Straying Shadows on - Straying Shadows

"I'm what happens when someone lets their shadow get away from them."

Modern Fantasy/Dark Fantasy/Occult

Untethered Shadow Being

Multiple Paragraph

31 years old

Last Login:
March 29 2024

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Saika Inei  (22  photos)
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     Straying Shadows's Details
Characters: Saika Inei
Verses: Modern Supernatural, Crime, Fantasy, Occult, Biblical, Dark Fantasy, Magic, Yaoi, BL
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Psychological, Romance, Supernatural,
Member Since:October 12, 2022

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About me:


Name- Saika Inei (Inei: Gloomy, Shadows)

Age- 21

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Pansexual

Eyes- Warm Amber

Hair- Dark, Charcoal Brown/Black

Skin- Tanned

Height- 5’6

Appearance- Inei can show himself in a variety of ways, from the shadow of a man upon the sidewalk, a dark apparition in the outer edges of your sight, or a fully solid young man with autumn orange eyes, fluffy wolf cut hair, wearing stolen clothes and garnet eyeshadow. His ears are pierced in a few places and he manipulates shadows over his skin to create movable tattoos. He prefers black, grey, or otherwise dark clothing, but if he’s to be seen in any other color it will be red or copper. He doesn’t cast a shadow, because he is one, but his clothing and other objects on his person still cast shadows.

Personality- Kleptomaniac, curious, reserved. Inei is equal parts quiet and sharp tongued. He is not shy, though it is his nature to hide from most eyes, mortal or otherwise. If it shines, he wants it. Glimmering jewelry, newly stamped coins, crystals, suncatchers, CDs, pretty glass objects, polished metals, sequined fabrics, glitter, nice keys; He will steal it all. Inei pays for nothing and takes everything, though he does not steal that which means most to good people. Wedding rings, heirlooms, and beloved items are safe from his hands if he believes the one who owns it deserves happiness. He has an interest in all things astronomical and cosmic, being that it’s the only place truly beyond his reach aside from the bottom of the ocean. Inei is unfortunately, rather depressed. He knows he’s only the shadow of a human being. While he might live for as long as all the other shadows of the universe, he does not think it possible to experience love and joy as strongly as other living things. He doesn’t like people seeing his stolen abode (yes, even his home doesn’t really belong to him) because often his depression leaves him immobile for days on end. He cleans when he can, but sometimes the dust and cobwebs cover misplaced clutter, dulling the shine of all his taken possessions. Even still, sun casts rainbows from his windowpane into the room each morning.

Fears- Losing humanity and being forced to live as its shadow in a world without new inventions, songs, art, and stories. Being trapped in an unending life for so long as the sun burns without green, rain, birds, trees, laughter, or seasons. He fears most what he knows may eventually become of him, of all the world. It drives him to seek gates into other planes of existence where he can always find new life. This also leads him to be protective of the human race and earth, meaning he will rise to defend it, or lead others to do so in his place from the shadows.

Weaknesses- True dark. Inei can only materialize where there are shadows. For so long as there is light, there will be Inei. However, in places where the light cannot reach, he becomes one with the darkness and is swallowed by it until light shines on him once again.

Interests- Astrology, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Literature and Theatre. Inei loves classic cars, motorcycles, and old trains. Crows are his favorite animal, contrary to his own being and preferred clothing colors, his favorite color is solar gold. Winter is his favorite season. He likes the stark white of snow and the glow of string lights. He loves the idea of Christmas in which people celebrate by showing their love through carefully thought out gifts, time spent together, and travelling great distances to be together. Every year, even though it’s only him, he sets up a tree in his home and decorates the house, watching movies that make him feel more human and less alone. Inei practices practical combat skills and supernatural self defense in the event that he is needed to defend someone or something. Yes, of course he knows how to use a sword. They’re shiny and sophisticated. You know he has way too many.



[Shadow Melding]- He can hide in the shadows of other objects and beings. He has a pet crow named IX (Nine) who is trained to carry him places while hiding in her shadow.

[Shadow Running]- Running among the shadows is far faster and expends almost no energy from Inei. He can cover great distances in half the time if he keeps to them.

[Shadow Transportation]- Pulling objects into the shadows with him only to rematerialize somewhere else is common practice. Less commonly, Inei can bring living creatures including people with him through the shadows to a new destination. The first couple times usually cause dizziness or exhaustion to those who run hand in hand through the shadows with him, feeling like a dry, cool, indescribably thick feeling wind rushing against their skin, though there is no wind resistance to slow them.

[Wormhole Shadows]- By linking certain shadows to one another, Inei can reach from one into another, pulling objects and living beings through. Aka, if he’s unarmed and surrounded, Inei can whip out a sword from the shadow of his boot, or glove, or even open up a large enough door through the shadow of his clothing that a person can enter through depending on how wide the opening is with whatever light is available. Any shadows can be linked, so he spends his time traveling and linking random ones in a grid pattern, making it easier to manipulate shadows on a larger scale within these grids.

[Natural Magical Affinity]- While Inei hasn’t learned any other kinds of magic, he is a natural born spellweaver due to his species.

[Waking of the Shadows]- Though he isn’t strong enough to grant a shadow it’s own independent life from the thing which it belongs to (and he rightfully doesn’t know how he managed to free himself in the first place as the only known one of his kind) he can temporarily inspire shadows to stretch themselves longer and come alive for brief moments in time. They can speak to him, interact, and recall the things they have seen. Inei sometimes calls shadows to life just to run wild with them on full moon nights, giving him some sense of belonging.

I|I|I|I|I|I|I|I|I|I| Warnings |I|I|I|I|I|I|I|I|I|I

1. I suffer from an ailing muse and depression. Sometimes I will not be writing, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to, or that I won’t return to our plot. If you can be patient with a long term partner who comes and goes, I can give you quite a lot.

2. I do ask that you have good grammar and that you spell things correctly. Typos and all that shit are expected, but please don’t send me mangled sentences with hardly any meaning behind them.

3. I do write spicy scenes if they are wanted, but not with everyone. Earn it.

4. I have the ability to suddenly stop caring about someone if they mistreat me, or others. I’m not asking anyone to be on their best behavior, but I am demanding that even your worst behavior is at least humane.

5. Not looking for real life relationships. Friendship is always very possible, but don’t think because we write a romance that I’m suddenly your person irl.

6. …all that said…I’m soft. Show me kindness and effort in the slightest and I’ll likely melt right between your fingers.

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‛ 𝖗𝖆𝖙.



Shaded Vision;



|Heat Drive| Japanese Delinquent

Harmonic - ;

Straying Shadows's Friends Comments
Displaying 7 of 7 comments (View All | Add Comment)

Dec 16th 2022 - 6:14 PM

That sound you make when you bleed. . . let me hear it again. . .


I had a lot of stuff going on, I got really sick, my dad got really sick, everything was just a nightmare BUT I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE STILL ON MY LIST IT MADE ME WANNA CRY 'cuz a lotta people don't like waiting on me, especially when I'm ill. . .

I'm still having ups and downs in sickness, but I haven't forgotten you my homie, I'll be getting to you ASAP but I just wanted to say I'm so happy you're still around.

惡魔: S O K A I M E

Dec 2nd 2022 - 5:40 PM

" .. ?! "

The fae fluttered briefly over the intrusive male before catching a distinctive whiff and hovering just at eye level. 

" Wait, Aiko? Sheesh we'll look at you.. I'm almost jealous. Anywhore I do apologize for the late reply, takes allot of effort for me to do more than creep at best but I digress. A smile is what it gave me old friend and I do hope your still around to read this but regardless hope your holidays were good! I turn 25 next week and I swear I'm not ready, does the midlife crisis hit now or I got time? " Black dust permeate from his visage as he ponder aloud. "

" Lol we'll now we wait Casper , have you gone ghost or ya still around.. Tick tock Aiko with a c*ck~ "

【snake eye】

Oct 19th 2022 - 3:39 PM

Hi, thanks for sending me a greeting. I don't typically discuss plots and prefer IC banter to carry the story, but if that's how you roll, I don't mind making an exception for you.

I do want to highlight that I'm pretty swamped with stories, so I typically keep my replies on the shorter end, but of course, if the story calls for more details and creative elements, they'll be there. I hope that's okay with you. 

Anyway, Saika sounds like plenty of fun. I could see this going multiple ways. 

1. Saika steals a precious heirloom from Bashe, which then sparks a game of cat and mouse. 

2. Saika intervenes in Bashe's hit mission, allowing his target to escape and getting Bashe into a load of chaos. He'll personally seek Saika out for revenge. 

3. Saika pisses off the wrong people, and there's a hit on his head. Bashe is assigned to eliminate Saika. 

Of course, if you have any ideas or would like to add to any of these, I'd love to hear them. 

Oct 19th 2022 - 9:00 AM

That sound you make when you bleed...
let me hear it again.

Oh indeed, I’m very smitten. When I adore a character, I hyperfocus on it. It might just be an ADHD side-effect, but I’ve always been very passionate about characters I love haha.

Bet, I got like, knives and a bat and a great sense of creativity for beatings. Tbh burnout happens to me often so I’ve really been trying to tame it and not go overboard with things, and because of that I don’t get to things as fast as I should. I suffer from a lot of things in life that just cause me to become an unenthused hermit, so I know the struggle to combat that ish. Never fun.

I read your starter before I happened to fully read your comment so it seems we were going in a very similar direction, which bodes very well for the future of this f***ed up tale I’m thrilled. I have some things up my sleeve to really pull things in a direction that I usually don’t do, and I think it will make the burn singe deeper in due time so I’m keeping those a secret. The process of the endgame sounds like a great yarn to get to, and I love what you’ve got in your mind so far. I don’t get to flex Jiji being more of a monster in atypical methods, and this idea we’ve got cooking is gonna give me the practice I desire. I’m pumped!

Also loved your starter btw ~


Oct 15th 2022 - 8:53 AM

That sound you make when you bleed...
let me hear it again.

How delightful to hear. I do agree, Ji-Woon is quite a fun villain when reading on the core concepts of his behavior. I have written a bit more lore in relation to what drove him to become, yknow crazy, but I’ve yet to find a place for it in my musings. His wild style and demented behavior is honestly the most fun I’ve seen brought to life in a while. Obviously I could talk about that endlessly but I digress.

Absolute pog, I’m a lazy bastard sometimes because I’ve got a lot of stuff I have to do and by the time I start working towards my hobbies, I feel so burnt out I’m like “nah sleep tho”. I give you a welcome back as well for being so kind, homies workin’ on hobbies let’s go. Because I’m rather braindead most of the time, I’ll probably take time writing back except in banter, so I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for things that bring out the muse nodders.

Are you invested in some potential slowburn stuff? Because while Ji-Woon is honestly a monster, he’s very skilled at manipulating people to see only the best side of himself, especially if he’s got his eye on someone. Reading the tidbits here gave me the idea that he presents himself as little of a threat as possible. He’s not above trying to befriend people before letting the mask slip, and if Saika has a decent voice, he’s more than willing to commit to the bit in order to get some material for his next track. Potentially showing a side he rarely does to get something sounds like a fun way to really create some f***ed up tension, I’d say.


Oct 13th 2022 - 10:11 AM

That sound you make when you bleed...
let me hear it again.

Howdy hey, nice to meet you too. Hope you’re having a good day/night/evening/death/life whatever it happens to be for you right now.

The cliffnotes you’ve provided me with do entice a very promising series of events. Just from your writing I can tell you’re familiar with my boi Jiji here, so that makes one half of the side easier. I’m the type to dive in blind, but I also enjoy reading the work others have put forward in their characters, so I’m definitely going to take a gander at what you’ve made over the next few days.

I haven’t been back in the writing gig for about 2-ish years, so I might be very rusty and I apologize for that. I might be a bit slow at times, but I do try my best to get to everyone when I can. However, whether you want to craft what you have into a mini-series, turn it into IC banter, a long-haul story, I’m open to all avenues. Jiji has his temper certainly, but if Saika has a good voice, I don’t think he’ll mind all that much going through the hunts just to record more screams. Yknow, sick bastard loves that stuff heheh.


Oct 13th 2022 - 12:05 AM

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