🧿 on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/Lothael 🧿

He plucked like an eagle takes from the hare, the eyes of God which possessed the power to determine good from evil,

And he saw that there was no good upon the throne of heaven.

29 years old

Last Login:
June 10 2024

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proof Azrael appreciates my shenanigans.  (1  photos)
See, aren't you glad I'm too quick to reap?
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     🧿's Details
Characters: "Evil Eye Angel" Lothael, Blink
Verses: Biblical, Occult, Fantasy, Crime, Modern Fantasy, BL, Yaoi
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Science Fiction, Supernatural,
Member Since:November 26, 2023

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About me:

-“Evil Eye Angel” Lothael-

Created: At the rise of Babylon

Purpose: To carry out punishments upon the wicked. Enforcer of order

Status: Rogue angelic host separate from heaven and hell. Declared enemy of the Mercy Seat.

Current Whereabouts: Hiding among humanity.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality Type: INFP

Gender: He/They

Sexuality: Too gay for heaven

Key Descriptors: Intense, observant, aloof, humorous, forlorn, noble, sarcastic, plucky, odd, concerned, caring.

Likes: Birds, festivals, parks, concerts, big cities, savory foods, artists, good natured warriors and protectors, kind leaders, book stores, well made swords, string lights, pagans, witches, vampires, immortals, and curious individuals.

Dislikes: Organized religion, war, abusers, cruelty, misinformation, confined spaces, evil that pretends to be good, illness, suffering without intervention when intervention is possible.

Fears/Phobias: Blood on his hands. Loss of his wings. God.

Lothael is one of those people you either love, or hate, usually rubbing anyone with narcissistic and sociopathic personality traits the wrong way. He’s a quiet person with a lot of thought behind intense eyes which almost always leave people unnerved in his presence even if they generally have a good opinion of him, as though he were gazing at their full soul and unfiltered desires. Being an outlier from heaven and hell, Lothael’s actions serve humanity. Hawk like, he’s fairly solitary and his arrival into danger is usually quick, unforeseen, and effective. He often intervenes between evil doers and those they prey on, capable of seeing malicious intention as a physical manifestation around those whose hearts are wicked. Though he may come off as intense and off putting to those who have not acquired a taste for his company, Lothael is caring, unexpectedly funny, and enjoyable to genuine people. To anyone with hateful, judgmental, or envious personalities, Lothael is grating. Those who act unpleasantly due to their own insecurities usually find him to be both infuriating and unrelatable. Above all, he deeply cares for those caught up in the foul workings and wars of heaven and hell, so much that he sacrifices both his place in heaven and denies his intended purpose as an angel.


Lothael was created at the dawn of Babylon for the sole purpose of enforcing the laws of God and carrying out punishments for mortals who broke those holy tenants. For this, he was granted the fastest wings of all his peers and the gift of precision to swiftly enact justice. He did his job efficiently and without fail no matter the difficulty, quickly earning the favor and trust of his maker while being seen by the people as a protector of sorts not to be crossed. Though it was not intended, he developed a love for the humans he watched and began taking pride in his job under the impression that it was his duty to keep mortals safe from evil.

When God toppled the tower of Babylon (a metaphor for the mass destruction of an advanced civilization who grew so much that they rivaled the city of heaven), angered that humanity would dare to attempt standing so high above what their maker intended for them, Lothael was furious. Millions died, their souls recycled in the great wheel of life and death to be scrubbed of their individuality, and all for under the claim that wanting to be like the one they worshiped and adored was a crime against the holy throne. Millions more were scattered over the earth and cursed with division between their own people so that they would not likely rise again, instead fighting one another for their differences. Lothael approached the “mercy seat” and questioned God. How could any loving creator do such a thing to his children? What evil did he see in his creation that required such mass destruction and erasure of culture, technology, knowledge, and history? When God answered that only he possessed the ability to see true evil and dismissed Lothael’s grief and compassion as a sickness which needed curing, the angel felt an inclination that something was horribly wrong with his master. A gut deep sensation of dread and uncanny recognition sickened him, and he knew he could not leave without confirming his suspicion.

So Lothael struck before the chance was lost, quick and true, plucking the eyes of God from his head in one fell swoop. He replaced his own silver hues with a pair of piercing reds encircled in blue, looking upon the God writhing in the agony of his betrayal.

Corruption like a miasma so overwhelmingly dark seeped from every orifice of the God, draining from his hollowed eye sockets and infecting the entirety of the throne room. Lothael was harrowed, stunned, and struck for the first time with fear that gripped his heart. It was all he could manage to stagger back as angels flooded the court at the cries of their creator. Shocked, Lothael now saw evil in all its hidden places, tainting several of the archangels who rushed to their lord’s defense. With a god’s eyes which saw greater than any other evil’s form, Lothael discovered the fallacy of heaven and just barely escaped with his life, outflying the others and passing quickly enough through heaven’s defenses that neither shot nor ward could catch him. That is not to say he wasn’t harmed, as many of the choir’s strongest managed to delay his escape. In the end, Lothael fled the holy realm and dove like a comet towards the earth where he vanished.

Ever since, Lothael has been marked for divine punishment for stealing God’s eyes, rendering the deity incapable of seeing evil even after borrowing the eyes of one of his angels. He lives now among mankind, resuming his self appointed duty of protecting humanity. Hell does not welcome him, heaven hunts him, and those few who witnessed Lothael in early days of the world’s rebuilding came to worship him instead of God, wearing “evil eyes” as a symbol of their angelic protector.


Height: 5'8

Weight: 163lb

Eyes: Jewel red encased in ice blue rings that glow when his eyes activate their power.

Skin: Pale, covered in scars from lack of armor in order to reduce air drag.

Notable Scars: A long old wound down the length of his back that once cut to the bone. A puncture wound nearly over the heart that exited out the back.

Hair: Soot white with gradient smokey gray ends. Usually kept chin or shoulder length. Fluffy lightweight hair texture.

Body Type: Lean, muscular but light. Frame and metabolism designed for flight, falling lightly, and high speed movement.

Face: Effeminate, beautiful, but angular. Bruised lids from removing his original eyes, naturally dark lips.

Other: Face and back dimples.


+ I don't hold myself or anyone else accountable to specific reply times. If you have time boundaries, that's perfectly fine and I respect that. I just will not be likely to interact with you.

+ Sorry, but I work two jobs, have health issues, friends, and responsibilities. I won't be able to write with everyone. I am just as happy being a stream and banter friend as I am a roleplay partner. You don't have to write with me to make me happy. You're welcome here if you keep the vibes comfortable.

+ Please don't rush me, guilt me, or make implications that I'm doing something wrong if I don't respond on your time. I don't care if you hyper focus on a game, or another writer, or just don't feel into our plot for a while.

NOTE: I'm not likely to answer ANYTHING from people who constantly complain about not being interacted with on streams and I will heavily consider removal. It's negative and doesn't make anyone feel comfortable interacting. Why would I want to trust someone with my fragile muse and limited time who I only ever see shaming their friends list. No one is obligated to give their time to anyone just because they have an account here. People can add others just to be supportive and share someone out if they think their friends list might like them. Just because I post once a week on my stream with a handful of writing partners I've already made connections with doesn't mean I'm free to add more, or that I owe it to someone else to form a connection with them.

+ Smut is fun. I won't turn down smut with the right writers. Don't slut shame unless it's in character. If you don't like my character getting it on with other writers, ask yourself why you're so concerned about whose laying him.

+ Multi Ship unless otherwise stated.

+ My character is fun to antagonize. Feel free to push him around, make him nervous, scare the shit out of him, or attack. Just be aware that if you go too far, that he's likely to retaliate with the same quickness that could have assassinated God if he'd intended to do more than yoink his peepers.

+ Nefarious accounts (bullies, hackers, sexual predators, stalkers) and minor accounts will be denied. 90% of my personality is bottled up rage against society and the other 10% is a sense of humor. You hurt people near me, you might get a new complex.

+ my character is pansexual, but leans male. Romantic stories with she/her characters can occur, but it's less common.

+ No known triggers. Write what you please and if I feel it's in poor taste (unlikely) then I'll let you know and give you a chance to explain where your muse was. I don't like friendly fire over misunderstandings. If something you do triggers or bothers me, I'm talking to you first before I react.

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𝔦 𝔯 𝔦 𝔰


彌介 血之池一族




🧿's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 20 comments (View All | Add Comment)
Be Not Afraid.

Dec 26th 2023 - 3:35 PM

A warm smile on the Priest's lips, extending his hands out with the gift. It was pristinely wrapped in green foil wrapping paper, with a huge red bow saw on top.

"It's not Raphael's head, but..."

A strange thing to think of. Though had he known what he did now, he may have been the one to defect from the legion instead of Lothael. The corruption amongst their ranks, and their superiors, was something that had the two cling more to one another. Perhaps it was what drew attention to them most of all.  Lothael turned to face him and....F***, there goes all that strength he had and instead of handing the gift over, he dropped it into Lothael's hands.

"If you don't like it throw it away." Instead of allowing his nerves to overcome him, he instead became aggressive. Without another word, he took an about-face and went on his merry well. 

Inside the long box, was a metal bookmark, shaped like a longsword. It was heavy, a small red tassel hanging off the end of the hilt. Lothael still enjoyed books...right? It had been so long, he could have changed, but...it was one of the first things Abaddon thought when it came to Lothael. The admiration for books, knowledge, and truth--like an Icarus flying too close to the sun. 

Dec 23rd 2023 - 2:42 AM

Behind the Speaker Magician

// The Sweet birb~! -gently pinches each side of his cheeks- I'm so sorry it took me this long to speak with you privately! And I know you are busy too. I just wanted to say Hello and when you get back perhaps we can discuss something for our characters. I think it would be rather amusing and interesting for Sypha to meet an Angel. I can just imagine her being like "I killed Dracula, dealt with Death, and now Angels are coming down upon us?!" lol
Also I wanted to give this song to you~ You have a lot of very good songs that I have been adding to my playlist. I remembered having this song and thought to send it to you. You might already know it but X3 I might as well share it anyway.  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas or Holidays in case you don't celebrate it~

ᴡɪᴛʜᴇʀ & ʙʟᴏᴏᴍ

Dec 6th 2023 - 1:22 PM

lol it really is that energy. Just a swing and a miss and both of us just staring at how poorly the attempt went haha.

I have written my post and it is...way, way longer than I meant it to be. However I wanted to give context to certain things and show some background information. So I am both sorry and not sorry for its length? I mean I hopefully won't be recreating posts of this size for each post I make. However, I think it serves as a good starting, hopefully lol.

Angel Tango is also really good! So is Magic. I wish they had more music haha.

Dec 5th 2023 - 9:53 PM


I hope you don't mind moving OOC here? XD Unfortunately I am not what the kids call hip as I do not have a discord lol because I don't know how to use it haahaaa! I loved your starter by the way! I hope my reply was to your liking?!!

Uggghhh fam i'm telling ya Young wants that woman to burn and he's gonna kill her in the worst possible way!!! If L helped him he'd def give him head..I mean he'd be grateful!

Dec 4th 2023 - 8:08 PM

You can call me Antoine
and I try to keep my character flexible but I seem to find him most often in Horror, Supernatural/Biblical, and fighting verses; though he can do most anything from slice of life to thriller/mystery.
Fair warning, Ant has a specific deitary need that he tends to use 'romantic tension' in order to source food for
so he may come off a bit flirtatious. However, I don't mind skipping ero/smut at all.
In the spirit of wingin' it, my boi is a hacker/tech repairman who runs his own pop-up shop in the city.
I'll let your imagination do what it may from there~!
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
ᴡɪᴛʜᴇʀ & ʙʟᴏᴏᴍ

Dec 4th 2023 - 6:44 PM

We both really said, 'GET IN THE COMMENTS!' 

I am also curious as to how I will betray my muse LOL. I've written as him before but never directly following the events of the fall of Demos. So it's always just been a HC that the Hunger made him go sort of crazy feral right away. So that'll be fun. -stares into the void- hopefully.

Gonna keep calling you Sweet Pea now just from the reaction. Sorry not sorry, you got no choice anymore.

I think my favorite song by them is probably either Rule #4 Fish in a Birdcage or Rule #21 Memento Mori. Have  a hard time choosing between the two. What about you?
ᴡɪᴛʜᴇʀ & ʙʟᴏᴏᴍ

Dec 4th 2023 - 6:33 PM

Good starter, just happened to be going into my messages when you sent it haha.

Also, you are the only person I know who knows about Fish in a Birdcage, which was the main reason I was making the comment. Good music choice.
ᴡɪᴛʜᴇʀ & ʙʟᴏᴏᴍ

Dec 4th 2023 - 12:57 PM

I'm not sure what route I'll go with it fully yet, but I think either way we decide to play this out will end up being fun.

Also it's cool sweet pea, take all the time you need. im not in any rush. Especially if it ends up being something you're happy with. 

I'm super excited to write with you though, so you can just imagine me being feral at a keyboard if you want. Mouth foaming, all that jazz.
ᴍᴀʟᴠᴇɪʟʟᴀɴᴄᴇ ꜰᴏʀɢéᴇ

Dec 3rd 2023 - 5:01 PM

I love that! 
Iwasaki is vastly different (personality-wise and physically) from his time as a younger vampire to now, which I'm sure would be even more of a shock in addition to him being alive.  Would you want to start in the past, or present day?

Oh okay! I appreciate the reassurance. I'm usually pretty quick to reply but occasionally I have my moments. I meant to ask; do you have discord? Feel free to add me if you ever wanted to do any banter there: akuma_iwasaki
Be Not Afraid.

Nov 29th 2023 - 9:39 PM

I don't know whom I hated because it seems he never truly existed, to begin with.
The burden of me will weigh you down eternally if I live or die.
I can live with no regret then.

ooc; I have discord or we could do banter flashbacks if you'd like; they seem to really mesh and I would be interested to do so! Up to you, unless you'd rather keep to our message RP and all. Then we can work in flashbacks.
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