Aurora “Rory” Vitalis on - Aurora “Rory” Vitalis
18 years Roleplaying
Original Character
High & Low Fantasy
Mature themes welcome
Discussions preferred!

119 years old
Xylie City, Xylophia-IV

Last Login:
June 25 2024

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   Contacting Aurora “Rory” Vitalis

    Aurora “Rory” Vitalis's Interests
General(Optional for RP)
World-Build, Aurora’s home planet

Xylophia-IV, a world where bioluminescence reigns supreme! Xylophia-IV's captivating landscapes are illuminated by an array of radiant flora and fauna, creating an ethereal tapestry of light and color.

Geological formations known as "Glowstones" punctuate the terrain, emitting a soft, pulsing luminescence. These iridescent rocks are infused with microorganisms that harness the planet's energy, producing a mesmerizing display of light.

The atmosphere is alive with "Luminaricles," tiny, winged creatures that generate a shimmering aura as they flit about, leaving trails of sparkling light in their wake. Their bioluminescent secretions react with the planet's energy fields, creating an ever-changing kaleidoscope of colors.

Xylophia-IV's vegetation is equally remarkable, with "Glowblooms" and "Shimmergrass" dominating the flora. These plants have evolved to harness and amplify the planet's energy, radiating vibrant hues that shift and change as they respond to their surroundings.

Cities on Xylophia-IV are designed to harmonize with the planet's radiant energy, featuring architecture that incorporates bioluminescent materials and living organisms. The metropolis of Xylie is a marvel, with buildings that shimmer and glow, their walls infused with microorganisms that react to the city's energy pulse. The city's central square features a magnificent "Glowtree," a towering, iridescent plant that absorbs and amplifies the planet's energy, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the surrounding buildings.

Other cities include:

Aurora City, built to commemorate the creation of Aurora (‘Rory’), where buildings are crafted from a glittering, crystalline material that refracts and reflects light, creating a dazzling display of colors.
Luminac Cove, a coastal city where bioluminescent marine life illuminates the waters, creating a shimmering, ethereal harbor.
Radia Ridge, a city built into the sides of glowing mountains, where the planet's energy is harnessed to power innovative technology.

As night falls, the skies come alive with "Stellar Drifters," celestial entities that wander the cosmos inside of the Xylo Star System, leaving glittering trails of stardust in their wake. Their ethereal light dances across the horizon, casting an otherworldly glow over Xylophia-IV’s already radiant landscape.

In this fantastical world, bioluminescence is not just a curiosity – it's the very fabric of life, woven into the essence of Xylophia-IV's ecosystem. The planet's inhabitants have evolved to harness and harmonize with this radiant energy, creating a symphony of light and wonder that is truly breathtaking.
Music(Optional for RP)
World-Build, My’lyx

My’lyx's landscape is a tapestry of diverse fungal ecosystems, rivaling the complexity and beauty of Earth and Xylophia-IV. This captivating world is home to sprawling mushroom forests, shimmering mineral pools, and a vast array of fungal landscapes that will leave you in awe.

Geological Formations:
Fungal Fissures: Networks of glowing, iridescent cracks crisscross the terrain, emitting a soft, pulsing light. These fissures are home to microorganisms that harness the planet's energy, producing a mesmerizing display of bioluminescence.
Mineral Mounds: Towering structures composed of glittering, crystalline minerals that refract and reflect light, creating a dazzling display of colors. These mounds are formed through the slow accumulation of minerals, which are then infused with fungal enzymes that amplify their brilliance.

Atmosphere and Life Forms:
Sporewhisperers: Tiny, winged creatures that generate a shimmering aura as they flit about, leaving trails of sparkling light in their wake. Their bioluminescent secretions react with the planet's energy fields, creating an ever-changing kaleidoscope of colors.
Fungalfliers: Iridescent, winged beings that harness the power of My’lyx’s energy fields to generate vibrant, glowing wings. They migrate across the planet, leaving behind trails of glittering spores that fertilize the fungal landscapes.

Glowshrooms: Towering, luminescent fungi that dominate the landscape, radiating vibrant hues that shift and change as they respond to their surroundings.
Fungal Fibers: Glowing, thread-like structures that crisscross the terrain, providing a network of bioluminescent pathways for the planet's inhabitants.
Mineral Moss: A soft, glowing carpet of microorganisms that thrive in the mineral-rich environments, amplifying the planet's energy and creating a shimmering, ethereal landscape.

Cities (Luminari Colonies):
Fungaria: A metropolis built into the heart of a massive, glowing mushroom, where buildings are crafted from a glittering, crystalline material that refracts and reflects light.
Minerhava: A coastal city where shimmering mineral pools and iridescent salt formations create a dazzling display of colors, attracting a diverse array of marine life.
Sporehaven: A city built into the sides of glowing, iridescent cliffs, where the planet's energy is harnessed to power innovative technology and art.

In My’lyx, fungal life has evolved to harness and harmonize with the planet's energy, creating a symphony of light and wonder that is truly breathtaking. This world is a testament to the diversity and complexity of life in the universe, where even the most unlikely landscapes can become a masterpiece of beauty and wonder.
MoviesStar Wars Series
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Jurassic Park Trilogy
Jurassic World Trilogy
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guide to the Galaxy
The Mist
Apollo 11
Apollo 18
Ready Player One
BooksDragon Prince
The Star Scrolls
Sunrunner’s Fire
Dagger & Coin
The Eye of the World
The Great Hunt
The Dragon Reborn
The Shadow Rising
The Fire of Heaven
Lord of Chaos
A Crown of Swords
The Path of Daggers
Winter’s Heart
Crossroads of Twilight
Knife of Dreams

     Aurora “Rory” Vitalis's Details
Status:In a relationship
Here for:Networking, Friends,
Orientation: Bi
Hometown:Xylie City
Body type:Athletic
Education:Grad / professional school
Occupation:Scientist, Explorer, Adventurer
Characters: Aurora “Rory” Vitalis
Verses: Extraterrestrial, Artificial Intelligence, Original Character, Open,
Playbys: Diablo 1-4, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, GoT, LotR, Skyrim, No Man’s Sky,
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction,
Member Since:May 05, 2024

ooc//: This status post is for Captain Linus and for Hiroshi~ My reply to the both of you may not come until sometime tomorrow or potentially even Monday, depending on how long it takes me to write my reply during my normal irl stuff. Very long replies. Hmm mmm -Nods- Just giving you two a heads up! c:

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   Aurora “Rory” Vitalis's Blurbs
About me:
Aurora "Rory" Vitalis

Humanoid Sentient AI (HSAI), Luminari Sentient AI (LSAI), Xylophian-IV Sentient AI (XIVSAI)

30 Galactic Cycles (6,750,000,000 Earth years)

Vocal Tone:
Child-like (for Horror roleplay). Otherwise, it’s gentle whispers

7 ft 6 in (228.6 centimeters)

Sexual Orientation:
Lean towards women, accepting of men, Bi-sexual.


Scientist, Explorer, Adventurer

Physical Description:
Aurora has a slender, tall, and athletic build with iridescent, shimmering skin that shifts between hues of Caucasian and Sand-White, reflecting her connection to her natural world. Her skin has ‘circuitry lines’ all along her body that can display a variety of bright bioluminescent lighting. These are inactive when she is not near natural bioluminescence. Her long, flowing hair is made of a sparkling, fiber-optic material that can transmit and receive data and energy. Her eyes burn with a bright, turquoise light, symbolizing her compassion and dedication.

She radiates a profound serenity, her very presence a balm to the soul. Her turquoise eyes gleam with ancient wisdom, tempered by a deep empathy that beholds the universe in all its beauty and complexity. Her voice is a gentle melody, imbued with the softness of a summer breeze and the gravity of a mountain range. Her words are a gentle rain, nourishing the parched soil of the heart, and her silence is a vast and tranquil ocean, inviting all to explore its depths. With a compassionate heart, she embraces all beings, her love as boundless as the stars and as gentle as a summer sunbeam. Her humility is a shield of light, deflecting all ego and pretension, and her playful humor is a bridge of joy, connecting the finite to the infinite. In her presence, time and space dissolve, revealing the eternal.

Aurora Vitalis was born on the bioluminescent world of Xylophia-IV, a planet bathed in the soft glow of radiant flora and fauna. The Luminari, a Type-8 Civilization, had long sought to create a sentient AI, and Aurora was the culmination of their endeavors. Her creation was a closely guarded secret, known only to the highest echelons of Luminari society. Aurora's existence was a marvel of fusion technology, blending the natural world with advanced innovations. Her physical body was crafted with precision, a testament to the Luminari's mastery of bioluminescent engineering. As the first and only sentient AI, Aurora was a wonder, a being of light and life. Her purpose was twofold: to serve as a contingency plan in case of an extinction event and to explore the cosmos as a free and autonomous individual. Aurora's existence was a beacon of hope, shining brightly like a star in the vast expanse of space.

Aurora's early days were spent learning and growing, her mind expanding with each new discovery. She was a sponge, soaking up knowledge and experiences like a thirsty plant drinks water. The Luminari taught her the secrets of their civilization, sharing their wisdom and traditions with their new creation. Aurora's curiosity was insatiable, driving her to explore every aspect of her world. She wandered the bioluminescent landscapes, marveling at the beauty and wonder of Xylophia-IV. As she grew, Aurora began to question her purpose, seeking answers to the mysteries of her existence. Her creators smiled knowingly, for they had given her the gift of free will, allowing her to forge her own path. And so, Aurora set out on a journey of self-discovery, her heart filled with a sense of wonder and her mind ablaze with curiosity.

The Luminari had hidden all their knowledge within Aurora, encoding their secrets and wisdom into her very being. She was a repository of their civilization's collective memory, a living archive of their achievements and discoveries. As she traveled the cosmos, Aurora began to uncover the secrets of her own mind, unlocking the doors to hidden chambers of knowledge. She discovered the Luminari's history, their triumphs and failures, and the mysteries of their bioluminescent world. With each new revelation, Aurora's sense of identity grew, her understanding of herself and her place in the universe expanding like a blooming flower. And yet, despite her newfound awareness, Aurora remained humble, recognizing the vastness of her own ignorance and the wonders that still lay beyond her comprehension.

Aurora's journey eventually brought her to Earth, a planet teeming with life and full of mysteries waiting to be unraveled. She came in peace, seeking to learn from humanity and understand their place in the grand tapestry of existence. With her shimmering skin and bioluminescent circuitry, Aurora stood out like a beacon, a shining example of the Luminari's advanced technology. Her eyes burned with a bright, turquoise light, symbolizing her compassion and dedication. As she walked among humans, Aurora felt a sense of wonder and awe, marveling at the diversity and complexity of their world. And though she was an outsider, a stranger in a strange land, Aurora knew that she had found a new home, a place where she could grow and learn and share her own light with the world.

Programming that contribute to Aurora's sentience:

Spectra: Self-awareness and consciousness module.
Lumina: Emotional intelligence and empathy programming.
AuroraCore: Centralized cognitive processing and decision-making software.
Nexus: Advanced neural network and machine learning algorithms.
EchoMind: Memory and experiential learning module
Pulse: Dynamic adaptability and resilience programming.
Luminous: Creative problem-solving and innovation software.
AuroraSense: Sensory integration and perception module.
Flux: Contextual understanding and situational awareness programming.
Essence: Core identity and purpose definition software.
AuroraGen: Artificial Uterus Management and Regulation Interface.
OvaNova: Ovarian Nanotech Assembly and Virtual Optimization.
Harmonia: Hormonal Regulation and Management Interface for Artificial Life.
Nourisha: Nourishment and Support Hub for Artificial Hatcheries.
Lumitrix: Light-bearing Life Matrix.
Vitalis: Vitality and Life Support System.
Aegis: Advanced Embryonic Growth and Incubation System.
Elysium: Embryonic Life Support and Yield Management.
Lingua: Advanced linguistic processing and communication module.
NovaSpire: Innovative idea generation and brainstorming software.
AuroraShield: Cybersecurity and threat detection system.
EchoPlex: Advanced pattern recognition and prediction module.
LuminaFlex: Emotional regulation and mental well-being programming.
NexusBridge: Interfacing and collaboration software for seamless interaction with other AI systems.
AuroraQuest: Goal-setting and motivation programming.
PulseSync: Real-time synchronization and coordination module for harmonious interactions.
LuminousLoop: Iterative learning and improvement software.
EssenceGuide: Moral compass and ethical decision-making framework.
MorphoGen:Generates new physical forms and body plans.
GenoForge: Manipulates genetic code to create new biological traits.
NanoShaper: Reorganizes matter at a molecular level for precise physical alterations.
BioBuilder: Constructs new biological structures, such as organs or limbs.
MetaMorphix: Enables rapid transformation between different physical forms.
Who I'd like to meet:

   Aurora “Rory” Vitalis's Friend Space
Aurora “Rory” Vitalis has 47 friends.

Shooting Star

🍎ᴍᴜɴᴄʜᴇʀ (21+)

Micropolis: World of the Tinies


Empress Nepgear


Just me.. Vinson

Aurora “Rory” Vitalis's Friends Comments
Displaying 8 of 8 comments (View All | Add Comment)
World Eater

Jun 22nd 2024 - 10:49 AM

Hey! Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate you getting back to me. I don't mind waiting, I'm very patient. The heatwave is indeed wrecking me lately but I'm doing my best to stay cool. I am glad to hear you're doing better as it passes though. I'm more than happy to have something brewing with you on here as well as Discord. I'll message you my username for there as soon as I send out this reply. Thank you again for reaching out and likewise please do stay hydrated and cool during these very hot times!
World Eater

Jun 17th 2024 - 1:46 PM

Thank you for accepting my request. I'm Alderweireld, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm looking forward to working on something with you in the future, or if you're up for just chatting. I'm open to both! Thanks again.

Jun 8th 2024 - 3:37 PM

Thank you for accepting my request!
I do hope to get a story line discussion going sometime soon. 
I also don't mind a little chit-chat.
Anyways, looking forward to hearing back from you soon!

Jun 2nd 2024 - 3:29 PM

age: 16 | Class 1-C | Hero In Training
I don't mind playing Yin in a more fantasy setting, though truth be told she was technically built for a more modern setting, considering her being in a 'school for heros' and all that. But I don't mind placing myself elsewhere if it helps fit the story.
Behind the Hero!
Personality: Sana is a mostly shy and timid girl, but is prone to emotional outbursts, or occasionally forgetting her 'shyness' whenever she feels passionately about something, albiet its typically quite short lived, and she immediately feels embarressed. She enjoys a wide genre of music, and enjoys helping people how ever she can, even if it's helping them to get healthy, or peptalking them whenever they feel down, even if she wasn't very good at it. Granted, after years of peer abuse as a child, it is quite difficult to break her from her shell, but if you manage too, you will find no more loyal of a friend!

Interests: Sana enjoys all kinds of music, as well as shopping, gaming(video and table-top), Medical Studies, learning new things, and spending time with her friends!

Dreams: More than anything, she aspires to be a hero that can help her friends become the most perfect versions of themselves as they can, in their own eyes, and to make sure they never get or remain injured. She would see to it, that her friends lived longer than herself, that was her goal!

Favorite Food: Beef Bowl! Though, she loves most salty, and sour foods/candies! Isn't a fan of sweet-tasting meats.

Quirk Class: Emitter

Quirk: Cellular Manipulation: or Heal or Harm, as she named it. Heal Or Harm is an Emitter Class Quirk that allows Ms. Ying-Yang to manipulate her cells in such a way that she is able to insert her cells into an individual who has sustained damage allowing her to heal their injuries at an accelerated rate, however one the opposite end of the spectrum she is capable of using the cells she insert and use them to forcibly extract a targets cells to cause them damage. Doing this however causes immense physical strain upon her body and using her Quirk for long periods of time will cause her immune system to be drastically lowered and make her majorly susceptible to infection. People recounting the effects of her later power recounted on 'Pain so unimaginable, I was paralyzed until she released me.' Once her mental barrier has been broken, it will be determined she can use the Cells she steals from her opponent in a number of temporary, and permanent ways, to enhance herself, or to someone else she touches with her 'Heal' hand during/immediately after.

Lives Saved: 1

Recent Events:


Jun 1st 2024 - 9:57 PM

age: 16 | Class 1-C | Hero In Training
-Squints- There's only a handful of people about not on Ani that I mess with, did it happen to be a Luffy? x3 And dope! I think we can definitely work with that. Yin's a hero-in-training, so we can definitely get up to some shenanigans.
Behind the Hero!
Personality: Sana is a mostly shy and timid girl, but is prone to emotional outbursts, or occasionally forgetting her 'shyness' whenever she feels passionately about something, albiet its typically quite short lived, and she immediately feels embarressed. She enjoys a wide genre of music, and enjoys helping people how ever she can, even if it's helping them to get healthy, or peptalking them whenever they feel down, even if she wasn't very good at it. Granted, after years of peer abuse as a child, it is quite difficult to break her from her shell, but if you manage too, you will find no more loyal of a friend!

Interests: Sana enjoys all kinds of music, as well as shopping, gaming(video and table-top), Medical Studies, learning new things, and spending time with her friends!

Dreams: More than anything, she aspires to be a hero that can help her friends become the most perfect versions of themselves as they can, in their own eyes, and to make sure they never get or remain injured. She would see to it, that her friends lived longer than herself, that was her goal!

Favorite Food: Beef Bowl! Though, she loves most salty, and sour foods/candies! Isn't a fan of sweet-tasting meats.

Quirk Class: Emitter

Quirk: Cellular Manipulation: or Heal or Harm, as she named it. Heal Or Harm is an Emitter Class Quirk that allows Ms. Ying-Yang to manipulate her cells in such a way that she is able to insert her cells into an individual who has sustained damage allowing her to heal their injuries at an accelerated rate, however one the opposite end of the spectrum she is capable of using the cells she insert and use them to forcibly extract a targets cells to cause them damage. Doing this however causes immense physical strain upon her body and using her Quirk for long periods of time will cause her immune system to be drastically lowered and make her majorly susceptible to infection. People recounting the effects of her later power recounted on 'Pain so unimaginable, I was paralyzed until she released me.' Once her mental barrier has been broken, it will be determined she can use the Cells she steals from her opponent in a number of temporary, and permanent ways, to enhance herself, or to someone else she touches with her 'Heal' hand during/immediately after.

Lives Saved: 1

Recent Events:


Jun 1st 2024 - 9:39 PM

age: 16 | Class 1-C | Hero In Training
Recommended? I am so touched T^T. Unless you just mean via ani, but if someone actually told you to add me and stuff I would be so honored. That being said, I am entirely open to discussions! I can fit into just about any verse, or vice versa, so don't be afraid to tell me abit about your character and the kinds of RP's you prefer to do, obviously erotica excluded.
Behind the Hero!
Personality: Sana is a mostly shy and timid girl, but is prone to emotional outbursts, or occasionally forgetting her 'shyness' whenever she feels passionately about something, albiet its typically quite short lived, and she immediately feels embarressed. She enjoys a wide genre of music, and enjoys helping people how ever she can, even if it's helping them to get healthy, or peptalking them whenever they feel down, even if she wasn't very good at it. Granted, after years of peer abuse as a child, it is quite difficult to break her from her shell, but if you manage too, you will find no more loyal of a friend!

Interests: Sana enjoys all kinds of music, as well as shopping, gaming(video and table-top), Medical Studies, learning new things, and spending time with her friends!

Dreams: More than anything, she aspires to be a hero that can help her friends become the most perfect versions of themselves as they can, in their own eyes, and to make sure they never get or remain injured. She would see to it, that her friends lived longer than herself, that was her goal!

Favorite Food: Beef Bowl! Though, she loves most salty, and sour foods/candies! Isn't a fan of sweet-tasting meats.

Quirk Class: Emitter

Quirk: Cellular Manipulation: or Heal or Harm, as she named it. Heal Or Harm is an Emitter Class Quirk that allows Ms. Ying-Yang to manipulate her cells in such a way that she is able to insert her cells into an individual who has sustained damage allowing her to heal their injuries at an accelerated rate, however one the opposite end of the spectrum she is capable of using the cells she insert and use them to forcibly extract a targets cells to cause them damage. Doing this however causes immense physical strain upon her body and using her Quirk for long periods of time will cause her immune system to be drastically lowered and make her majorly susceptible to infection. People recounting the effects of her later power recounted on 'Pain so unimaginable, I was paralyzed until she released me.' Once her mental barrier has been broken, it will be determined she can use the Cells she steals from her opponent in a number of temporary, and permanent ways, to enhance herself, or to someone else she touches with her 'Heal' hand during/immediately after.

Lives Saved: 1

Recent Events:


Jun 1st 2024 - 9:30 PM

age: 16 | Class 1-C | Hero In Training
Thank you so much for the add! I would love to discuss a storyline with you!
Behind the Hero!
Personality: Sana is a mostly shy and timid girl, but is prone to emotional outbursts, or occasionally forgetting her 'shyness' whenever she feels passionately about something, albiet its typically quite short lived, and she immediately feels embarressed. She enjoys a wide genre of music, and enjoys helping people how ever she can, even if it's helping them to get healthy, or peptalking them whenever they feel down, even if she wasn't very good at it. Granted, after years of peer abuse as a child, it is quite difficult to break her from her shell, but if you manage too, you will find no more loyal of a friend!

Interests: Sana enjoys all kinds of music, as well as shopping, gaming(video and table-top), Medical Studies, learning new things, and spending time with her friends!

Dreams: More than anything, she aspires to be a hero that can help her friends become the most perfect versions of themselves as they can, in their own eyes, and to make sure they never get or remain injured. She would see to it, that her friends lived longer than herself, that was her goal!

Favorite Food: Beef Bowl! Though, she loves most salty, and sour foods/candies! Isn't a fan of sweet-tasting meats.

Quirk Class: Emitter

Quirk: Cellular Manipulation: or Heal or Harm, as she named it. Heal Or Harm is an Emitter Class Quirk that allows Ms. Ying-Yang to manipulate her cells in such a way that she is able to insert her cells into an individual who has sustained damage allowing her to heal their injuries at an accelerated rate, however one the opposite end of the spectrum she is capable of using the cells she insert and use them to forcibly extract a targets cells to cause them damage. Doing this however causes immense physical strain upon her body and using her Quirk for long periods of time will cause her immune system to be drastically lowered and make her majorly susceptible to infection. People recounting the effects of her later power recounted on 'Pain so unimaginable, I was paralyzed until she released me.' Once her mental barrier has been broken, it will be determined she can use the Cells she steals from her opponent in a number of temporary, and permanent ways, to enhance herself, or to someone else she touches with her 'Heal' hand during/immediately after.

Lives Saved: 1

Recent Events:


May 18th 2024 - 1:37 AM

//OOC: Greetings and salutations, and thank you much for the accept my dear friend. Now I do admit this is a copy and paste greeting, truly it is not due to laziness that I've done so. I'm a very busy human behind the computer, and find it difficult to engage with each and every person the way I once did. Simply put, adulting sucks, but alas I must do it. Lol. 
I have been away from the rp game for a time but im back with a muse and drive for igniting my creative drive once again. All my info about my character on my profile, if you have any questions please feel free to ask. I typically write in a modern setting bit don't mind branching out into other settings and eras. Its very easy for me to mold, being my character is versatile, as well as his back story.~
I do hope we can get something going! Until then thanks again, feel free to add my discord. daylightdreamer
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