera came into this world, her father looked at her with such disgust and disdain. He needed to have a son. A daughter would only bring misfortune. The change in his plans had him spiraling. He blamed his wife for the mistake. She was the scientist, she must have messed with the DNA they used! His mind cracked at the thought. With the same scissors he used to cut the cord from the baby, he stabbed his wife in the throat. He watched as she choked on her own blood, drowning in it as it spilled out of her mouth. He only smiled as the life drained from her eyes. His gaze then shifted back to that of his daughter.
No. She is an abomination. Not his daughter.
This thing, however, can prove useful. He now at the very least, had the perfect specimen to experiment on. He just needed her to be a little bit older.

โ€œGrace!โ€ He yelled.

A woman came running into the delivery room, her lab coat billowing behind her.

โ€œYes Doctor?โ€

The woman didnโ€™t even bat an eye at the sight of the doctor's wife dead on the table beside her.

โ€œTake this..thing. You are responsible for it until I next come for it. Raise it in the west wing of the lab.โ€ He nodded in the direction of the silent baby in the clear tub beside his wife's body.

โ€œYes Doctor.โ€

The woman, known as Grace, went over to the tub and scooped the baby up into her arms. A soft smile graced her lips as she looked at the little bundle.

โ€œHello little one, Iโ€™ll be taking care of you from now on. Let's get going, shall we, Lazera?โ€

The doctor only scoffed and left the room, leaving the child and woman behind.

After that night, Lazera grew up in the care of Grace, whom she called Auntie. Each year her father would come on her birthday to measure her growth. He never showed her any affection or warmth. She didnโ€™t even know he was her father. To her, he was just her doctor who came to check on her every year to make sure she was healthy.

On her fifth birthday, everything changed. This is the year that connections and bonds would cement themselves in her tiny little brain. The doctor couldnโ€™t have that, not at all. This is the year he would take her. His experiments could finally begin.

Sitting at the dining table was a little Lazera about to blow out her candles. She was smiling and full of absolute joy as she looked at her Auntie Grace. Right as the air left her lungs, the doctor stormed in and yanked Lazera up by her hair. Lazera screamed and kicked, screaming for her Auntie to help her. Grace looked torn. She knew this day would come. She knew she shouldnโ€™t have actually started loving the girl. But there was nothing she could do. If she intervened, she would wind up just like the girlโ€™s mother. So she stood back, covering her mouth as she quietly sobbed into her hand, watching as the doctor took her away.

The doctor took Lazera all the way to the main lab, where he strapped her into a metal chair and screamed at her to shut up. She kept screaming and crying, so he backhanded her so hard, she passed out. Once she was out, the doctor injected her with two different liquids. One contained the DNA of that of a ghoul, and the other of [REDACTED]. Now the experiments could finally commence.

The next time Lazera awoke, she was floating in a tube filled with green goo. She couldnโ€™t move, nor hear. The only thing she was able to do was float and breathe through the mask over her mouth and nose. This became her life. Every month she was taken out of the tube to track the progress of the experiment. Over time, her skin turned deathly pale and her hair turned a purplish blue. Her eyes morphed to that as red as the blood flowing through her veins. However, one of his experiments caused her arms to blacken. The doctor was able to stop the progression before it hit her elbows.

During that failed experiment, Grace was able to assist the doctor. When he wasn't looking, she stroked Lazeraโ€™s hair lovingly. Lazera always looked up at her with such sad eyes, though behind that sadness she still held a fondness for the woman who took care of her. After that day, Grace was able to assist the doctor each time he measured the girl's growth. Though in total it was only seven times she was able to see Lazera before that fateful day.

Over the years, Lazeraโ€™s body strengthened, though she kept it hidden from the doctor. Grace knew, but she kept it hidden as well. When she finally felt strong enough, she used one of her sharp nails to crack the glass of the tube she was held in. Goo fell to the floor with her in it. She coughed as she breathed in the sterile air around her. The crash brought in the doctor and a few of his assistants, one being Grace.

Lazera cackled with such maniac glee as her gaze slowly drifted up to meet the doctors. She stood up and ran forward, grabbing a scalpel off the exam table in the middle of the room. In one fluid motion, she slit the doctor's throat. He fell to the ground choking on his own blood.


The other assistants tried to run screaming from the room, except Grace. She went and hid under the exam table. The other assistants didnโ€™t make it out, for once she was done with the doctor, she ran to each assistant and yanked out their throats. Her smile grew so wide as she watched the blood splatter out onto her with each death, that the sides of her mouth ripped open into a glasgow smile.

She knew Grace was still there. Her eyes wandered slowly over to the exam table, her body twisting as her gaze shifted. Getting onto her hands and knees, she crawled over to the woman and got right up in her face, pressing her forehead to the others. Grace took a deep breath. She was scared, but at the same time she was happy the little girl she knew was finally free.

โ€œGo out the door, head to the left and keep running. Passcode is 3721.โ€

Their eyes met as Lazera just watched her for a moment, her eyes almost glowing. Her tail swayed behind her gently, signaling her affection for the woman before her. She nodded and slowly got up. With one last look at Grace, she followed suit and left the god forsaken place she was held in.

Years later, Lazera now resides in an abandoned apartment above a library condemned by the town. She hunts for food /fleshy victims/ at night, her gluttony knowing no ends. Her sanity left her that night she left the lab. Now she lives her life how she pleases, tormenting others for fun and building little sculptures from left over parts and bones from her latest meal.


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Member Since:May 24, 2024

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