уσυηg мιѕѕ on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/youngmiss уσυηg мιѕѕ

24 years old

Last Login:
May 07 2023

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     уσυηg мιѕѕ's Details
Characters: ⸻ Kanna Mitsurugi (OC)
Verses: ⸻ Mafia ♠ Crime ♠ Yakuza ♠ Mature ♠ Tokyo Revengers ♠ Crossovers
Playbys: ⸻ Miku Nakano
Length: Multi Para, Para, Semi
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Thriller/Suspense,
Member Since:April 29, 2023

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   уσυηg мιѕѕ's Blurbs
About me:

MAFIA Verse|Psychological|

Mature Themes| Cross Over welcome

"We crucify ourselves between two thieves: regret for yesterday and fear of tomorrow."
STATUS: Single
WITH WHOM: nope, good luck winning this girls heart its not as easy as you think.
"Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh."
name name name name name name name name name

Kanna Mitsurugi


anna Mitsurugi, only child of Souei Mitsurugi and his deceased wife Saya. Unwilling heir to the Rising Phoenix gang, a notorious crime syndicate with their hands dipped into just about every kind of illegal dealings. Most well known for drug and arms trafficking.

Sheltered and heavily protected for the first several years of her life, Kanna's first experience with the horror of the world that she had been born into happened at the tender age of five. An impressionable young girl on vacation in another city with her aunt and mother. She had nothing but smiles for the bright world. However the world isn't quite so bright is it?

Striking Cobra, the long time rival of Rising Phoenix made their first open move in nearly a decade. The memories of that night still haunt Kanna, of her mother's frantic breathing as she woke Kanna and quickly stuffed the child into a laundry hamper and quickly covered her with damp towels from their earlier beach trip. Saya's attempt to soothe and quiet the small child in vain as the scream of pain from Saya's own sister cut through the air. They had breached the house. "Please just stay quiet, don't come out whatever you hear. Until your father comes to find you - don't say a word."

Her mothers cries, pleading, anger, screaming - for well over two hours Kanna was forced to listen to it all. When it finally grew quiet, the small child hoped that it was over - that her father would come soon. Daddy was a hero after all, he would show up and save mom and beat all the bad guys. Only, the one who lifted the towel from the hamper she hid in - the face that greeted her was not her fathers. Kanna would never forget the bald head, serpent tattoo across his forehead and scar marring the mans cheek - but the thing that would stick with her, haunt her dreams each night was the look of absolute glee in his eyes as he lifted the tiny girl out by her hair. The small girl could only cry in terror and pain, dropping her only defense that her mother had spent so much time trying to give her.

The last thing that Kanna remembered before she lost consciousness, was the heavy smell of blood that permeated the air. The blood that was on the mans hands, and then.. nothing. It was as if she was suspended in an ink filled void, curled in on herself she could only suffer in the silence. Kanna was unaware of what she endured, or the fact that at only five years old she had killed her attacker. It wasn't until her father had her in his arms two days later that she woke up from her black void of a dream. The truth was never revealed to Kanna, that she had had in fact - saved herself that day.

There where fewer smiles after that day, waking up from the nightmare to find that it was real - the trauma was haunting. For nearly two years, Kanna lost the ability to speak. Hiding away in her room and from the rest of the world. It wasn't until her ninth birthday that her households butler Gerald, a man who was more like a grandfather to the small girl than a staff member, found a gift that the deceased mistress had left for the young miss.. A book of Poetry ranging from John Keats to even Sylvia Plath. Through that book she found her voice again, as well as some of her will to live for with the book also came a letter. One that to this day she has never opened and instead keeps safely tucked away in a lock-box beneath her bed. For the words on the front of the letter read as follows 'Save them for when you need them'.

Appearance. Kanna in her youth was quite small, smaller than most children - however as an adult she has managed an average height of five foot and four inches. She weighs anywhere from 104-110 lbs, depending on how many snacks she's had that day as she likes to say. Crystal blue eyes the color of a polished sapphire beneath thick full lashes. Like her mother, she is well endowed and quite curvaceous. Medium length soft red hair that is usually worn down and loose, strands stubbornly obscuring parts of her face and expression at times.

She is usually seen wearing a dark blue sweater that she tends to keep fully buttoned up, a pleated skirt, black tights or stockings, simple black or white flats. To top of her usual attire, Kanna is almost never seen without her blue wireless headphones with a small white cat logo on both sides that are either on top of her head of draped around her neck.

Personality. There might have once been a time when Kanna looked at the world with bright innocent eyes, however the things that she has seen, experienced and done have shaped her into a pessimist with a negative outlook on life. She is unsure of herself, often shy and aloof. Silent, reserved and constantly down on herself. However, those who manage to get close to Kanna might see another side of her. She is clumsy, insightful and a genuinely kind person with a heart far to big for this world. Studious and intelligent, Kanna has a knack for poetry - one of her truest and most open forms of communication. However due to her self-consciousnesses she rarely has the confidence to share her own work with others.

The most shocking part of Kanna's personality, is not something that people see often. In moments of extreme danger, or after her body has taken a certain amount of physical damage her brain will trigger her emotion receptors to turn off. She will black out, her only thoughts of self preservation. Until she has escaped the danger and her brain fully recognizes it - she won't wake up. Her father and those closest to him are aware of Kanna's 'flat moments' the term they have started to call them. However Kanna herself when she wakes up, has no recognition of the time or the moments leading up to it.

Abilities. Adoptive Muscle Memory; Contrary to Kanna's clumsy personality when she enters flat mode she is able to access 110% of her brain, perfectly able to mimic any action that she has ever seen at least once. Including acrobatics, martial arts and other physical stunts/actions. For someone who has spent her entire life around masters of different arts of combat both with weapons and hand to hand this makes Kanna the perfect killing machine. However she is not capable of accessing this without entering the flat mode.

Enhanced Flexibility; Another ability only accessible during the flat mode, Kanna was born with an abnormal muscular structure giving her an edge with acrobatic dexterity and flexibility. She is capable of displaying feats of immense physical strength and a higher level of pain tolerance without putting nearly as much strain on her body as would outside of the flat mode.

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уσυηg мιѕѕ's Friends Comments
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May 4th 2023 - 7:14 PM

I'm not sure you seen the anime or heard the opening but I hope you enjoy it. https://youtu.be/bUDp4tF8Hbo

May 1st 2023 - 11:54 PM

Heh, Mafia aye?
I think I know your type.

Yeah, name's Kefla.
I'd love to work with ya.~

If you can handle, well, how freakin' awesome I am.

Apr 30th 2023 - 12:25 AM

Hello there, beautiful gorgeous.~ 
It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.
I hope we could be good friends if you ever need a chat, if not a roleplay.
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