Tres Maso-kiss on - Tres Maso-kiss

30 years old

Last Login:
June 20 2024

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basic information

Full Name Nelliel tu Odelschwanck
Aliases Nel Tu
Age: Old Enough
Gender: Female
Family: Dondochakka Birstanne brother figure, Pesche Guatichebrother figure, Bawabawabrother
Current Residence: Hueco Mundo
Eye|Hair Color: Hazel | Green
Race Arrancar
Affiliation Aizen's Arrancar Army (former)
Occupation Tres Espada (former)
Base of Operation Hueco Mundo
PartnerPesche Guatiche, Dondochakka Birstanne, Bawabawa
Resurrección Gamuza


Nel's appearance is in stark contrast to her vocabulary, which contains a number of bizarre phrases and words one wouldn't expect such a small child to know, such as calling her uvula a "throat penis" and referring to herself as a masochist. Ichigo Kurosaki assumes her Hollow companions are responsible for this. During her group's super sentai intro she prefers the name "Thieves: Nel-Don-Pe." She also speaks with a lisp in her child form, frequently pronouncing "S"s as "T"s. Nel and her companions also represent oddities among Hollows; though most Hollows are evil, Nel actually fears Shinigami, assuming that they are, in fact, the evil ones. Despite believing that Shinigami are evil, Nel develops an attachment to Ichigo and follows him into Las Noches. When she returns to her physical form, despite growing up physically, she retains her child-like affection over Ichigo, including bear-hugging him after attacking Nnoitra without realizing that Ichigo was losing consciousness.

As Nelliel, she is much more mature, composed, logical, sophisticated, and intelligent than her child form. She is also relatively level-headed in terms of how to fight, stating that if one's excuse for a battle is to fight out of hatred, prejudice, or simple competition, as Nnoitra does, then it is merely instinctual and animalistic, and that it makes the challenger look "childish," "unworthy," and "not much of a warrior". Though Nelliel has proven during her last few minutes as a full-fledged Espada that it is 'acceptable' when it involves vengeance, she does not view even that as a reason to fight. Unlike many of the Arrancar, Nelliel is somewhat pacifistic, and according to her Fracción, has despised engaging in combat even when she was still among the upper ranks of the Espada, unless it involves self-defense and protecting those dear to her heart. It is for this reason that Pesche and Dondochakka decided to simply be content with her child form and banished themselves from Las Noches. She refuses to finish off weaker or injured opponents, and will stop fighting them once they've been disabled or incapacitated, a trait shared with Kenpachi Zaraki. During her numerous fights with Nnoitra, Nelliel is relatively calm and silent when fighting, preferring to speak only when spoken to, a rather uncommon trait among most Arrancar. She enjoys reading, and often reads a book after her missions or after waiting for Nnoitra to wake up after their recent battle. Nelliel is a loyal, respectful, and trustworthy warrior, who will diligently follow the orders of her commander, provided said commander has proven his worth. She's also knowledgeable, analytical, easygoing, fairly compassionate (usually towards her friends), humorous in her own right, and exhibits a cheerful, energetic demeanor when off-duty.


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Member Since:June 13, 2023

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There was a time when we ceased to be Human and became beasts.
And then in becoming Arrancar,
we regained our capacity for reason.
One who possesses reason should require a reason to fight."

Early Life

Nelliel once held the rank of 3rd Espada. During her time in that position, she was constantly challenged by Nnoitra Gilga to fights to prove that males are stronger than females. Nnoitra once laid waste to an entire colony of Arrancar, prompting Nelliel to ask him why as he was given no order to do so. Nnoitra stated that no one ever ordered him not to kill them. Nelliel reminded him that Aizen's orders were to "seek the Vasto Lorde," further explaining that murdering entire colonies stood against that order. He responds that not everyone is loyal to Aizen and if they resist they are rebels and killing rebels is like helping Aizen. He further reasoned that if he can take them out then they are not Vasto Lorde, stating that he is following orders just fine. He then informs her that she has gotten awfully uptight over a couple hundred Hollows. Nelliel suggested that he should think before he speaks, as they themselves were once Hollows just like those he killed; it was their own good fortune that they evolved beyond that, nothing more. Nnoitra taunts her to attack if she felt she could beat him if it made her mad. She plainly responded that she was shocked as even becoming an Arrancar, Nnoitra was nothing more than a child. Nnoitra questioned her comment, but is attacked and seemingly knocked unconscious. When he wakes up he sees she is sitting near him reading a book while a dead Hollow lies nearby. When he asks her why she helped him, Nelliel simply tells him that she did not 'help him', she simply prevented the Espada from losing a member by putting an end to his suicidal behavior. Nnoitra explains that he can't stand her and she would obviously know that, asking why she keeps following him around. She simply stared at him and stated that it's because he was weaker than her.

Sometime later, Nnoitra continued to kill Arrancar and Hollow alike, determining they were unfortunate for facing him. Nelliel noted to him that it was an Arrancar he just killed to which he responded he knew that and wanted to state as a fact something he would only explain once. Something he wanted her to know was that if she insisted on continually following him around, then no matter who stood in his path, he would not be benevolent or merciful. Sometime later, he challenges her to a fight to which Nelliel explains once again that she would not draw her blade against the likes of him. Stating that he will not draw her into his demented world, Nnoitra told her that she was over thinking as the only reason they needed to draw their blades against each other was for the simple sake of drawing their blades. Nelliel noted that she did not understand that reasoning. She then asked what drove his blood lust. Nnoitra simply stated that gasping for his final breath in the heat of battle; to have his entire being defined by that moment was his greatest desire. Nelliel questioned this philosophy, noting that it would be a temporary high. He agreed to the truth of that, but stated that nothing else could fill that void. He was given power and he would use it kill anyone standing in his way until he died on his feet, taking in his last breath.

Present Life

Several days later, as Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez is confronting Ichigo in the Soul King Palace, an adult Nelliel leaps over him and tackles Ichigo. Nelliel explains that Urahara made her an armband that allows her to transform into her adult form at will, though she is not sure that she can transform into her child form again. When Grimmjow berates her for being in the way, Nelliel tells him that she does not have to take orders from a lower-ranked Espada like him, prompting Grimmjow to challenge her to prove she deserves the rank of #3 more than he does. However, they are interrupted when a voice tells them to enter a nearby black box.

Nelliel accompanies Ichigo and his allies through Wahrwelt, and the group splits up to look for Grimmjow. Nelliel later stands outside Askin Nakk Le Vaar's Gift Bereich, noting how it is collapsing like Urahara thought it might. She remarks that carrying four souls out of it would be difficult, and is shocked to see that the entrance is so small. She remarks that she wanted to see Ichigo again as she leaps toward the entrance.

Yep! Nel's a serious maso-kiss, so it no fun if I don't cry a lil!

the devil


love notes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec neque augue. Phasellus nibh metus, rutrum at luctus et, euismod eu felis. Nulla nec arcu eu libero euismod fermentum. Integer non porttitor nibh, eget aliquam risus. Etiam interdum augue dui, id elementum lectus hendrerit accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum enim dui, egestas at auctor eu, luctus nec turpis. Praesent nec laoreet turpis. Cras nec dolor non est vehicula dapibus. Vestibulum molestie dolor ut tellus convallis laoreet. Suspendisse ut consequat mauris, vitae fermentum justo. Vestibulum scelerisque eros magna, vel maximus ex semper sed.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec neque augue. Phasellus nibh metus, rutrum at luctus et, euismod eu felis. Nulla nec arcu eu libero euismod fermentum. Integer non porttitor nibh, eget aliquam risus. Etiam interdum augue dui, id elementum lectus hendrerit accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum enim dui, egestas at auctor eu, luctus nec turpis. Praesent nec laoreet turpis. Cras nec dolor non est vehicula dapibus. Vestibulum molestie dolor ut tellus convallis laoreet. Suspendisse ut consequat mauris, vitae fermentum justo. Vestibulum scelerisque eros magna, vel maximus ex semper sed.

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The King Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez


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