Pops on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/newgate Pops

32 years old

Last Login:
May 15 2024

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     Pops's Details
Characters: Edward Newgate, Pops, Whitebeard
Verses: One Piece
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Adventure, Crossover, Fantasy, Spar/Fighting, Supernatural, Video Game,
Member Since:November 17, 2023

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About me:

Known as the strongest man alive, Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate was the leader of a sizable armada of ships, all belonging to the same flag of the Whitebeard Pirates. Unlike other seafaring bandits, Edward did not care much for the allure of gold, treasure, and wealth. Instead his dream rested on the idea of a large family. Those ideals had been based upon his time as an orphan in the island of Sphinx. Ever since freeing himself of that land, he would seek out for this very treasure.

Eventually, Whitebeard did so, by adopting various people and non-humans alike into his crew and fleet, to which he could affectionately call his sons and daughters. And surprisingly, those whom did follow his flag would respect him as their very own father. A title he was all happy and proud to carry. Years would pass as the Whitebeards and their fleet would rise both to fame and infamy depending on which side one may look at. For one, against the world governments, Whitebeard set out to free and liberate many towns and islands whom had been oppressed by their rule. Islands such as the ones belonging to the Fishmen folk, a people whom humans both feared and hated for several reasons. Despite that, Whitebeard would not only free this land, but place it under his protection~ which gained even more favor with the locals. But, to the world Government, only lead to further disdain and even fear.

The governments of the world knew that such a declaration could very well result in a total war escalation, and would have little option except to fall back. But, while they did so, a new plan was being put into motion. And while Whitebeard had a massive line of family, his enemies also grew, including those in the World Government. His enemies began to plot and devise a plan to wipe out this growing armada, with the capture of one of his best agents. In doing so, Whitebeard mustered his best ships and warriors to launch a full scale invasion of the government's HQ where his commander was being held. Soon, the entire island they set out for would become embroiled in an intense battle. The pirates would soon find themselves facing huge losses and several ships sunk. But all the same, their objective would be nearly complete. However at the climatic end, Whitebeard was struck several times by both the Government's ages, and a band of pirates whom was lead by a traitor of his own crew. In the end, Edward would give his life to save what remained of his family. Though he would die standing, a true testament to his sheer will and brute strength.

While solidly muscular and imposing as he was abnormally tall, Whitebeard was actually a gentle soul. Carefree and compassionate towards those around him. Especially his own crew. For them, he would do nearly anything for~ And would love them each and every one as a son or daughter. Though, in battle he was a brute in raw strength, his powers would not stop at the physical level. For, at some time in his youth, the pirate Emperor would come across a Devil Fruit, containing the power to move the very ground beneath them. Creating tsunamis, and potent quakes alike. In short, Edward was a force of nature to be reckoned with, and few whom opposed him in battle would live to tell the tale.

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