Savage Ɨ on - Savage Ɨ
It wasn't SOLDIER that made you strong kid--it was me. SOLDIER revealed you to be weak!

38 years old
Kameoka, Kyōto

Last Login:
April 18 2024

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x-mas  (1  photos)
x-mas album.
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    Savage Ɨ's Interests
Groups: Final Fantasy Underground,

     Savage Ɨ's Details
Status: Married
Orientation: Straight
Body type:Slim / Slender
Verses: Final Fantasy 7, Horror, Darker than Black, Getbackers
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Member Since:February 10, 2014

We made promises to one another underneath the cloudy sky that night. Promises are like vows they are meant to be honored. You would do well to remember that.

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A tale of two brothers (Rufus & Rikelus past)   (view more)

Rules  (view more)

History Blurb  (view more)

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   Savage Ɨ's Blurbs
About me:
FFVII Novella OC: Retired SOLDIER: Rank Commodore in ShinRa Naval Forces. Former Title Squad Captain: Ragnarok. Family: Half brother - Rufus ShinRa (Alive), Father - President ShinRa (deceased), Mother - Prof Raleigh (MIA), Taken by: Isireal
Who I'd like to meet:
(⊙.⊙(☉_☉)⊙.⊙) CAN'T EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH: There are div ids/classes, tables (table, tr, td) and img classes in this layout. Be VERY, VERY, VERY careful not to drop off any of the coding. ............................ IMAGES Dimensions are located in Like to Meet ............................ MUSIC PLAYER REPLACE MY MUSIC PLAYER WITH YOUR OWN. Read the cited note under the music player for additional instructions. ............................ FOR ROLEPLAYER.ME USERS: For the below text font classes and all of the headers (1, 2, 3, etc) and lyrics, please note the following: I code for ALL sites. Not every website will allow headers to be placed as

Header 1

. For that reason, I turn them into font classes with a period in front (.h1) in About Me and script them in the tables as I have done below. Header 1 If you are on a website like that allows regular header, underline, strong, etc coding, you can just use regular header coding for all of the header, lyric, special text labels like so:


Strike etc.. OR just leave them as they are. They will work for you either way. /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Don't forget to replace the XXXXX with your friend ID number. (>‿◠)✌ *****************************SAVE YOUR WORK AS YOU GO.******************************* DO NOT REMOVE THE .VICARIOUS MARKERS FROM ANY VICARIOUS LAYOUT. -----------------------------ABOUT ME-----------------------------
-----------------------------LIKE TO MEET------------------------- Image Dimensions //Body Background// The background image is 1920px width by 1080px height and scales depending on your monitor size. When replacing it, stick to the dimensions above and try to put in an image where the main scene is flush to the left of the screen as seen in the example of Lagertha. //Topper// Topper/Pic = width:50px; height:50px; //Left Side// Stats = width:300px; height:425px; The411/Pic = width:85px; height:85px; Class img1 (Vikings cast) = width:300px; height:200px; BAE/Pic (Ragnar) = width:100px; height:150px; //Right Side// Pers/Pic = width:225px; height:225px; Banner/Pic = width:500px; height:350px; Class img1 (Lagertha bottom pic) = width:500px; height:250px; Note: The banner quote is laid over the image and can be changed to whatever title/quote you choose. -----------------------------INTERESTS----------------------------

The above table code must remain at the top. FULL tables below can be rearranged.
Full Name: Rikelus J. Deverell (ShinRa)
Nicknames: Dev
Aliases: God of Discord
Date Of Birth: ERA 1980
Place Of Birth: Modeoheim
Current Residence: Midgar
Race: Corrupted Human
Ethnicity: Eastern
Hair Color: Azure
Eye Color: Crimson
Height: 6�4�
Weight: 225
Birthmarks/Scars: Tattoo � left shoulder
Mother: Professor Rayleigh
Father: President Winston ShinRa
Sister(S): step-sister: Faye Deverell (deceased)
Brother(S): half-brother: Rufus ShinRa
Other Family: Uncle: Gregory �Legendary Turk� Deverell
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Former SOLDIER, Former Captain of the ShinRa Naval Academy, Current: ShinRa Executive
Job Description: Manipulate the Masses
Employer: ShinRa Electric Power Company

These are standard statistical identifiers. Alter them to suit your character.

Verses Final Fantasy - Supernatural � Hannibal - Mythology
Writing Style Novella / Multi-para Everybody is in this life for themselves kid. Go Ahead and ask away.
Listen to my Story

All the people and friends that you have lost, and faded dreams are never truly gone. Life continues unabated--It evokes a sickle memory that seems to fade but never truly leaves you. Like in the busy streets of midgar with cars packed as the snow falls gently on a Feburary afternoon. We remember�

We remember the platforms that used to block the sun from the slums (destroyed by Meteor), and we remember ShinRa wiped from the face of the planet along with the rebuilding era. We remember new buildings springing forth from the cold ground with greater emphasis on freedom and choice. More importantly we remember an old decaying slum where poverty was eliminated and new neighborhoods were generated.

What we don�t remember from the history that we were told was Rikelus J. Deverell�s role in it.

Rikelus J. Deverell grew up the bastard son of President ShinRa and Professor Rayeligh. He was part of the infants who were experimented on with cellular tissue that ShinRa believed to be from the guiding light of knowlespole�only later would it be known that the calamity from the skies (Jenova) was not a Cetra. Infact, some of the science notes claim that many of the scientist�s minds betrayed them during those several months.

The President sent the boy away when he remarried and he was trained by the Legendary Turk. He adopted the Turk�s last name and the forgotten son returned home only to see it in disarray. Rikelus witnessed the first blast from the Sister Ray as it exterminated all life on a single island near Wutai. On that day nobody dare cross the city of Midgar or the ShinRa Electric Power Company. Growing up he found himself in constant competition with Sephiroth until one day they were shipped over to dispatch Wutai ground forces.

ShinRa was trying to buy the loyalty of the leaders of Wutai with materia. The shipments were raided by a thief�so we went looking for the stones which in turn were material as payment for their co-operation. In one year we never found anyone who traded with the thief�one day down by the river I saw a young girl playing with a piece of materia casting thunder spells. The thief had been discarding them at the mouth of the creek. I was very young in my military training and could not fathom the reasons behind the thief�s logic.

Why take them to just discard them? He saw it as good sport�the thing I began to understand about humans is some cannot be bought, bullied, reasoned, negotiated, or manipulated. Some humans are not looking for sex, love, money, or power; but, they simply just want to watch the world burn. That was when I learned a fundamental lesson the system had failed to teach me. SOLDIER didn�t make me strong it revealed me to be weak it was the orange haired Turk who had forged me into the person I was today.

Our whole lives are just stories.

I've pushed away anyone that I ever cared about and who could possibly love me. What's left for a SOLDIER of fortune other than the battlefield?

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat

�Let�s see if you�re more than a pretty face.�

Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.


Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.

The above table code must remain at the top. FULL tables below can be rearranged.
Rikelus Deverell
Traits: Input Info
Quirks: Input Info
Habits: Input Info

ENTJs are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. But unlike their Feeling (F) counterpart, ENTJs are characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they've set for themselves. Perhaps it is best that they make up only three percent of the population, lest they overwhelm the more timid and sensitive personality types that make up much of the rest of the world � but we have ENTJs to thank for many of the businesses and institutions we take for granted every day.

If there's anyone ENTJs respect, it's someone who is able to stand up to them intellectually, who is able to act with a precision and quality equal to their own. ENTJ personalities have a particular skill in recognizing the talents of others, and this helps in both their team-building efforts (since no one, no matter how brilliant, can do everything alone), and to keep ENTJs from displaying too much arrogance and condescension. However, they also have a particular skill in calling out others' failures with a chilling degree of insensitivity, and this is where ENTJs really start to run into trouble.

Dark shapes come to me at night. Monstrous forms. When I wake, they skulk in the shadows, shapeless, but no sooner am I asleep than they creep forward again.
You couldn�t kill me if you tried for a hundred years

Duis consectetur non neque consequat venenatis. Maecenas aliquet vehicula dui, ac venenatis augue hendrerit vel. Sed sit amet faucibus massa. Sed tempus rutrum accumsan. Integer a diam pulvinar, tempor nisl sed, porttitor est. Cras malesuada, dui ut porttitor aliquet, orci quam rhoncus mi, vel dapibus nulla leo vitae nisl. Phasellus ut fringilla velit. In dictum eros ut arcu laoreet, ac aliquam risus porta. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam ac dui nec arcu malesuada venenatis. Nunc malesuada sem ipsum, sit amet tincidunt tellus molestie sit amet. Nulla in elit libero. In sed gravida sapien. Vestibulum sed magna at tortor tincidunt euismod sed id eros. Phasellus sodales, risus vel aliquam dignissim, velit lacus tristique velit, vitae egestas eros sapien nec arcu. Proin blandit nulla augue, eu porta ligula varius ut. Nam lacinia in eros at volutpat. Fusce et sollicitudin enim. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce et faucibus libero, nec porttitor massa. Curabitur quis vulputate lectus, non venenatis erat. Integer nec enim magna. Sed lacinia neque id nisi sodales, sit amet sodales dolor accumsan. Aenean odio lectus, efficitur non magna sed, accumsan tempus leo. Sed convallis rutrum sagittis.

Cras eget nisl eu justo facilisis gravida ut vel neque. Donec dignissim nisi est, sit amet hendrerit nunc tempus sit amet. Morbi porta est ut hendrerit tempus. In vel est vitae neque tincidunt consequat. Suspendisse tempus ante suscipit turpis ullamcorper, vel fringilla augue convallis. Etiam ac laoreet metus. Sed pulvinar diam sit amet varius malesuada. Sed accumsan dolor vel quam fermentum ultricies. Nulla facilisi. Proin nec sagittis sapien. Fusce gravida, tortor a mattis imperdiet, tellus justo gravida lacus, at pulvinar leo turpis quis orci. Etiam et euismod sapien. Etiam in risus nisi.
I didn�t think that you were the kind of person I could coax with telling them what they already know of themselves to be an evident fact Bold Italic Emphasize Underline strike strong standout


Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.


Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.

**Important** You will note the line above starting with has been added in. When you switch players with one of your own, make sure to add that line to your music player code. While the code is not needed in this layout, it's best to get in the habit of adding it in. Firefox does not always properly hide a 'hidden' object without a code like the above.

   Savage Ɨ's Friend Space
Savage Ɨ has 28 friends.
Mr. President


Final Fantasy Underground

ᴍᴀᴋᴏ ᴘᴏɪꜱᴏɴᴇᴅ ᴄʟᴏᴜᴅ

𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣

Ancient Winds



Legen-Hold it-Dary


Savage Ɨ's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 10 comments (View All | Add Comment)

Apr 12th 2023 - 7:15 PM

I hope you are having a fantastic day!
If you have time and would like to talk about a possible starter let me know!

Mar 23rd 2022 - 1:45 AM

How are you doing?

Oct 20th 2020 - 5:31 PM

Hello, Hello.

Just Dropping by to check on you and make sure you are doing well.

How have you been?
I hope everything is going well on your side.

-Lady Crossheart.

Jul 31st 2020 - 8:33 PM

How are you doing, Savage?

Jun 26th 2019 - 9:01 PM

Hello, How are you doing?
I  hope you are doing well.
Just checking on you. ^^
--ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴʟʏ ᴀxɪs❀

Aug 8th 2017 - 2:48 PM

Hello newcomer, welcome to Besaid!
I am truly grateful you accepted my request.�I am new to the FF verse so I hope you can find it in your heart�to forgive me if I do seem un-knowledgeable in basic aspects of your character. I will try my best to learn!�I prefer to RP my Yuna after the events of X/X-2 were she is more confident and strong willed.��The fayth have also started dreaming again so she may switch to her summoner self if she desires.��Final Fantasy X/X-2 are my absolute favorites when it comes to the Final Fantasy series and I cantwait to create more life to these characters as well as to go beyond whats canon.Let's create new memories shall we? Let me know if you'd like to chat and discuss a potential storyline.��Anyhow! I also like to mention that my replies may be slow due to the responsibilities of my writer.�But I assure you that I like delivering quality responses!�I can't wait to RolePlay and Chat with you.
-a heavenly axis--YUNA
Mr. President

Sep 27th 2015 - 11:22 PM


Jul 21st 2015 - 1:38 PM


Thanks for the add. I hope to start a storyline or chat with you soon.

Gena Windstarr

Jun 20th 2015 - 2:45 AM

Hey hey, hows it going. Hope to rp soon.
Sweltering Blizzard

Jul 25th 2014 - 11:42 PM

Thanks for the add buddy.
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