꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/larxene ꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ
Literate Larxene/Elrena. Isn’t new to RP, but is new to ANI.

23 years old

Last Login:
June 21 2024

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    ꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ's Interests

basic information


Full NameElrena/Larxene.
Born:Daybreak Town
Title(s):Keyblade Wielder/Savage Nymph
Speciality:Physical Combat and Magic.
Height: 5'3".
Hair| Eyes:Blonde/Gray.
Fact: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Fact: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.


Although Larxene is normally smiling in-game, she can be undoubtedly cold, ruthless, and uncaring, and appears to love nothing more than to bring other people down. Described the most as a domineering woman of strong personality, who does not ask, but tells, she has sharp wit and sardonic remarks ready to spite others on purpose. Her jokes tend to be more ill-humored as well, enabling anyone to successfully get irritated, and sometimes if pushed far enough, yell or charge at her in anger, a reaction which she seems to find humorous. In the Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories manga, Larxene was seen reading a book about the infamous French writer Marquis De Sade, the namesake of sadism, which is clearly related to her sadistic nature.

Maecenas dignissim velit a nibh fringilla placerat. Cras purus nunc, hendrerit vel egestas non, scelerisque ut erat. Aenean id ultrices tellus. Etiam commodo sit amet justo ac porta. Aliquam rhoncus bibendum placerat. Aenean aliquet volutpat ligula sit amet posuere. Nullam feugiat est iaculis mi faucibus, ac iaculis mi fringilla. Sed pellentesque sed massa et viverra.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, lacus nec iaculis congue, lacus nisl rutrum purus, sed commodo turpis nulla eu lacus. Aliquam et porttitor quam. Curabitur ultrices, mi id pellentesque cursus, ex justo porta leo, id vulputate elit purus in ligula. Nulla facilisi. Sed pellentesque tempus tempus. Donec pretium sapien non urna posuere tristique.

Maecenas dignissim velit a nibh fringilla placerat. Cras purus nunc, hendrerit vel egestas non, scelerisque ut erat. Aenean id ultrices tellus. Etiam commodo sit amet justo ac porta. Aliquam rhoncus bibendum placerat. Aenean aliquet volutpat ligula sit amet posuere. Nullam feugiat est iaculis mi faucibus, ac iaculis mi fringilla. Sed pellentesque sed massa et viverra.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, lacus nec iaculis congue, lacus nisl rutrum purus, sed commodo turpis nulla eu lacus. Aliquam et porttitor quam. Curabitur ultrices, mi id pellentesque cursus, ex justo porta leo, id vulputate elit purus in ligula. Nulla facilisi. Sed pellentesque tempus tempus. Donec pretium sapien non urna posuere tristique.

Maecenas dignissim velit a nibh fringilla placerat. Cras purus nunc, hendrerit vel egestas non, scelerisque ut erat. Aenean id ultrices tellus. Etiam commodo sit amet justo ac porta. Aliquam rhoncus bibendum placerat. Aenean aliquet volutpat ligula sit amet posuere. Nullam feugiat est iaculis mi faucibus, ac iaculis mi fringilla. Sed pellentesque sed massa et viverra.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, lacus nec iaculis congue, lacus nisl rutrum purus, sed commodo turpis nulla eu lacus. Aliquam et porttitor quam. Curabitur ultrices, mi id pellentesque cursus, ex justo porta leo, id vulputate elit purus in ligula. Nulla facilisi. Sed pellentesque tempus tempus. Donec pretium sapien non urna posuere tristique.

Maecenas dignissim velit a nibh fringilla placerat. Cras purus nunc, hendrerit vel egestas non, scelerisque ut erat. Aenean id ultrices tellus. Etiam commodo sit amet justo ac porta. Aliquam rhoncus bibendum placerat. Aenean aliquet volutpat ligula sit amet posuere. Nullam feugiat est iaculis mi faucibus, ac iaculis mi fringilla. Sed pellentesque sed massa et viverra.


Groups: land of departure.,

     ꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ's Details
Characters: Larxene/Elrena
Verses: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Fates, Fire Emblem,loves x-overs.
Length: Multi Para, Novella, One Liner, Para, Semi
Genre: Action, Any, Crossover, Horror, Open, Thriller/Suspense,
Member Since:May 14, 2024

“For a moment I felt death’s chill wind, such is the might of the gods. But then, I remembered I’m immortal. Such is my blessing and curse.”

Ardyn Izunia, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

🎩 Crossover friendly
🎩 Mature/Dark themes greatly accepted
🎩 Final Fantasy 15 lover
🎩 Writes Para to Novella so don’t be shy

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The Lost Keyblade Wielder

Like the rest of the Dandelions, Elrena is sent to the new world before the Keyblade War, surviving the conflict and forgetting about the world she was leaving. Then, Elrena began to relive her past experiences in given versions of worlds with the rest of the Dandelions, while having the Keyblade War erased from her memories. Thanks to this, a double of Elrena - constituted from the recorded data of what she saw again in the virtual versions of the worlds - was created.

One day, while she is sitting alone in one of the streets of the Daybreak Town, Elrena is approached by Lauriam, who asks her if she is Elrena. After she confirms her identity, Lauriam asks her what she knows about Strelitzia. Elrena confirms that she knew Strelitzia, but only in having gone on missions with her. She claims Strelitzia was quiet and seemed to always be waiting for someone, so she didn't disturb her. Elrena summoned her Chirithy, who added that he and Strelitzia's Chirithy saw her go into a building with Skuld. Once Lauriam departed, Elrena entered the building in question to investigate. Her Chirithy noted this was unusual behavior for Elrena, as she never cared much about other people. Elrena later reappeared, with her Chirithy claiming to have seen Strelitzia walking with a man in a black coat. Elrena accompanied the union leaders back to the lifeboats. At first, Elrena insisted she should not take one of the pods. However, after Lauriam's asked for her help to continue the search for his sister, she accepted and departed the data world alongside Lauriam, Brian and Ventus. Once in the real world, Elrena was convinced to take one of the real lifeboats to escape the crumbling Daybreak Town. Elrena, Lauriam and Ventus were sent away just as they heard a loud noise and crying out in concern for Brain, who was still there for the time being. After escaping in the lifeboat, Elrena is shown unconcious atop a cliff in a thunderstorm in Enchanted Dominion.

At some point, Elrena's heart fell to the darkness, becoming a Heartless. Elrena's Nobody, Larxene, came into being, where she was found by Xigbar and brought before Xemnas, who was looking for ancient Keyblade wielders to fill slots in Organization XIII.[1] After Larxene's defeat at the hands of Sora, Elrena is recompleted, but became a Nobody once more, joining the Real Organization XIII. She unsuccessfully tried to stage another coup with Marluxia, and during the conversation was interrupted by Demyx, Xemnas and Luxord. Xemnas asked the four organization members if they knew why he recruited them in the first place when they had no prior obvious connection to Ansem the Wise. Larxene guessed that it was to use them for the power of their hearts. Xemnas corrected her, claiming she, Marluxia, Demyx and Luxord would soon reveal a secret about the ancient Keyblade legacy that slumbered within them, to which Larxene reacted with shock


header two


love notes:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec neque augue. Phasellus nibh metus, rutrum at luctus et, euismod eu felis. Nulla nec arcu eu libero euismod fermentum. Integer non porttitor nibh, eget aliquam risus. Etiam interdum augue dui, id elementum lectus hendrerit accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum enim dui, egestas at auctor eu, luctus nec turpis. Praesent nec laoreet turpis. Cras nec dolor non est vehicula dapibus. Vestibulum molestie dolor ut tellus convallis laoreet. Suspendisse ut consequat mauris, vitae fermentum justo. Vestibulum scelerisque eros magna, vel maximus ex semper sed.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec neque augue. Phasellus nibh metus, rutrum at luctus et, euismod eu felis. Nulla nec arcu eu libero euismod fermentum. Integer non porttitor nibh, eget aliquam risus. Etiam interdum augue dui, id elementum lectus hendrerit accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum enim dui, egestas at auctor eu, luctus nec turpis. Praesent nec laoreet turpis. Cras nec dolor non est vehicula dapibus. Vestibulum molestie dolor ut tellus convallis laoreet. Suspendisse ut consequat mauris, vitae fermentum justo. Vestibulum scelerisque eros magna, vel maximus ex semper sed

   ꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ's Friend Space
꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ has 187 friends.


Cute ♠️ Killer

Harmless Ninja


♕Avalonian Heart♛

Friendly neighborhood Spider

꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 13 comments (View All | Add Comment)
Shape of Water

Jun 11th 2024 - 11:54 AM

Hey! Sorry for the delay on sending a greeting. Thanks for accepting my friend request Larxene! I appreciate it. I'm ready to discuss a storyline with you whenever you're ready, or we can wing it if you prefer that. I'm also down with just chatting and bantering. I'm good with whatever genre you prefer, I'm not picky.

Take you time replying, I'm patient. I don't like feeling rushed so I don't do that to others. I hope to heard from you soon!


May 28th 2024 - 2:58 PM

Long ago the world was connected, and a warm light connected it. The people all loved the light, and at length, they began to fight for it. Darkness was born in the people’s hearts. The darkness swallowed many hearts and much light, and before long it had spread far, and the world disappeared into darkness. However, inside the hearts of children there was still a small spark of light. Gathering the fragments of light, the children remade the world. However, the world that was created is not all connected, and it’s made of many small pieces. That is because the true light was still sleeping deep within the darkness.

The Search for Larxene:

Sora had been rescued from his fate for a long time now and he now Riku had been off doing something Master's are supposed to do... Sora didn't ask. There had been someone he felt he had connected with upon defeat but no one had been out looking for her. Leave her be, most had insisted but still he gathered with Donald and Goofy and set off in the Highwind Mark III to go find the former member of the Organization.

He had arrived in Twilight Town to ask Lea, Xion, and Isa if they had heard from her to no avail. "Beat's me," Lea said, leaning against a wall at the usual spot, "She's always been sort of a lone wolf and does her own thing. If ya can't find her maybe it's by design... I'd be careful if I were you. Maybe she doesn't want to be found."

"It's okay Axel," Xion murmered looking at Lea, "I think Sora just wants to know she's okay. I know I do."Xion had hit the nail on the head as usual. She had been formed by his memories so it had been no surprise that she had understood what he was feeling. So many of his own connections had been severed and if Larxene was having trouble finding her important people, well then Sora wanted to help... because when Namine had disappeared he hadn't only lost a friend, he had lost someone tied to Kairi.

The boy couldn't help but check every world he had been to for her but no one had seen her. He had to even talk to... Olaf... and that was the most cardinal sin of them all. He remembered now as he pointed his keyboard foreward heading towards the world that never was, like Castle Oblivion, it had been a source of trauma for him but he'd go there anyway... for a friend.

He'd arrive just a little past lunch time and call into Kairi to check in and let her know that he was alright and that he hadn't disappeared on her again. Before getting out of the ship with Donald and Goofy to start his search. This place seemed... bigger than it had been before and reminded him ore of a mixture of the place he had been when he fought Xemnas originally and the place within his dreams.

He'd first check the bridge he had created that headed into the large castle and then walked slowly on it hoping that she was okay and wouldn't be pissed he came looking for her. "THIS LOOKS LIKE A GREAT PLACE TO FIND-" Sora shot Donald a glare. Don't you say it! Don't you DARE SAY IT, he thought as his eyes bore into his healer.

Really though he had simply detected bags of chips and ramen left behind in Demyx's old quarters which they were currently walking by. It was then that they arrived upon the area Sora had fought Saix in. "Gawrsh," Goofy boomed, "Look over there. Who's that?" Goofy pointed to a coke bottle siloutte.

"Larxene," Sora called out. The figure turned around and slithered it's way to him.

"I'll have you know my name is Nikki Minaj," The dusk said tapping Sora on the chest disappointedly, "The girl you're looking for is over where Xemnas used to give Sermons. I'd hurry and hope he's still there."

"Ah," Sora nodded fully having understood the Dusk... yeah he spoke Nobody now thanks to Roxas, what of it? "Thank you Nikki... might I suggest not wearing those wigs or dressing like a hooker in appreciation?"

Now the dusk simply glared at him as Sora made his way to the next room and up to where the False Kingdom Hearts could be seen. "L-Larxene," Sora called out, "I-It's Sora. I've come to take you back with me. To take you home so you're never alone again." He knew this concept probably sounded stupid but it was worth a try since he never did well on his own anyway. He was always prone to stupid decisions and depression when that happened.

"My friends are my power!"


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May 20th 2024 - 5:32 PM

It was good to see her or more accurately them. Marluxia would not have wanted Larxene to pay for the need to be recompleted. Not when her grown heart would reunite with Elrena. Still... Larxene deserved her own body and he would have to speak to Master Aqua eventually about seeing this done. To do so he'd need access to Castle Oblivion which had been the nothingness between the land of Departure. Only she would know how to access it or at the very least allow him Entry.

It had broken Marluxia when he saw Larxene fall because he had not been strong enough to protect her. This had been why he had chosen to go by both names, choosing to call himself Lauriam Marluxia to honor both himself and the other heart who had been content to stay within his body. Whether he liked this man or not it had been enough to simply reside there silently and let the other take the wheel. After all cursing him with his clone ability only producing Marluxia was something of a trolling that'd probably make Larxene proud.

And now here she was, telling him what he needed to hear and not what he wanted to hear. He could always count on her for this... Axel had been another story. No one ever knew what treatery the enforcer who needed to be enforced would employ next. She reached out her hand and it was like a billions of suns had lit his sky, pushing away the darkness in every crevice of his heart. And then Lauriam took it.

What was it kids these days said? You only live once, a saying that had been disproven by the two Dandelions twice now. Now they were the oldest Keyblade Weilders alive save for Luxu... but f*** Luxu and the former union leaders, they had passed those titles on to others and Lauriam himself was now a master and leader of a union that had ceased to exist. Ventus, the traitor had been long forgiven though he didn't care for the boy. 

There were many people who had been worse than a child that was either completely daft or simply wreckless. As he allowed her to pull him up he stared into her eyes, searching, wondering, just which one of his friends this was. It sounded like Larxene but the fusion of hearts did have fascinating effects on people. Lauriam wasn't even wearing his black coat. Oh who cares whom I am addressing, he thought and then pulled her into a hug.

Tears of happiness flowed readily from his eyes now "You' are observant as always," he reminded her, "unlike me. I can't tell whom I am speaking to... Elrena, Larxene or both but I don't think that matters so long as you both still live and neither of you got swallowed by darkness. I am sorry I couldn't protect either of you. What's the point in being a master or a Dandelion if I can't protect the one's I love? Light, listen to me. Worrying about things when you're here now."

Lauriam did miss the other union leaders. Most of them were dead God knows what happened to Brain who had been the smartest of them. Ventus was brain dead after sleeping for what appeared to be an eternity, but then he was always pretty brain dead he supposed. And then there was Ephemer whom he had unmistakably sensed the presence of on the battlefield as Marluxia. It was a by luck Lauriam even remembered it.

"Do-do we set up base here in our old home," he questioned. While he might've been a leader they could always see what he could not and at least in his own mind that made her a master too. She was the other half of the union leader that he was and it was a shame that no one knew this. It was a shame that no one cared enough to actually listen when he'd tell them in private who had suggested him do this or that. It was her brilliance that had been the power behind the man.

:Before we depart on our quest there is one thing I need to know," Lauriam stated, "We need to know... What is it that you want? No matter what lifetime it has been, no matter what era we have lived through, thousands of years have gone by and you have not once asked for me to do something for you. Why is that? You even went as far as to make sure you were stationed at Castle Oblivion. Please don't think we hadn't noticed.

You could've pursued your own hopes, your own dreams yet still you stuck by me all this time. I guess what it is I-we are trying to say is... what can we do for you? Regardless of how big or small it is please tell me so that I might help you achieve something for once after our journey is over." He specifically addressed himself as we so that she'd know both men were alive inside him. After all they had done together, there was no way once he got some closure in what happened to his sister that he'd ever not want to help her.
Born of Ocean Waves

May 19th 2024 - 1:44 AM

Please forgive my generic greeting! I know many people don't like them. Anyway, hello! My name is Naminé! It's nice to meet you! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your friend and form a bond with you! Please be patient with me, I can be very shy at first! I am also a little slow as I have other accounts and real life obligations! I do look forward to writing with you though! I would love to get something started! We can discuss a story or wing something! I am also open to banter and chatting! I am also discord friendly if that is preferable! I look forward to hearing from you in the future!

May 18th 2024 - 9:54 AM

He raised an eyebrow at her and deadpanned: "No. You're going to ask Terra, my father, for permission to take me anywhere. That's how it works when you're a person with parents, right? So I've observed." Maybe she didn't know, either; he certainly didn't. Xemnas had been a sort of parent, but his hands-off parenting style had been to throw him to the wolves and watch while munching on popcorn to see if he made it.

꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ
꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ

May 19th 2024 - 9:23 AM

"Yeah, about that. I'm going to pretend you didn't just tell me I needed to get permission from someone else. Especially when that person already said you're coming with me." She took a deep breath. For once she wasn't going to be mean, especially since she did herself she'd be nicer to RoXas. "Okay, rough sack. How about.." She couldn't do it. "Get your sh*t! Because if I have to wait here any longer I'm going to-" Another deep breath. Sigh. "Look, it's apparent you have a lot to learn and I can help. I know things Earthquake and Waterfall don't know. I want you to actually use your potential and not be someone's second."

May 19th 2024 - 2:03 PM

"That's how it works when somebody has parents. Even I know that Larxene. I'm not disappearing on them without a word. That's a thing Sora does. Not me. If you don't like it, you can fight me about it. But I'm not the weakling you went out into the field with anymore, so." He was more annoyed at being ordered about; Terra knew, but he wanted Aqua, and--Neku to know, too. And Ashe. Blue eyes narrowed as he gauged her, impassive while she started showing signs of temper. 

"And I appreciate that. I'll go, but after letting people know."

That was non-negotiable. So off we went to write a note here, send a text there, and leave a warning note for Terra that if any broccoli were served to him, Ashe would find out exactly how much time he wasted ogling her ass. Roxas packed a few of his things; he wouldn't be staying with her forever, and couldn't. He had a brother to bring home. But, he could certainly train to make doing that easier.

He had a backpack slung over his shoulder when he came back into frame, one brow raised. "Did you do whatever you were threatening to do?"
𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓖𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓲𝓪𝓷.

May 17th 2024 - 12:55 PM

"Make sure my son eats while he's with you and try, just try not to feed him massive amounts of broccoli. He hates the stuff."

//So feed it to him as much as possible. 

꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ
꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ

May 17th 2024 - 1:01 PM

"So make sure the brat eats nothing but broccoli, got it. And don't worry, I'll make sure that rough sack is taken care of."

May 19th 2024 - 1:54 PM

"If she does feed me broccoli, I'm telling your girlfriend that you stare at her butt all day long."

May 17th 2024 - 2:26 AM

Electric SlideTracking down this woman had been hard enough. The Reaper-esque Reaper's Game champion now knew that she wasn't his mother, but as the Roxas had told him about his history, Neku had come to the realization that this Orgnization XIII. was part of what passed for a family.  The place she was in had been odd given the her outward personality.  Why were there so many flowers around and why did a woman with this personality type appreciate them so much? Curioser and curioser. 

Neku walked down the hill cautisously, doing his best not  to step on the  flowers that might just have meant something to the woman. He kept earbuds in, using the sounds of Iron Maiden to keep him calm from n almost terrifying prospect of angering the woman who's outward personality had been about as shocking as her element of choice. Sure Neku had access to psychs of the same nature. He'd cast an electric psych around hiself  first before speaking up. This was something he had to do. Not for him but for Roxas. He stuffed his fear down and resisted the urge to be nearly as anti-social as the woman and called out to her, immediately yanking out the earbuds to give her his full attention: to be respectful to her.

"Uh," he said in laxed posture: his arms crossed and his head lowered, "If you're not busy I'd like a moment of your time. There's something I need to ask you concerning one of your compatriots. If you have the time that is. If not... I can always come back later if you'll let me." He took a knee, again careful not to trounce any of the flowers and looked up at the towering electric woman.  He would wait to hear what she had to say and if she hadn't the time so be it but at least he had tried.

May 16th 2024 - 9:27 AM

"Oh Roxas. The guy I'm on a date with. Yeah I hang out with him. Wait he's got a rough- Second thought I don't want to know why he's earned that name."

꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ
꒒ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ꈤꀤꈤꁅ ꌃꀎꁅ

May 17th 2024 - 7:27 AM

"It's probably for the better that you don't know how the name was earned. It's not what you think, but it's on the border of it. Are you dating him? Is that what I heard? Did you two have your first kiss?"

May 17th 2024 - 1:17 PM

"For what it's worth maybe... we're still figuring that out. He kind of broke down when I gave these perfectly white people he summoned a scarf. The guy's got a lot of hurt in him and so do I so one step a day I suppose until I get his families approval. Are you like a cousin or sister or something? How should I address you ma'am?"

May 16th 2024 - 4:28 AM

Player PactThank you for adding me. I roleplay Neku Sakuraba from the video game The World Ends with You As well as it's sequel and crossover material, I use The World Ends With You: Animation as a secondary source of inspiration, prefering to make sure Neku is fully capable of using his player pins to their full potential. Given that this is a very niche video game title I ask that if you have any questions take the time to look at my bio. Enough information there should suffice to knowing what Neku's been through.

1. I am a Multi-paragraph roleplayer who is open to many things when it comes to the types of roleplay I am willing to do. You don't have to match my length but I do ask you to try.

2. My biggest pet peeve is those who enter discussion and things move along to the point that a starter  or reply is sent and I observe nothing but sh*t posting from you or a post complaining about why this site is boring because nobody roleplays with you. I reserve the right to delete without warning those who instead of replying sh*tpost and then complain that no one roleplays with them. I simply do not like my time wasted, my list cluttered, or my stream occupied by one person with over 10 post, none of them referring to roleplay. You've been warned.

3. Connections are earned. I am mainly a combat roleplayer who dabbles in writing dramatic scenes for those who fancy that. I am in no way perfect as I try to capture more than one aspect of Neku's life but I expect a level of maturity when it comes to  who Neku cares about.  As far as pairing goes, this Neku is with Roxas also known as XIII.. He will not cheat no matter if you want me to consider this an alternate timeline or not. That's just how I roll. I give my writing partners 100%  without question. I reserve the right to delete anyone that can't take no for an answer.

4. I don't live on here and you shouldn't either. That being said I allow a response time of 16 days and if you haven't contacted me or made any decent stride to get to my reply then I will drop the story.  Communication is key. Unlike Neku I do not have access to telepathy so please don't expect me to read your mind. If you're tired of a story that's fine. Just let me know and if you want we can discuss a new one.

5. In combat all attacks are an attempt. If you need to argue that my character can't do something, I can provide proof. If you're one who gets worked up by combat scenarios then don't do them.  If it's competitive combat then I fight to win... no if's ands or buts about it.

6. Remember above all else to have fun and be kind to one another. Why sign up for a roleplay sight if you're not here to roleplay? Why get caught up in drama with a bunch of people you refer to by the names of cartoon characters? If I'm not your cup of tea or if you aren't mine, that's okay. There are plenty of fish in the sea to write with but always remember we are here to have fun, not be at each other's throats.

Disclaimer: If all of this sounds good to you feel free to slide up in my DMs and let's get this party started. Please do not hate me because I'm beautiful.

May 16th 2024 - 2:59 AM

Rising up from some nearby shadows, the kitsune would appear. “Hello, I hope my sudden appearance didn't startle you.” The male gave a warm smile before bowing to the person in front of him, his two snow white, red tipped tails slowly swaying behind himself. His ears twitched a few times before he stood back up. “I'm Soul Uzukai and it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can be good friends." He stated before giving a slightly bigger smile, revealing a glimpse of what looked like nothing but sharp teeth.
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