Crimson 𝘙𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭 on - Crimson 𝘙𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭

33 years old

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   Contacting Crimson 𝘙𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭

     Crimson 𝘙𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭's Details
Characters: Red, Champion Red
Verses: PKMN, Digimon, Crossovers, Dark Themes
Playbys: Red, Alt. playby Shintarou Kisaragi
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Member Since:December 16, 2023

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   Crimson 𝘙𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭's Blurbs
About me:
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Verse Info: Pokémon Verse. Crossovers Welcomed.
Character Info: Dark themes adored. After all, what's a great protagonist character without angst. Admin portrays Red as an adult version of Gamefreak's rendition of the character. Headcanon heavy.
Roleplay Info: Para - Multiplayer.Prefers comments and status roleplays.
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◓ Has become somewhat of an Asshole in his older years.

◓ Red nearly died once, taking the hit for his injured Pikachu in it's time of need. That's where the large scar across his chest resulted from. The blow was delivered from a deranged Haxorus. Unfortunately, Red witnessed his partner becoming a meal as he was losing consciousness. To this day, there's no inkling on why he was spared the same fate.

◓ While it was once his ambition to become the great trainer, during his time of isolation he's realized his ambitions, time, and energy were better placed in a different objective. After all, he'd already acquired the title of Kanto's Champion.

◓ Speaks more then the game portrayal that basically muted him.

◓ One thing that has remained the same throughout his aging years, he doesn't carry that foolish overconfidence Green held. He knows his own limits as well as his teams for battles.

◓ He only returns to Kanto once a year for a few days and that's around the time of year he visit's his mother's grave site.

◓ Gold had the misfortune to face off against Red during Red's period of isolation, and failed horribly. Red views Gold as some prissy fanboy who just tried to copy his style and has just as much usefulness as a flopping Magikarp in battle.

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Character Info


Birth name: Red
Gender: Male
Birth Region: Kanto
Hometown: Pallet Town
Current residence: None - Travelling
Occupation: Kanto's Champion
Hair style & color: Cut short - Black
Eye color: Red
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180
Scars: Large across the chest - obtained protecting one of his team members during a critical moment.


Red is introduced as a curious 11-year-old boy from Pallet Town. According to the instruction manuals of Red, Green, and Blue, Red gained an interest in Pokémon after his best friend, Blue, stopped playing with him and became a bully, although in the games Professor Oak says the two have been rivals since infancy. His adventure begins one day when Professor Oak calls the two to his lab for a starter Pokémon. Red has a choice of a Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle. Depending on the Pokémon that Red chooses, Blue will choose the Pokémon that has a type advantage over it. In Pokémon Yellow, Red was originally intended to get an Eevee, which was swiped by Blue. As a result, Blue keeps the Eevee and Red receives a Pikachu that Professor Oak caught earlier. Blue challenges Red to a battle immediately to test out his new Pokémon, thinking he will easily beat Red.

After Red has made his way to Viridian City to the north and taken a package back to Oak in Pallet Town, Oak gives Red and Blue each a Pokédex with which to record data on all known Pokémon in the Kanto region to fulfill Oak's dream of creating a full guide on all Pokémon in Kanto. From here, Red and Blue journey across Kanto, collecting Pokémon to build up their teams, and defeating each of the Gym Leaders in turn, with Blue always one step ahead, showing up from time to time to impede Red's progress.

Red also comes across a gang of Pokémon thieves, Team Rocket, several times through his journey. He first encounters them trying to steal fossils within Mt. Moon. Then he encounters a member who is running the Nugget Bridge challenge to recruit for the organization on Route 24; and another lone member who has stolen a TM from a family in Cerulean City. Eventually, Red uncovers a plot by Team Rocket, infiltrating their hideout beneath the Celadon Game Corner and encountering their boss, Giovanni. Defeating him and ousting Team Rocket from Celadon, Red uses the Silph Scope that Giovanni leaves behind to battle Ghost-type Pokémon and save Mr. Fuji in the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town, who is being held hostage by Team Rocket. Red soon journeys into Saffron City in the heart of Kanto to find it overrun by Team Rocket, who is attempting to take the recently invented Master Ball from the Silph Co. President, and defeats Giovanni again, ending the group's plots for the time being.

With seven Badges in hand, Red encounters Giovanni for the final time—this time as the Leader of the Viridian Gym, his final obstacle before the Elite Four of Indigo Plateau. Red defeats him in battle, earning his eighth and final Badge—the Earth Badge. He disbands Team Rocket, promising to go into solo training to become a better Trainer.

Making it through Victory Road and finally to Indigo Plateau, Red challenges the Indigo League. First, he defeats the Elite Four and discovers, to his surprise, that Blue has defeated them before him and is therefore the Champion of Kanto. Red defeats Blue in the final battle, becoming the Champion himself, but then continues his training, rather than staying at Indigo Plateau. Encountering an offshoot of Team Rocket in the southern Sevii Islands, lead by Executive Archer, Red reveals with his Earth Badge that Giovanni has disbanded the organization, and, though defeated, the group there intends to revive Team Rocket and bring Giovanni back, having already made plans to force Pokémon to evolve with radio waves.

Red continues as a wandering Trainer, eventually making his way to Mt. Silver Cave, where he trains his Pokémon alone. In the process, he becomes so distant from the people close to him that he does not even talk to his mom via phone anymore.

Pokemon Team

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Notorious Rocket

❝ CHAMPION👑 ᵀᴵᴹᴱ!





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❝ CHAMPION👑 ᵀᴵᴹᴱ!

Dec 16th 2023 - 7:29 PM

NO NO! You are NOT a failure! Anything but!

/Places hand on his shoulder with furrowed brows.

I am... I just sorry for everything you've been through. Losing your partner and... well, it hasn't been easy for you and that's why.
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