ᴛ𝑤ɪʟɪɢʜᴛ. (semi-Hiatus) on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/twilightnobody ᴛ𝑤ɪʟɪɢʜᴛ. (semi-Hiatus)
"What's going ON?" Crossovers, au, and mainline welcome.

118 years old

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July 03 2024

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    ᴛ𝑤ɪʟɪɢʜᴛ. (semi-Hiatus)'s Interests

"Where did I think I could go? What a joke."-

Sora helped me find my way back here...to my friends.


"I am me. Nobody else!"

Name: Roxas
Title: Key of Destiny
Organization No.:XIII
Attribute: Light
Species: Nobody, Somebody(Later)
Weapon: Keyblade
Birthplace: Twilight Town
Nobodies: Samurai
Affiliations: Organization XIII, Twilight Town, Sora's Heart
Featured in: Kingdom Hearts series
Games: 358/2 Days, II, Coded, DDD, III

"Get real. Look which one of us is winning."

Being Sora's Nobody, Roxas holds half of Sora's power within him. Since Roxas's complete being's heart is made up of two Keyblade wielders' hearts, Roxas can dual-wield Keyblades, Oathkeeper and Oblivion and quickly shows outstanding skill in swordsmanship with them. In battle, he also uses light with great specialization, becoming a phenomenally dangerous foe. While initially using the same fighting style as Sora, over time, after acquiring his full power, he becomes far more aggressive than Sora by the time of Kingdom Hearts II, abandoning all the supportive abilities he had in 358/2 Days and constantly being on the offensive. His style and level of power is somewhat like Sora's Final Form.

He can glide at fast speeds, so fast in fact that he leaves behind a lens flare, and control thirteen sword-shaped shields of light energy which can connect to form a laser array. He can levitate his Keyblades in the air and whirl and spin them rapidly, showing a great deal of proficiency and skill with the blades, and can also counter any extended combo with a more powerful one of his own, even creating a ring of damage just by twirling them in a circle.

His special attack involves him floating in the air and shooting his thirteen light shields around the arena, which then light it up in a thick twilight mist as Roxas begins shooting blue spheres of light at his opponent from energy gathered in his hands. He'll often attack rapidly from side-to-side, confusing the opponent, leaving a trail of light behind him. He can also perform the Duel Stance technique where he rushes at his opponent and slashes at them quicker than the blink of an eye, causing intense damage if not repelled; the twist is that Sora can knock him into the air and briefly steal and use Roxas's Keyblades if he does repel the attack. However, when Sora steals Roxas's Keyblades, Roxas resorts to utilizing his light powers to full effect, before moving in to steal his Keyblades back from Sora.

Roxas has a Limit break called Event Horizon. During Event Horizon, Roxas rapidly darts around the field with his Keyblade enveloped in light, slashing away at enemies with great strength. During Roxas's Final Limit, he summons four thin pillars of light that quickly move in straight paths towards the ends of the field, dealing heavy damage to any enemies in their path.

Dual Wielding Roxas's Limit Break is called Magic Hour. It has two variations: Roxas floats while a multitude of light beams are fired down at random; he floats and a spell circle with the Nobody emblem appears below him, then he spins both of his Keyblades while firing a great number of homing light orbs.

"I said... I could have done that blindfolded."

-I really can't do much with one liners.

-Crossovers, AUs, and mainline stories welcome.

-Don't expect me to be on at night.

Groups: Fantasy Heart,

     ᴛ𝑤ɪʟɪɢʜᴛ. (semi-Hiatus)'s Details
Characters: Roxas
Verses: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Open verse, Crossovers
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para, Semi
Member Since:September 11, 2023

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   ᴛ𝑤ɪʟɪɢʜᴛ. (semi-Hiatus)'s Blurbs
About me:
Who I'd like to meet:

The Key of Destiny
no. xiii ROXAS
my heart belongs to me!

"You make a good other."

Roxas, the Key of Destiny is the Nobody of Sora, and Rank XIII of Organization XIII. Like Naminé, he was born when Sora released his own heart in order to restore Kairi's. Although Sora's heart was soon restored, Roxas continued to endure and exist, oblivious to Sora's existence for most of his life. He has the ability to use the Keyblade, and wields light, using it to direct rays that strike opponents with great power. He commands the Samurai Nobodies. He is strongly like Ventus, as Xigbar reveals in the Secret Reports.
Roxas was also one of the mysterious hooded figures in "Another side, Another story..." and "Deep Dive". During the prologue of Kingdom Hearts II, the player controls Roxas for a short time until Sora is awakened. Later in this same game, Roxas also acts as a minor antagonist. Roxas is the main protagonist in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, which focuses on the time between Roxas's creation and when he leaves the Organization.

Roxas, unlike other Nobodies, seems to possess real emotions, due to his possession of Ventus's heart that stayed with him once he and Sora were separated during Roxas' creation. Many ranges of feelings come from him depending on his situation. Being Sora's other half, his personality is similar to that of his counterpart, with some differences. For example, when Riku confirms that Roxas is Sora's Nobody after they meet in Dark City, Roxas's statement, "What are you talking about? I am me! Nobody else!" is nearly identical to Sora's later reactions when the Organization XIII members address him as Roxas.

For example, Roxas is less impulsive than Sora, but far more quick to anger; he is short-tempered, aggressive, blunt and stands his ground, characteristics that had mixed in his fighting style. He can be arrogant, confident, and cocky as proven in his battles, more so when he engages Riku in a fight, proclaiming that he could not beat him no matter how many times he attempted to. When blinded with anger, he lets go of all reason and focuses on venting his anger, as seen when he continually hacks at DiZ's computers and viciously attacks DiZ's hologram. His words have bite, and he isn't afraid to speak his mind. He even expressed some dislike for being compared to Sora early on due to their relation, which DiZ notes with amusement in their encounter. This type of main contrast between the boys is even portrayed in official art, with Roxas almost always having a dark, sort of fierce expression, while Sora's is a bit more loose and mellow.

With a devil-may-care attitude in terms of recklessness, he can be rightfully selfish in certain intervals, but not selfish enough to not, in the end, return back to Sora willingly in understanding. Throughout the game, Roxas is presented as the type to not just let things happen, to twiddle his thumbs and wait when there's something about himself he doesn't comprehend. He constantly rebels against what he's told is his "place" and is a strongly independent individual. On the other hand, Roxas tends to be ironically melancholy and stoic, solemn and distracted, especially as he comes to realize the truth about himself, and at other points when he's confused and lost.

Like Sora, Roxas has little patience for people who seem to be bending his will or trying to confuse him. He doesn't have an extreme lust for life as well, not taking everything in with a bright outlook, but he does wish and desire one of his own with fervor. And despite their differences, the traits he and Sora share are shown in how they deeply care for their friends as they are extremely protective of them, along with some instances where Roxas is happy, cheerful, kind, at ease, and carefree in good company—even shown laughing.

Being born with no memories when taken in by the Organization, Roxas at first unlike his other half had no information on the simplest topics or objects, making him comparable to a newborn who grows to learn them, and coming off slow and naive due to it, leading a few others, including himself, to refer to him as a "zombie". However, Vexen's demanding training on learning how to do recon on worlds and his continued appliance of the skill along with his mind advancing naturally as he is exposed to new things seems to have made him the smarter half of Sora, as he is not as easily fooled by his enemies and is more likely to think his actions through unless angered.

This is why Axel fulfills the role of enlightening him about his questions or thoughts, sometimes making Axel himself tongue tied on how to explain them. Roxas's attitude, nonetheless, was very apparent from the start, telling Axel after he accomplished a mission in the beginning that he could have done that blindfolded, and being greatly annoyed when Xigbar calls him "kiddo" or "tiger".

Another difference with Sora is their heroic status. Often times, Roxas shows how he'd rather not have anything to do with the Keyblade, longing to be a normal kid, with a normal life, and normal friends. This is something represented in Hayner, Pence, and Olette throughout the series, as he is shown a number of times watching them in wonder and interest. On the other hand, Sora, despite that he was more or less the same, was spurred on by the goal of finding his friends and took on the responsibility more passively, without much hassle.

"Maybe...today we'll finally hit the beach!'"

-Profile is still under construction because i'm a little lazy. I'll get it completed eventually...right?

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