Cairne Lightsong on - Cairne Lightsong
"It's alright to fall, so long as you're up before the ten count."

34 years old

United Kingdom

Last Login:
June 20 2024

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   Contacting Cairne Lightsong

    Cairne Lightsong 's Interests
Groups: AniWorldrp Martial Arts Tournament ,

     Cairne Lightsong 's Details
Status: Single
Here for:Relationships, Friends,
Orientation: Bi
Body type:Athletic
Occupation:Professional Boxer
Member Since:October 18, 2023

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   Cairne Lightsong 's Blurbs
About me:
Cairne Lightsong.

Your average everyday jock that had more talent with his hands than with his head. Never an all-star in schooling, his friendly demeanour however won him a surplus of friends that he could rely on and indulge in. But friends and fun alone weren't going to get him the cash he needed for self-dependence-

That, though, was where Boxing came in.

A Profession where he could Throw his Hands for his Pay. A Use for his Talent that wouldn't hurt anyone that wasn't Game for it. His time at the gym, formerly for aesthetics, doubled into rigorous dedication. A pursuit of athleticism to make himself better at his chosen passion.

It's been a good few years since then, graduation has came and went- And Cairne's Effort has proven to not be for naught. His name has been up in Lights and a Professional Record follows and alters with the out-come of Each Bout. His reputation winning him chants at each and every fight. It's been fun, it's been demanding and it's an on-going thrill ride.

... But, he can't say it hasn't eaten into his social life. Time for friends lessening and lessening, many of them moving on in their lives to bigger and better things. Part of him has begun to long for a connection beyond the ring.

But just where's a guy meant to find something like that, huh?

Who I'd like to meet:

   Cairne Lightsong 's Friend Space
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