Day on - Day
I live to serve. Please let me help you.

119 years old
Seattle, Washington
United States

Last Login:
July 19 2023

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   Contacting Day

     Day's Details
Orientation: Straight
Length: Multi Para, Para, Semi
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Thriller/Suspense,
Member Since:July 14, 2023

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   Day's Blurbs
About me:

➽1. No drama, please. I'm just here for fun.

➽2. I'm not very fast, and there's way more of you than there are of me. If it takes me more than 5 minutes to get back to you, please be patient with me. On that same note, I do need to put my mental health first, so please know that just because I'm online, doesn't mean I'm working exclusively on replies. Sometimes I just like talking to people.

➽3. 18+ only, please.

➽4. For fuck's sake. No one-liners. It's fine out of character, but if I hit you with a paragraph and you send one line, I won't even go to the effort of blocking you. I will just stop replying. It's practically the same thing.

➽5. Ladies, please keep in mind that I do prefer men. I'm not opposed to roleplaying with women, just please don't expect a lot of enthusiasm towards romance.

➽6. I'm fine with erotic roleplay, but please know that sex for sex's sake is kind of boring. Please at least give me some kind of story to work with, yeah?

➽7. Just to be clear, I'm pretty submissive. Not at all a switch. Just to get that out in the open, so people don't approach me with the wrong idea. I'm not your dommy mommy.

That's all I can think of for now. I'll add more later if I need to.

➽8. I am open to cannon verses but please forgive me if I'm not particularly knowledgeable about that particular verse. I'll try my best.

➽9. Random starters are welcome. Or discussions. It doesn't matter. Hit me up. I'm lonely at the moment.

According to the humans, she was ancient but she wouldn't know. There were other beings far older than she was. She wasn't there for the beginning of creation but she could remember the very day she looked down from the celestial plane with curiosity for the floating blue orb her master would turn into his newest and most beloved creation. She had nothing else to do while it matured. She was created for the sole purpose of serving the little creatures that would inhabit the earth. It would be her job, along with millions of others, to guide them, inspire them to greatness, and encourage selflessness. Eventually, when they began to form language, they called her kind muses. They were so interesting, the way their brains worked. They didn't live to fulfill a single purpose as she did. They could love, hate, be selfish, repent... She couldn't get enough of them. It came to the point where she would stop returning to the celestial realm, preferring to spend her time among the little creatures though they couldn't see or hear her. But they could feel her presence, her influence, returning their strength when they had none, bestowing bravery in the face of adversity, and easing the pain of the sick and the broken with whispered promises of life after death.

However, she quickly learned that she needed to return to the celestial realm. If she went too long without basking in the ethereal glow that permeated every inch of her home, her influence on the humans would wane. The golden feathers of her wings would begin to shed and she would feel weakened. It was during one of these weak spells when the wrong human became fully aware of her presence. He didn't feel her influence from within like most people did, mistaking her virtue as their own but fully recognized it as an outside force manipulating his actions. When she stumbled upon him, he was holding a knife to a woman and child. It was during another great war and all three of them were clearly starving. She whispered in his ear sweet words of mercy and self-sacrifice, but to her terror, he chose to ignore her. He slashed the air around him, screaming, and managed to slash her wing with his kife. The distraction was enough for the mother and child to scurry away, but... She felt... She FELT! And it hurt.

Without the light of the heavens filling her heart, the first seed of anger was planted. She didn't like this feeling and she returned home. Once there, awash in the warmth of her master, her wounds healed and so did her heart. But it wasn't long before she would come to regret returning to the human world. The starving man, as crazed as he might have seemed, spread word of the existence of some unseen creature trying to make him do things against his own will. And the scientists listened. One scientist in particular had a morbid fascination with the occult and an obsession with what happened to one's consciousness after death.

The fact that he laid a trap and caught her specifically was a complete coincidence. She was legion and he could have caught any other of her kin in his trap but he didn't. When she heard the cries of a newborn babe, she was drawn to the miracle. It was one of her responsibilities to bless every newborn she came across and comfort mothers during their most desperate times, even if all she could do was help them get a restful sleep. But she had no knowledge of human magic. This was something new that they had been developing for millennia and this was by far the most sophisticated version she had seen. But more concerned with the babe, she flew right into the spider's web.

When she entered the complicated circle on the floor, tall walls of blue light arose all around her, trapping her in the circle and when she approached the babe, she laid her hand on its head and... Touched it. She made contact with it. That wasn't supposed to happen. The only time a human should feel her direct touch was when her energy had been drained and she felt... Well, she felt just fine. Scooping the child up in her arms, she marveled at the little creature. He was so light! So small! So soft! She crooned at him, unconcerned with why she was suddenly able to touch the babe like this... Until the scientist entered the room and looked at her. Immediately she could sense the ill intent radiating from this man as he held eye contact and she looked round at the circle. Gently setting the child down on the ground, she flew upwards, right smack into the ceiling.

Her body had become fully corporeal. This was so strange but the man grinned. It was the most evil thing she had seen. Yet.

The angel screamed, signaling her kin for help and a few came, but they all told her the same thing. God wasn't here. She was on her own.

The scientist had no intention of letting her go. He was able to freely cross the circle at will and used her confinement to run all kinds of tests on her. He took hair, skin, feathers, and nail trimmings. Then that wasn't enough. Using armed guards, they subjected her to all kinds of biopsies and exams, studying her anatomy. They found that they could use a portable circle with the same design to transport her to their lab. But the longer they kept her there, the weaker she became. The feathers fell from her wings, gravity took hold of her body and weakened her. Within years, her wings were gone completely and she developed muscles to combat the weight of the Earth's downward pull. There was a period where they decided to feed her, just to see if she could and if so, what did she like? What did she dislike? Did poison have any effect on her kind? While it didn't kill her, the poison did have an effect.

The experiments continued for centuries. When one scientist died, his progeny took the reigns, continuing his master's sadistic research.

Or at least, until the money dried up.

The angel had become so weak, she couldn't return home if she tried. Her wings were long gone and for all intents and purposes, she looked like a healthy, beautiful young woman. They no longer needed the magic circle to hold her captive. Now a simple chain and shackle around her ankle did the trick and she no longer had the power to influence their hearts. However, when the new scientist could no longer afford to keep his lab afloat and hire guards to ensure she didn't escape, he moved her into the basement of his home. He named her Day and from that day forward, she knew it was only a matter of time before she would be free. The previous guard's hair turned white and grew old. She watched the scientists grow old while she remained unchanging. Day bided her time until the day her new captor's heart finally failed him.

When it finally came, she managed to break free of his basement and walk out a free, nearly human woman and make her own way in this world of humans.

Her natural subservient nature made her an excellent maid and her natural desire to ease pain lead her to study human medicine and botany. In every war, she volunteered on the front lines as a field medic, trying to save as many lives as possible, and during times of peace, found herself being paid handsomely for the sense of peace she brought to her new masters and mistresses.

Who I'd like to meet:

   Day's Friend Space
Day has 49 friends.


Cosmic Sage


The End; The MorningStar

Prowling Wolf



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