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I am what I must be to do what I must do. Multiverse RP

33 years old

Last Login:
June 23 2024

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     BeastBorne's Details
Characters: Kravenn
Verses: Multiverse
Length: Multi Para, Para, Semi
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Open,
Member Since:May 14, 2024

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About me:

To the Very Ends with You

Ode to Destruction

Once upon a time, a boy dreamed of a world much more interesting than the one he lived in. Like a certain collection of kids (nerds), he dreamed of being like the hero's he saw on tv or the ones he played as in video games. It was only in times where he could place himself in these extreme extraordinary situations that he felt some kind of spark. On the other hand, almost everything else left him feeling hallow inside and craving for excitement he could only get out of fiction.

Years later the boy obviously becomes a man, yada yada, and then is suddenly transported from his normal life to a world of wonder. This world required that he team up with hunters to slay powerful beasts, and he could not help but notice that everything strongly resembled one of his favorite games in his past life. In his new life his fellow hunters had begun calling him Kravenn.

Over time he forgot about the life he once had and was fully immersed in his life as a hunter, but after one battle with a particularly powerful beast there was a cataclysmic event that sent him to another world much darker and more brutal than the first. Here, he was met with a traveler much like himself that explained what they were and what they could do and how even this despicable world would not be the last destination for them if they proved themselves.

Time was a concept that no longer mattered to a being like Kravenn, and with experience he gained the ability to travel to these different worlds by his own will. Each world he traveled he gained new treasures and no powers, but there were a few caveats. Every world had a set of rules that must be enforced and 9 times out of 10 nerfed his abilities. To someone like Kravenn this had always been a minor inconvenience since the prospect of greater power outweighed having to try a little harder in a new world.

Lately, he has returned back to his base world with a side project. Recalling his normal life he knew at one point he wanted to create the games he and his siblings had dreamed about, and so he did. He started his own gaming company and used what limited power he had to give himself an advantage. His company had created a full drive VR system, giving players the chance to have the similar experience's he had in other worlds. Of course it was fun, but besides paying tribute to his friends and family that shaped him when he was young, this was also training to the people of his world. Grand forces like himself would one day come to this world--having the power to create and enforce new rules on this reality. When that day came a portion of people would be ready for the transition even if they did not know it yet. His game was a tutorial for what was yet to come.


1. Kravenn was given the class/powers of the beast borne. What that means is the entity that drew him to a new world gave him the ability to communicate with beasts and monsters as well as gain the abilities of monsters he beats/eats. His first world contained a great dragon that drew power from feasting on other great dragons. His fascination with the beast was used to mold this ability and is at his core no matter what world he goes to. For this reason he enjoys going to new worlds and meeting new creatures to acquire more power and abilities.

2. Right now, his world is weak and he is unable to access his full power there. Kravenn has the means to take the power from other worlds to strengthen his own, but is keeping an open mind to methods that do not involve the annihilation of other dimensions.

3. As much as he enjoys taking and gaining power he also loves to give it. On his journey he did meet the entity that granted him his power and was given boons for being one of its champions. One of these boons was to cultivate power in others so that they may become torchbearers for him. Through his game he has made a streamlined version of this letting players choose their powers and classes themselves. A combination of power and technology made this possible as he isn't at the level to just give an entire world powers, but he plans to use the game and its elite to find who might be worthy of the real thing.

4. In between time he gets bored very quickly. As someone who still has a love for stories he sometimes visits worlds out of pure curiosity. Sometimes he will find an interesting treasure, or a worthy adversary/distraction that will keep him busy while his plans come together.


Kravenn even before becoming a traveler had been odd. As a child it was almost as if he had been empty inside, only coming alive when it came to stories or violence. His friends had joked often about him being an uncaring sociopath, but he liked to believe there was more to him. With time and interactions with other good people he had learned to imitate their expressions and have appropriate responses in most social interactions. Fake it till you make it as it were. While things got more normal for him with practice he also felt while some people became monsters, he had always been born one. A wolf in sheep's clothing.

Becoming a Beast Borne had amplified some of his primal urges and instincts. Early on he had been a slave to those urges, but with time he had trained himself to have some control like he had back in his base world. When things got particularly hard he would wear a mask that helped him rein in the beast inside. He enjoys being calm and calculating...but sometimes he really just can't help himself and just tear shit up.

With the power he has and the things he has seen you would think he would be more cultured and sophisticated, but no. Even before the power he had been clever enough to understand certain concepts but also annoyed by people using big words they didn't understand (This was a pet peeve of his). Most of the so-called "higher powers" he had met on his adventures annoyed the hell out of him with how uppity and snobbish they could be while still doing stupid shit and being weak as hell. Watching them is why he decided not to take the stiff omnipotent route ever and just be frank. Kravenn could go from laughing at a raunchy joke to biting someone's head off, in fact he loved to have something to laugh at, but when he did whatever he did it was a core trait to do it without being a pompous ass.

In not so many words he could be a brutish eccentric.


Beast Borne: As described above the power to communicate with beasts (even ones that have no mouths) and gain their abilities. Combining his Beast Borne class with soul manipulation he can also camouflage himself as other beasts or creatures that he has partaken in.

Conflict: Kravenn radiates an aura of conflict (what he calls it) which can drive weaker creatures into a berserking type state. With soul manipulation he can tweak this to just make creatures rasher and more impulsive or drive them into a panic.

Regeneration: You know what this is.

Spikes: Also much like the creature he got beast borne from he can cover his body in near indestructible black scales. With great force they can be broken which is why sometimes he himself will use great force to bash into things and send out shrapnel.

Portal: Summon a gateway. This is the power that allows him to travel to other worlds. The space in this portal is his domain where he can use all of his power regardless of where he is at, but of course can only effect things inside of his domain.

Kravenn Edge: Most of his early powers had been closely related to systems from gaming and this is one of them. Not only does he have an uncanny sense of danger, but with concentration it can go even further than that by highlighting the danger zones. This had been vital to his survival back when his journey first began.

Aura/ Soul manipulation- This one isn't unique, but I will give an explanation. Most people give off some sort of aura with it being so thick sometimes a person or animal can get a bad feeling from someone. Kravenns own aura is which is conflict. Gaining more knowledge and training he was able to refine this into soul manipulation, being able to hide his aura completely or redirect it as to keep himself from being noticed. It can be used to come off more friendly or charming to others to twist their instincts in a subtle way as well. Kravenn had found that vampires, while not being familiar with the term, were naturals at soul manipulation.

Inventory- Basic gamer skill. While he has acquired basic spatial treasures that do quite the same thing (A separate dimension to store his stuff), his personal inventory not only can be called upon whenever, but as a gift from the entity also describes the treasures, he acquires so that he would understand what they do.
Name; Kravenn
Title; Astral Chimera
Nicknames; None
Age; Currently Immortal
Gender; Male
Class; Beast Borne
Height; 6'3"
weight; ???.
Hair|Eyes; Black | Silver
Skin tone; Dark Brown
Guild Rank; N/A
Distinctive Features; Grey streaks in hair and beard, the more the beast takes over the more visible and dark his veins get, his features becomimng more beast like

Interest; New creatures, new powers, new ways to use powers, new worlds, books, video games, coffee, curves of a woman

Distaste; People who play victim, people who dont try and improve, crowds, tentacles, snobs, people who use big words the wrong way

“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you”
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Jun 11th 2024 - 6:22 PM

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