Heir of the Sanin on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/HeiroftheSanin Heir of the Sanin
Naruto Verse/Multi para+ preferred/Discord friendly/ Just here to write, Have fun and make connections.

31 years old

Last Login:
June 05 2024

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Adult Hikaru  (3  photos)
Adult Hikaru
Family Album  (3  photos)
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    Heir of the Sanin's Interests
General It started on a dark and stormy night, nine months after an eventful night where Senju Tsunade had run into the toad sage of Myoboku. Word was sent to the Third Hokage, addressed to the fourth, without the knowledge of the death of Namakaze Minato. The note was written in the hand of Shizune, the apprentice who trained under the Medical Sanin. The letter explained that Tsunade had become pregnant and would soon be delivering the child she intended to name Hikaru. The letter, which had been seen by the Third Hokage, as he relayed this information to the Anbu, whom he had thought he could trust. Among them was one who followed Donzo, who had ordered his men after the child—knowing that a child of two of the Sanin, particularly of the Senju bloodline, would be a powerful force to be reckoned with. The Anbu attacked that night, killing several of the guards Sarutobi had assigned to protect the women during the labor. Then, dressed as Ninja of different land, they killed their fellow Leaf Ninja as they made their way to the shack where the now-in-labor Tsunade was shielded. Tsunade held the child once in her arms, the brown eyes that looked up at her identical to her own, and the grey hair of his father nuzzled against the arms that held him. The blanket he was wrapped in bore the Senju clan symbol and the name Hikaru stitched. It was the last time she would keep the child as the remaining two Ninjas who followed Donzo entered, taking the child while the other sacrificed herself to distract. The Ninja who stole Hikaru away, suffering from injuries of the ninjas who protected the cabins and the poison from Shizunes darts. Tsunade held the child once in her arms, the brown eyes that looked up at her identical to her own, and the grey hair of his father nuzzled against the arms that held him. Falling just outside a nearby village, a seal on the Ninja, just as the others that attacked ignited as the heart stopped beating. The child Hikaru had fallen far away, crying and attracting the attention of a young couple, each one maimed or scarred. Picking up the child and taking him into their home, Sanju Hikaru was raised peacefully in a village that feared and Hated ninjitsu. For eight years, Hikaru lived in this village. He was taught to read, write, and do basic math skills every child should know. But too soon, he began to learn independently how to tap into chakra. Finally, on a day that was grey, he had thought he was alone, and he focused, weaving hand signs he had seen some ninja do, and tapped into his Kekegengkai- Wood release. It was unfortunate for the young Senju that a group of adults had been walking by and saw him use ninjutsu. They were in front of the child in no time, one woman smacking him across the face as they dragged him through the town. Young Hikaru cried as they screamed out about his use of ninjutsu. The villagers, including the couple who raised the child, threw the blanket that was his treasured object in the mood before raising his foot to kick the boy to the floor. Then, grabbing his blanket, he was chased from the village into the woods nearby while becoming battered and bruised. Just as he collapsed, thinking he was about to die, the boy screamed out to the nothingness of the woods, begging to help him. He screamed out, "I don't want to die!" That was when rustling could be heard. A pack of wolves stalked forward, protecting the child from the villagers who continued to pursue him, their intent seething with the desire to kill. Seeing the wolves defend Hikaru, they cursed his name and spat at the floor in front of the wolves before they ran off. It was then He was taken to Mt. Okami. This was a land similar to Mt. Myoboku and other spiritual centers. It is in these woods that the wolf sages train. The wolf sages use natural energy to strengthen and enhance their bodies. It allowed them to move faster and strike harder, allowing for an aggressive style of Kumite. It was here in this environment the Hikaru spent the next four years training. For four years, Hikaru trained within the Okami Forest. It was rigorous training that allowed him to master this Wolf Kumite. Hikaru was a prodigy when channeling nature energy, infusing it more efficiently than most who have trained in this type of sagehood. During this time, Hikaru continued to develop the basic use of his Wood release. Without knowing it, due to his training, Hikaru seldom using his own chakra at that time. On the day he joined the pack on his fourth year. Hikaru was gifted a traveling cloak that had on it embroidered the symbol of the Senju clan. The wolves using a reverse summoning Jutsu, sent Hikaru away on a mission of self-discovery. The master sage is unwilling to teach him further until he finds out who he is. Appearing in the land of fire, next to a small shack left as a reck now almost overgrown. The scene of His birth now overgrown. Before he eventually found the Leaf village, he wandered around, a journey taking a while due to not knowing what he was even looking for. Hikaru's entrance into the leaf was one that shook the village a year after the death of the third Hokage. Lady Tsunade, now the Fifth Hokage, with the belief that her son was killed in that raid, another loss in her life that shook the great Medical Sanin. Hikaru set off all the alarms, setting off an alert and triggering the Ninja's response. Gathering sage energy, He was able to break through all but the most elite Jonin, who, despite his power, had the boy out skilled and outclassed. Finally bound, he was brought before Lady Tsunade. The Hokage immediately recognized the child with the same brown eyes as her child all those years ago that stared at her. His mannerisms, this time more feral as she struggled against his bindings. Seeing Hikaru bound before her, the symbol of the Senju clan being worn proudly on his cloak. He stared at her, his expression angry as he struggled against the bindings. After expressing he was sent here from the Okami Forest to find out who he was as a person. Tsunade offered him a place in the leaf village, under the stipulation that he would join the academy and begin officially as a Ninja. Hikaru was offered a place to stay in the outskirts of the leaf village within the Senju estate. The Hokage immediately recognized the child with the same brown eyes as her child all those years ago that stared at her. His mannerisms, this time more feral as she struggled against his bindings. During this time, Tsunade took Sakura as a student, and Hikaru began his training again, becoming frustrated at the school's simpleness. However, other students looked on at him, impressed as he started school. His taijustsu and wood style release brought much attention to him; this included bringing the eyes of Donzo. Instead of Tsunade, whom he knew was Hikaru's mother, he began to think of ways to convince the elders to put the child's fate and training in his hands. Bored with school, over the next year, Hikaru had begun sneaking into the room that held the forbidden scrolls of the first and second Hokage's—mastering several techniques, including the four-pillar cabin Jutsu and the water bullet technique. Hikaru struggled to hide the scrolls from Tsunade as she came to check in on him on occasion, in between her work as Hokage and instructing Sakura. Though the frequency that she came to visit caused him to be suspicious. Eventually, she told Him that she was his mother, and they began to spend more time together. Hikaru became a more patient student but continued to steal scrolls and continue master techniques. After graduating from the academy, when Naruto returned, Hikaru was placed with a team. *Team information will come later* Eventually, Lady Tsunade began training Hikaru, teaching him to store his chakra in his forehead as a focal point. During this training, he works closely with Shizune and Lady Katsuyu, inevitably signing a blood contract with Lady Katsuyu. During the Pain attack and the length he watched his mother go through, Hikaru began to understand what it meant to be a ninja and protect what you care about. As a result, he fought hard to protect the village from the paths of Pain, saving many. As an adult, and by the end of this training, Hikaru, like Sakura, knows how to channel his chakra into his limbs and strengthen his attacks. His medical ninjutsu was rivaled only by his grandfather, Senju Hashirama. Hikaru is a kind Jonin leader who frequently allows his students to believe they are alone. He frequently works in the hospital while not on missions. Enjoying the feeling of helping others. Like his father, Jiraiya, Hikaru leaves the village often suffering from wanderlust. Upon her resignation as Hokage, Hikaru takes time off to travel with Lady Tsunade rambunctiously. He travels the country just wandering, seeking out information when he can, eventually taking on a disciple of his own.

     Heir of the Sanin's Details
Characters: Senju Hikaru
Verses: Naruto, Shippuden, Boruto, Open verse
Playbys: Uzumaki Naruto, Senju Tobirama
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Member Since:June 27, 2022

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   Heir of the Sanin's Blurbs
About me:
Who I'd like to meet:
Full Name Senju Hikaru
Nickname/Alias Hika, Karu, Brat,
Meaning Thousand hands of light
Title Wolf Sage
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Real Age 11 (naruto) 15(4th war) 19 (blank period)
Birthplace Konohagakure No Sato
Species Human
Preferred Hand Ambidextrous
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Grey/White
Hairstyle spiky
Skin Tone caucasion
Height (In inches)
Weight (In pounds)
Facial Hair None
Birthmarks/scars (Self explanatory)
Distinguishing Features (Something unique that stands out)
Health (How healthy is your character?)
Energy Hikaru is high energy and is often difficult to remain still.
Handicaps Socially distant- raised by wolves for some time
Addictions (Drugs, alcohol, gambling, or bad teen romance)
Mental Disorders ([Ex: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Paranoia.] May be optional.)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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Status Single
Whom Name
Dated 00/00/0000
Engaged 00/00/0000
Married 00/00/0000
Children Name (age). Name (age). Name (age).
Our Song(s) Song by artist. Song by artist. Song by artist.

Senju Hikaru

The Past

It started on a dark and stormy night, nine months after an eventful night where Senju Tsunade had run into the toad sage of Myoboku. Word was sent to the Third Hokage, addressed to the fourth, without the knowledge of the death of Namakaze Minato. The note was written in the hand of Shizune, the apprentice who trained under the Medical Sanin.
The letter explained that Tsunade had become pregnant and would soon be delivering the child she intended to name Hikaru. The letter, which the Third Hokage had seen, he relayed this information to the Anbu, whom he had thought he could trust. Among them was one who followed Donzo, who had ordered his men after the child—knowing that a child of two of the Sanin, particularly of the Senju bloodline, would be a powerful force to be reckoned with.
The Anbu attacked that night, killing several of the guards Sarutobi had assigned to protect the women during the labor. Then, dressed as Ninja of different land, they killed their fellow Leaf Ninja as they made their way to the shack where the now-in-labor Tsunade was shielded.
Tsunade held the child once in her arms, the brown eyes that looked up at her identical to her own, and the grey hair of his father nuzzled against the arms that held him. The blanket he was wrapped in bore the Senju clan symbol and the name Hikaru stitched. It was the last time she would hold the child as the remaining two Ninjas who followed Donzo entered, taking the child while the other sacrificed herself to distract. The Ninja who stole Hikaru away suffered injuries from the guards who protected the cabin and the poison from Shizune's darts.
Falling just outside a nearby village, a seal on the Ninja, just as the others that attacked ignited as the heart stopped beating. The child Hikaru had fallen far away, crying and attracting the attention of a young couple, each one maimed or scarred. Picking up the child and taking him into their home, Sanju Hikaru was raised peacefully in a village that feared and Hated ninjitsu. For eight years, Hikaru lived in this village. He was taught to read, write, and do basic math skills every child should know. But too soon, he began to learn independently how to tap into chakra. Finally, on a day that was grey, he had thought he was alone, and he focused, weaving hand signs he had seen some ninja do, and tapped into his Kekegengkai- Wood release. It was unfortunate for the young Senju that a group of adults had been walking by and saw him use ninjutsu.
They were in front of the child in no time, one woman smacking him across the face as they dragged him through the town. Young Hikaru cried as they screamed out about his use of ninjutsu. The villagers, including the couple who raised the child, threw the blanket that was his treasured object in the mood before raising his foot to kick the boy to the floor. Then, grabbing his blanket, he was chased from the village into the woods nearby while becoming battered and bruised.
Just as he collapsed, thinking he was about to die, the boy screamed out to the nothingness of the woods, begging to help him. He screamed out, "I don't want to die!" That was when rustling could be heard. A pack of wolves stalked forward, protecting the child from the villagers who continued to pursue him, their intent seething with the desire to kill. Seeing the wolves defend Hikaru, they cursed his name and spat at the floor in front of the wolves before they ran off. It was then He was taken to Mt. Okami. This was a land similar to Mt. Myoboku and other spiritual centers. It is in these woods that the wolf sages train.
The wolf sages use natural energy to strengthen and enhance their bodies. It allowed them to move faster and strike harder, allowing for an aggressive style of Kumite. It was here in this environment the Hikaru spent the next four years training.
For three years, Hikaru trained within the Okami Forest. It was rigorous training that allowed him to become proficient in the aggressive style of Wolf Kumite. Hikaru was a prodigy when channeling nature energy, able to pull it in more quickly then he was able to control. Because his in ability to control his chakra effeniently caused him to eneter berserk states. These times became particularly difficult During this time, Hikaru continued to develop the basic use of his Wood release. Without knowing it, due to his training, Hikaru seldom using his own chakra at that time. On the day he joined the pack on his fourth year. Hikaru was gifted a traveling cloak that had on it embroidered the symbol of the Senju clan.
The wolves using a reverse summoning Jutsu, sent Hikaru away on a mission of self-discovery. The master sage is unwilling to teach him further until he finds out who he is. Appearing in the land of fire, next to a small shack left as a reck now almost overgrown. The scene of His birth now overgrown. Before he eventually found the Leaf village, he wandered around, a journey taking a while due to not knowing what he was even looking for.

The Present

Hikaru's entrance into the leaf was one that shook the village a year after the death of the third Hokage. Lady Tsunade, now the Fifth Hokage, with the belief that her son was killed in that raid, another loss in her life that shook the great Medical Sanin. Hikaru set off all the alarms, setting off an alert and triggering the Ninja's response. Gathering sage energy, He was able to break through all but the most elite Jonin, who, despite his power, had the boy out skilled and outclassed. Finally bound, he was brought before Lady Tsunade. The Hokage immediately recognized the child with the same brown eyes as her child all those years ago that stared at her. His mannerisms, this time more feral as she struggled against his bindings. Seeing Hikaru bound before her, the symbol of the Senju clan being worn proudly on his cloak. He stared at her, his expression angry as he struggled against the bindings. After expressing he was sent here from the Okami Forest to find out who he was as a person. Tsunade offered him a place in the leaf village, under the stipulation that he would join the academy and begin officially as a Ninja. Hikaru was offered a place to stay in the outskirts of the leaf village within the Senju estate. The Hokage immediately recognized the child with the same brown eyes as her child all those years ago that stared at her. His mannerisms, this time more feral as she struggled against his bindings. During this time, Tsunade took Sakura as a student, and Hikaru began his training again, becoming frustrated at the school's simpleness. However, other students looked on at him, impressed as he started school. His taijustsu and wood style release brought much attention to him; this included bringing the eyes of Donzo. Instead of Tsunade, whom he knew was Hikaru's mother, he began to think of ways to convince the elders to put the child's fate and training in his hands. Bored with school, over the next year, Hikaru had begun sneaking into the room that held the forbidden scrolls of the first and second Hokage's—mastering several techniques, including the four-pillar cabin Jutsu and the water bullet technique. Hikaru struggled to hide the scrolls from Tsunade as she came to check in on him on occasion, in between her work as Hokage and instructing Sakura. Though the frequency that she came to visit caused him to be suspicious. Eventually, she told Him that she was his mother, and they began to spend more time together. Hikaru became a more patient student but continued to steal scrolls and continue master techniques. After graduating from the academy, when Naruto returned, Hikaru was placed with a team.

The Future

Eventually, Lady Tsunade began training Hikaru, teaching him to store his chakra in his forehead as a focal point. During this training, he works closely with Shizune and Lady Katsuyu, inevitably signing a blood contract with Lady Katsuyu. During the Pain attack and the length he watched his mother go through, Hikaru began to understand what it meant to be a ninja and protect what you care about. As a result, he fought hard to protect the village from the paths of Pain, saving many. As an adult, and by the end of this training, Hikaru, like Sakura, knows how to channel his chakra into his limbs and strengthen his attacks. His medical ninjutsu was rivaled only by his grandfather, Senju Hashirama. Hikaru is a kind Jonin leader who frequently allows his students to believe they are alone. He frequently works in the hospital while not on missions. Enjoying the feeling of helping others. Like his father, Jiraiya, Hikaru leaves the village often suffering from wanderlust. Upon her resignation as Hokage, Hikaru takes time off to travel with Lady Tsunade rambunctiously. He travels the country just wandering, seeking out information when he can, eventually taking on a disciple of his own.

Pellentesque accumsan, eros ac ultricies vehicula, enim orci hendrerit quam, at porttitor leo odio sit amet libero. Sed porta sem eu metus malesuada hendrerit. Sed at sapien ac diam vestibulum ultrices. In eget commodo lacus. Maecenas sed nisl quam. Donec pulvinar, nisi non rutrum cursus, nisl mauris luctus diam, eget eleifend nunc massa ut dolor. Nunc consequat fringilla massa, vel consequat ex interdum et. Pellentesque risus neque, tincidunt vitae sodales a, placerat eu ex.

Tsunade Senju

Pellentesque accumsan, eros ac ultricies vehicula, enim orci hendrerit quam, at porttitor leo odio sit amet libero. Sed porta sem eu metus malesuada hendrerit. Sed at sapien ac diam vestibulum ultrices. In eget commodo lacus. Maecenas sed nisl quam. Donec pulvinar, nisi non rutrum cursus, nisl mauris luctus diam, eget eleifend nunc massa ut.

Saiko Hyuga

Pellentesque accumsan, eros ac ultricies vehicula, enim orci hendrerit quam, at porttitor leo odio sit amet libero. Sed porta sem eu metus malesuada hendrerit. Sed at sapien ac diam vestibulum ultrices. In eget commodo lacus. Maecenas sed nisl quam. Donec pulvinar, nisi non rutrum cursus, nisl mauris luctus diam, eget eleifend nunc massa ut.

Mayu Uchiha

Pellentesque accumsan, eros ac ultricies vehicula, enim orci hendrerit quam, at porttitor leo odio sit amet libero. Sed porta sem eu metus malesuada hendrerit. Sed at sapien ac diam vestibulum ultrices. In eget commodo lacus. Maecenas sed nisl quam. Donec pulvinar, nisi non rutrum cursus, nisl mauris luctus diam, eget eleifend nunc massa ut.


Pellentesque accumsan, eros ac ultricies vehicula, enim orci hendrerit quam, at porttitor leo odio sit amet libero. Sed porta sem eu metus malesuada hendrerit. Sed at sapien ac diam vestibulum ultrices. In eget commodo lacus. Maecenas sed nisl quam. Donec pulvinar, nisi non rutrum cursus, nisl mauris luctus diam, eget eleifend nunc massa ut.

Desi Uchiha

Pellentesque accumsan, eros ac ultricies vehicula, enim orci hendrerit quam, at porttitor leo odio sit amet libero. Sed porta sem eu metus malesuada hendrerit. Sed at sapien ac diam vestibulum ultrices. In eget commodo lacus. Maecenas sed nisl quam. Donec pulvinar, nisi non rutrum cursus, nisl mauris luctus diam, eget eleifend nunc massa ut.

Naruto Uzumaki

Pellentesque accumsan, eros ac ultricies vehicula, enim orci hendrerit quam, at porttitor leo odio sit amet libero. Sed porta sem eu metus malesuada hendrerit. Sed at sapien ac diam vestibulum ultrices. In eget commodo lacus. Maecenas sed nisl quam. Donec pulvinar, nisi non rutrum cursus, nisl mauris luctus diam, eget eleifend nunc massa ut.

   Heir of the Sanin's Friend Space
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𝓖𝓸𝓭𝓪𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓴𝓪𝓰�


Heir of the Sanin's Friends Comments
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🦊Fσхγ Mσɱɱą

Sep 13th 2022 - 8:18 PM

Hello there.
Allow me to introduce myself.
I write as Kushina Uzumaki.
Multi-para up to Novella.
I wish to say thank you for the add.
And I look forward to hearing from you and getting something going in the near future.
ꜱᴄᴀʟᴇᴅ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

Aug 25th 2022 - 9:20 AM

Of course here you go !

I never thought about it, that is a good question. 
She could get it just by going to her father but he don't like her much 
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