Zion Luciferious; Dark Rebirth on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/LuciferiousReborn Zion Luciferious; Dark Rebirth
Dragonball/Z/GT/Super based. All Genres welcome though. Accepting all.

34 years old

Last Login:
May 22 2024

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Be Nice, Polite and Patient.

I will RP at my own pace, if you cannot abide by response times, please do not complain in a harsh or personal way / level. You always have the freedom to remove me, informing me as to why is a bonus but not required. :)

Do not Auto nor God-mod in combat, please and thank you.

OOC converse is best in comments. While RP can be in messages. Acceptations can be made.

Have fun!!!!!!!


     Zion Luciferious; Dark Rebirth's Details
Characters: Zion Luciferious
Verses: Dragon ball, Z, GT, Super, Open.
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para, Semi
Genre: Anime, Fantasy, Open, Science Fiction, Spar/Fighting, Supernatural,
Member Since:July 10, 2023

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About me:
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Basic Information:

Name: Zion Luciferious
Race: Reincarnated Saiyan (Heavily Modified)
Height: 5'5 (164 cm)
Weight: 123lbs
Home: N/A
Family: Unknown to him
Parents: N/A
Creator: Cells from Zain, created by Dr. Myuu. Zion, born of that by the Supreme Kai and Destroyer of Universe 11
Energy: Chaotic Neutral, Saiyan, Destroyer, Dark Matter (Reaper Blood)
Finishers: Blackstar, Void Grenade, Dread-lash
Transformations: SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJG, SSJGB, Ultra Shadow
Age: 30
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

Energy Explanation:

Radiation: While reincarnated from Zain whom had immense mastery over Radiation Energy, Zion has retained immensely little. Unable to truly use it, the echoes of its remain can really only be seen in his appearance, (Red glowing eyes) and a slight immunity towards it.

Saiyan Energy: Typical control of Energy or Ki, as any Saiyan. Inheriting the ability for many Transformations such as Super Saiyan and up to Super Saiyan Blue.

Destroyer: Infused with some Energy from The Destroyer, Belmod, Zion is not capable of exactly the same, such as Hakai. However, its destructive and volatile properties have infused and enhanced Zion's energy based attacks. Making even the most basic Ki attacks about 20% more destructive and dangerous. Traces of the Destroyer's energy also causes his Ki based attacks to eat away at materialistic things after initial damage and contact.

Reaper's Blood, Dark Matter: Info Coming Soon.

In the last moments of one, Zain Luciferious's Dark Life.. consumed by boundless rage and torment. He became unrestrained and unleashed a living hell on a chaotic, chemically unbalanced planet raging with storms that mirrored his soul. Unleashing his power to its fullest, he destroyed the Planet and most of himself.. Most..

The story where Zain Luciferious ended, bore a new story for another. Neither Zain, nor, not Zain.

Zion Luciferious:

....Among shattered remains of the planet, blood and cells of one Zain Luciferious had began a drift into the deep reaches of space. It is not known for how long his cells were a drift nor survived the harsh uninhabitable void. Finally, however, upon being in route to planet Earth, Beerus The Destroyer and Whis intercepted his remains. Sensing the remains of a life form, Beerus ordered their halt. Indeed, Zain had been recently become known to The Destroyer. Zain Luciferious had once been titled; Aspect of Death. A glorified upstart to Beerus no doubt, finally, Beerus caught sight of what was left of this pest who killed millions without any thought to Balance nor care. After a moment of discussion with Whis, confirming it was his remains, Beerus grinned and merely in-took a deep breath and blasted with sheer force, his Cells on a course with the Sun. Unable to be bothered with "Destroying" his organic remains.

Sent spiraling with speeds beyond comprehension, the course was not as clear as he had hoped. No, rather, Zain's remains passed through some cosmic gateway, a black hole. There, his remains passed through and emerged in a different galaxy. Universe 11, to be exact. After a very long time and as fate would have it.. the remains were discovered by both The Supreme Kai and Destroyer of this universe at the same time.

Both knew not of him, where it came from or how it got here. But they had a dispute. While the Supreme Kai could feel the pure evil origin, Their Destroyer, also aware, yet could not stride from the thought of its potential. Traces of immense negative power could be felt like reverberating echoes. Truly, Belmod, their Destroyer. He had grown very tired of their "Pride Troopers" the petty pursuit of Justice and in secret, grew more and more worried about Jiren's power. He was wise to worry. But in his justification to The Kai, there must be Balance...

Too much was the "light" the Heroics, the Justice, the good. The universe needed an Evil, a Darkness to it. The perfect con to create a Dark warrior, one that might be easily manipulated and controlled by Belmod to finally put an End to Jiren and any who might oppose him. After much deliberation, they finally agreed together that these remains would not be restored but, a new warrior, born anew from its Ashes. In their process, they learned of Zain Luciferious, the Luciferious family and what they were made for. Oh this couldn't get more perfect. Bio Engineered Saiyans created to hunt and kill Saiyans. Perhaps Belmod's ultimate threat to his power after the display of Goku and others during the Tournament of Power.

Alas... with Creation and Destruction, Light and Dark, they forged the remains into new life. Born of blood, deceit, power, corruption and a legacy of boundless rage. Zion Luciferious was born.

Inheriting Zain's power structure, Belmod also infused his creation with a very destructive power from Universe 11. This ultimately would set him apart from his far away family of universe 7. Radiation Energy was effectively eliminated, but replaced with a new force known in this universe as, Reaper Blood. (Dark Matter, modified) Strictly forbidden, but under the Kai's nose. Belmod infused Zion with it. Energy of Universe 7, 11, Saiyan cells, Reaper Blood and a touch of Destruction Ki... Belmod's handcrafted tool to undo Jiren and the Pride Troop was finally complete.

Unlike normal creation, Zion was born into an adult body. One that resembled the esteemed warrior of universe 7, Vegeta. Lightly different but, mostly crafted in the same figure. The Kai did not approve of this rash creation or its urgency. It was quite unnatural. Yet, born in the void of space, Zion's dark eyes opened and he glanced upon The Kai and Belmod. His eyes barely able to be held open, merely catching a glimpse of Belmod's smile before passing out.

After passing out, The Supreme Kai asked how was it possible that the Saiyan was born in space, it was believed they could not breathe in the dead of space. Belmod shut it down, with the help of his assistant, opened a gateway for Zion to slip through and in a blink of an eye, he was gone. The Supreme Kai barked at Belmod, The Destroyer. Where did you send him!? Belmod smiled. "Earth, in universe 7, of course. For now, he must believe he truly is one of them.. Oh, yes, he has partially inherited Zain's memories."

Bewildered and angry, The Kai demanded to know.. What purpose does this serve our galaxy?? What balance to our universe can he bring from there? What are you playing at Belmod?! Just like that, Belmod departed while smiling. Taking his schemes with him.

Zion awoke in a forest rich with life. Unsure of anything, he knew some basics. He was powerful, he felt.. wrong, inside him. Basic ability to interact, no real memory of how he got here or.. anything. Fragmented images in his head of faces.. Pain and despair gripping him tightly although briefly. Another face briefly flooded his mind and a word came with it, the very first word he ever spoke.


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