Laelia on - Laelia

26 years old

United States

Last Login:
May 08 2023

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Laelia... who have you become?

A force of destruction, a brutal killer, consumed by a desire for vengance. All true, yet only pieces of her fractured self. She tries to fill in the gaps with alcohol and cigarettes, throwing herself into fights without a concern for herself.

Because she has no reason to care. She has become inhuman - they made her into a monster for their war. It's time their war came to them.

At the hands of their own monster.

     Laelia's Details
Status: Single
Orientation: Straight
Body type:Athletic
Characters: Original Character, OC
Verses: Any, Crossover, Final Fantasy 7
Length: Multi Para, One Liner, Para, Semi
Genre: Any, Crossover, Science Fiction, Video Game,
Member Since:November 01, 2022

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   Laelia's Blurbs
About me:

Either get me a drink... or get out of my way.

Laelia is a variable, an unexpected and unpredictable addition to the world around her. She seems to revel in bloodshed and destruction, though there is an ocean of underlying anger and pain to her behavior.

This is a woman who has greeted death for a cause she thought right, only to find her soul yanked back to her body as the government she trusted used her as a science experiment. She was among other soldiers that died in their war, and they all suffered as the scientists forced them to live. Many died, their bodies deteriorating far too much to be useful. More still mutated until they were no longer human.

And then, the government abandoned the project, putting the few surviving subjects into a psuedo-statis where they were still somewhat... aware.

She, impossibly, woke up. And now she is free.

I'm taking back my fate. No one else holds it.
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