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A/B/O, Fantasy, romance, and chaos.

30 years old

Last Login:
June 19 2024

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Characters: Lilium the Clanless
Verses: Naruto, anime, and OPEN verse.
Length: Para, Semi
Member Since:April 26, 2023

I owe about three starters >< . I know I’m behind but I’ll be able to send it out tomorrow morning :D adventurous

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Apr 17th 2024 - 8:13 PM

Tiger would stand before her, he was waiting for his judgment to be passed. He held nothing back and spike from his heart, whatever she would decide from this point he had every intention of following. If he was told to leave the village he would do so without any trouble as he promised her. However, it would seem that things would not being going that way. Her own green eyes had been looking deep into his, she had even leaned in close to him and took a whiff of his scent to help with her decision. This didn't bother Tiger really, he could sense her inner wolf even if it didn't show like him. After what felt like forever she had made her choice and would decide to take him at his word, and the wide smile that had come to her lips made him feel better as well "I appreciate you giving me the chance to prove my words of true, thank you."

He would say to her as he would smile back to her as well now. A short but tense little moment now passed as they would continue on after she had given his shoulders a gentle pat. She could be quite serious when she had to but she also had a good soul, that muchbwas obvious to him. She cared greatly about her home and would defend it from anything and anyone. As they continued on he would notice her looking at the little lunch box before she would ask him of he had eaten yet. "Actu-"

That was all he was able to get out before she had run off to a food stand and bought some food. Running back over to him and nearly shoving the skewer into his chest he couldn't help but to chuckle and smiled as he took it from her hand gently. "I don't mind at all, and thank you, I'll pay you back for this to." He says to her before she would place her hand on her hip and waited for him to eat, he certainly didn't want to upset her or be rude. He would take a bite, showing his large and sharp fangs as he bit it all in one bite. He chews it up a moment before he would swallow, looking at her with a bright smile.

"That was delicious, I believe that will indeed hold me over for a time." He would have said her name, but in all that had happened she had never given her name yet, but he wasn't going to bring it up to her, he figured she had her reasons for that.

Apr 15th 2024 - 3:05 AM

Tiger would remains walking at her side, following her lead as she was guiding the way. When she would ask if he traveled alone he would look to her and nods his head before he would give verbal response. "Indeed, I travel alone and always have for as long as I can remember. I've had the occasional travel companion now and again but everyone has their own path and thus far I've not met anyone who seems to share mine, at least not in the same direction mine seems to be headed in." He would say back to her, Tiger did indeed travel alone and it wasn't really something he put much thought into really, being alone seemed natural to him, perhaps as a tiger being solitary was just in his nature but he did enjoy company when the chance came up.

As her next question would bring up the question of why he had yet to find a place to settle in he would again look to her, following her lead still as he gave his answer to this question as well. "I have been to several other villages and cities across the land but no place I have gone to or passed through felt like it would make a good home for me. The way I see it, for me to stay in one place, that place would have to offer everything I would or could possibly want. Namely, a good environment, peaceful days even if some days where less than so, since peace is as floating as the wind but the place would give me a peace of mind, leaving me confident that when I close my eyes I could keep then closed without fear or anticipation of an attack on my person. Given my appearance you could imagine there have been many who wanted to wanted to test me and my strength, and with each victory I had gained a bit of a rep, a wandering beast with monstrous strength and skill, who would be the first to take my head." He would say with a sigh. "I'll fight to defend myself naturally but I don't go looking for them or try to prove anything to anyone."

Shortly after they would cross into the village Tiger would soon come to a stop as the young woman had moved ahead and now stood in front of him, her eyes looking right into his. The words that followed from her where to be expected he guessed, and she was just doing what she felt she had to in order to make sure she wasn't inviting trouble into her home. "As I said, I've not found any place I would wish to call home, and so far I don't sense any kind of ill will towards me in this place, aside from that, my funds are running low so until I can replenish my funds, I'm essentially stuck here. I harber no desire to cause trouble for you or your home, if you feel you can't trust me, you have but to say so and I will take my leave, no questions asked, no problems." He would say looking her right back into her own eyes as well, doing so would allow her to getting a better look into his soul and make her judgment from what she sees in his eyes for herself.

Apr 14th 2024 - 12:32 PM

Tiger would look at her and waited, as he did so he took notice of how she had been sizing him up a bit, her wheels turning in her head but he wasn't getting any kind of negative energy from it all, it was only smart to be sure to size anyone up you don't know and could be a possible threat. She was smart indeed, then as she spoke and would correct him on who he needed to be speaking with he would give a nod of his head to her.

"The Hokage, I see. I appreciate the escort and will gladly take you up on it."

He says back to her, then as she would ask him to wait a moment before vanishing from sight only to reappear but moments later with what he assumed was a kind of lunch box. She had mentioned before vanishing that the Hokage may not have eaten yet, so she had to be bringing him some food since they would be headed that way now. It was kind of her to do that.

"Fair enough, I'll be sure to keep close indeed, I'm not looking to get lost here."

He says with a light chuckle before he would now be walking along side her as she would lead the way, he didn't know her name yet but he didn't wish to ask just yet, she may still not trust him and that was to be expected.

"Indeed, at times it can be fun for sure. I've been to and seen quite a number of things and interesting people along the way. It has its dangers to of course and let me think, I believe I've been on the road for about two years now. I have no place to call home or return to so the road has been my home."

Apr 13th 2024 - 2:32 PM

Tiger would look to the young woman before him, as she gave his a nod of her head respectfully he would do the same as well. It wasn't hard for him to catch the scent of her pack, even if she looked human at the moment. He took notice of her team as well and would also show respect to them by offering a slight bow to them as well before turning his attention back to her.

"The pleasure is mine, and I'm a traveler so I guess you could say that i am indeed new he would say going along with her line of questions even if it was a little silly. and my travels have brought me here to your village. Unfortunately, my funds have run a little low so I am hoping to find some work here for a while to build my funds back up. You mentioned your alpha, would I be right to assume he is the head of this village and the one I'll need to speak with?"

He would explain and ask of her. Since he was an outsider he figured it would be in his best interest to make sure he didn't cross any lines since he was going to be stuck in the area for a good while.

Apr 13th 2024 - 12:51 AM

Hello and greetings my new friend, it is a pleasure to meet you. I would like to thank you for extending the hand of friendship my way. I am Tiger Demone, a traveling martial artist of sorts. I look forward to speaking with you and beginning a new adventure.

He would smile before placing his fist into the palm of his left hand and bowing to the one before him.
ill Omen

May 10th 2023 - 7:39 PM

Of course ^ ^
Sure, Im open

May 1st 2023 - 3:41 AM

Ok great :)
Vergil sparda s&l

May 1st 2023 - 3:41 AM

i rather wing it if you dont mind

May 1st 2023 - 3:38 AM

No. I mostly do para’s but you can write in whatever length you feel most comfortable with.
Vergil sparda s&l

May 1st 2023 - 3:33 AM

hello a great pleasure to meet you im vergil care to become friends and roleplay together
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